I got an email from a gentleman that sends me anti-Obama propaganda in a never ending stream. He informed me that voting Obama out is our only hope. I told him to stop sending me the anti-Obama propaganda because it was not just anti-Obmama but pro-Republican and so he was promoting the agenda of the Twin Party system.
I hope you enjoy the following even though you don’t have all the emails. This is pretty self-explanitory about why voting for Romney is a waste of your time.
Dear sir:
You do promote the Republican Party. If you THINK you do not you are just wrong. This started because Charles asked you why you send us the pro-Republcian garbage.
My brother sends me the Republican propaganda about the Democrats and thinks he is just attacking the Democrats. The hidden agenda inside the anti-Democtratic party messages is this: “The Democrats are going to enslave you. Vote Republican or die.”
It is never to promote liberty. It never says: “The Democrats support the IRS and here is why that is evil.” The reason it does not is because the Republicans support the IRS too!
It never says: “The Democrats support the Civic Religion of Social Security and this it why it is evil.” The reason it does not is because the Republicans support the Civic Religion of Socilaism too!
Name a single important issue and it is the same. Even gun control. The Republicans say we must keep our right to bear arms but never complete the REAL reason by admitting that we needs our guns so that we CAN SHOOT THE PEOPLE THAT RUN THE GOVERNMENT and that is what the 2nd amendment is all about…not hunting.
The Republicans cry out: Look out! “Look out the Democratic Sky is falling.” And the Democrats scream out: “Look out! Look out the Republican Sky is falling.” And all the while they tunnel beneath you while you look up instead of paying attention to the shaking ground beneath you.
It is all propaganda that essentially says: “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Keep your eyes on the evil fire breathing (Republican or Democratic) dragon that will eat your children and enslave you.” It does this so that people will not see the chains that are being clamped upon them by the Twin Parties.
That is the same stuff you send to us. We already know the Democrats are slime and Marxists with a One World Agenda. But we also know that the Republicans are Corporatists/Fascists with a One World Agenda.
Send us solutions. That is what this group is SUPPOSED to be about. How can you fight for your individual liberty is what this group is all about. What battles are you in. What worked. What did not.
Preaching about what trouble we are in is just screaming fire in a crowded theater. It is NOT a solution. It fixes no problem. And voting is just throwing gasoline on that fire that we all know (or should know) is burning in our theater.
If you need someone to tell you that the Democratic party is full of subversives then you don’t have ears or eyes. If you need some one to document the Fascism/Corporatism in the Republican Party then you are blind and deaf.
Read the Communist Manifesto. Read Rousseau. Read Machiavelli. Read Trotsky and Lenin and Stalin and Hitler and what the Rothschilds have said repeatedly. Hell… READ THE BOOK OF MORMON. Read the Bible. They tell us what secret combinations are going to do us and then the evil combinations do it to us. It isn’t really even a secret except to those that are voluntarily ignorant. And people say that those of us that read the works of these evil men and tell them they are enslaved and not free at all are crazy conspiratorialists.
And you tell us you have proof that the Democratic party is full of subversives. Did you think it was a secret or something? Did you think you had some hidden secret that only you and a few others had discovered because some guy wrote about it and documented it for you? It is like telling us that you have proof that the guy with the automatic weapons and gas mask and bullet proof vet that is firing at us in the theater is dangerous to our health.
STOP telling us that if we don’t vote we have no right to bitch. STOP telling us how important this election is. It is not important and NOTHING will change if Obama is removed and the Bankers’ puppet named Romney is installed. The powers that at be have left us with Twin choices. You can vote for Democratic Slavery or Republican Slavery. You can vote for a Marxist that is the tool of the Super Capitalists or you can vote for a Corporatist/Fascist that is the tool of the super-Capitalists. The Rothschilds PAID for the publication of the Communist Manifesto. They OWN both side of the political fence. They built that fence of illusion to make people think that the two sides were different. The whole process is a lie today. The Bankers OWN the voting booths.
It is like so called fossil fuels. Rockefeller paid scientists gave us that lie to repeatedly tell us we were going to run out of oil when the truth is that the earth makes oil like the human body makes oil. And yet people are so willfully ignorant that they still believe it. Lies like this are everywhere and considered to be facts.
Do you not understand that if you do not vote for the man they have already picked then the Electronic Voting Machines will fix that for you.
The Super-rich decided long ago that voting and electing people was far to important to be left to people like you and I.
We cannot defeat them at the ballot box. We cannot beat them at the soap box because they own the media and the schools (10th plank of the Communist Manifesto). We cannot beat them with the cartridge box because they have the bigger weapons. We can beat them by refusing to submit. Free men make their vote everyday by refusing to be good little socialists. Slaves make their vote twice every two years and that is if they vote in a primary.