Where Are You Now?

 Image result for universe without love?


This is not the universe I would have conceived of

No existence is worth it without love

Fallen to their deaths with a simple shove

Rather than landing gracefully like a dove,


 Image result for classic little Dutch Boy with a torn jacket paiting

Not the kind of life I would have had

I was such an impressionable lad

Spent a bit too much time feeling sad

No guarantees in life that are iron clad,

Image result for Otopuss's Garden in the sea 


No way to retrieve the past

Despite our memory nothing was meant to last

It seems the world is fading fast

I feel like seeking asylum in a sea so vast,

 Image result for estranged lovers leaving their man

Oh my estranged lovers, where are you now?

All hope seems gone, but for dreams somehow

Can’t remember the last time I took a solemn vow

No one left to sooth my fevered brow,


All of you with hearts cold as stone

Walking around with your little minds blown

Wishing you had a look alike clone

But for your life’s mistakes you’re accident prone,

Image result for shadow government 

The offices of government should be purged

For too long upon taxpayer’s money they’ve splurged

Rarely from the shadows do they emerge

As the panic and lawlessness surge,

 Image result for evil court jesters

I wish I were the perfect man

But I’m nothing more than a grain of sand

Driven by an invisible, unpredictable, hand

Dwelling in a realm where all logic is banned,

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Beauty, a fleeting glimpse to pursue

Sadly, I’ll probably never meet you

In a world that’s been rendered askew

Most people don’t even have a clue,

 Image result for isolation row

Here I sit in isolation row

Seems there’s no other place to go

Upon whom shall this honor I bestow?

And still I wonder for whom the bell tolls,

Image result for bell towers

Where are you now oh saving grace?

Oh, but for the scent of perfume and lace

For the fools consumed by the flesh chase

Awaiting on the smile of fate to touch my face.

 Image result for waiting for fate to touch my fce






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