Image result for waves of moon light

Sorry If I Seem Cynical


 Prismatic waves of lunar light on this moonlit night

Removing the sorrow from my sight

Like a child flying his beloved kite

Embrace me oh star studded universe with all your might,

See related image detail. Hades: The ancient Greek underworld Minecraft Map 

The spirit dance on the waters of confusion

In need of some kind of spiritual conclusion

Some die paralyzed by illusions

Excuse me if I don’t attend the communion,

Image result for event horizon 

No misty eyes on the event horizon

Beware of photo shoots with a bison

Explosive expectations by the megaton

Dark glasses for the light of a thousand suns,

Image result for spirit dance over the water 

Don’t take advice from the dark side

Some tragedies you can’t always take in stride

Batten down the hatches for a rough ride

All the fuel’s depleted we’ll just have to glide,

 Image result for lonely without love

Without love life’s journey seems pointless

Time to exorcise whatever demons you possess

Oh what I’d do for just a sweet caress

Learning to give while taking less,

 Image result for regrettable memories

All those regretful memories

 Wishing you could fling aside with such ease

That’s when self-awareness becomes a disease

Thought I just heard the rings of Saturn sneeze,

 Image result for Saturn Rings Pictures NASA

All of those that you loved and thought you knew

Seemed to fall by the wayside without a clue

Rolling in the wetness of the morning dew

Still trying to locate that lost submarine crew,

 Image result for the human zoo

How I agonized over seeing you

Just another lost cosmic rendezvous

When the magic of love is hidden from view

Don’t go seeking any clues when you enter the human zoo

 Image result for the word of others

I used to believe in the word of others

Like I could from father and mother

Nowadays the lies completely smother

Sorry If I seem cynical my brother,


It’s like falling downstairs

Is there anyone who really cares?

It seems tragedies come in pairs

Better wipe off that thousand yard stare.

Image result for falling donwstairs

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