Rand Paul is Filibustering on the Senate floor. 1 hour and counting. Translation: He’s not going to shut up. Drones, Bill of Rights, Spying, etc.

Watch it live here: http://www.c-span.org/Live-Video/C-SPAN2/

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lol..the guy just keeps going....& going....& going ;)


Rand Paul filibusters Brennan nomination for CIA director

Sen. Rand Paul took to the floor of the U.S. Senate just before noon Wednesday and vowed to stay there “at length” in order to filibuster John O. Brennan, whom President Obama has nominated to be the next CIAdirector.

Mr. Paul, Kentucky Republican, has said he will hold up the nomination until he gets more information about the U.S. drone execution program, which has become a major sore point for many lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“I will speak today until the president responds and says, ‘No, we won’t kill Americans in cafes. No, we won’t kill you at home at night,’” Mr. Paulsaid early on in the filibuster, which began at 11:47 a.m. and by early afternoon showed no signs of slowing down.

Speaking from his corner deskMr. Paul, in red tie and gray suit and with a glass of ice water at the reach, spoke about political history and the origins of key constitutional precepts.

He was armed with binders full of information but rarely glanced at them as he rattled off important Supreme Court cases and names of lawyers involved in landmark race relations lawsuits.

The old-style, hold-the-floor filibuster is likely to heighten attention on Mr.Paul, who is thought to be mulling a presidential bid in 2016.

He has staked out a stance as a defender of constitutional rights and has not been shy about demanding votes on his priorities. But the single-handed filibuster is a more dramatic tactic, and he is using it to force attention to his opposition to the U.S. drone program.

Just hours before Mr. Paul began his filibuster, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. testified to a Senate committee that he believed it would be illegal for the government to kill an American who was not actively engaged in an imminent threat to security.

But he could not rule out the use of drones on American soil altogether, saying only that he doubted it would happen because it’s easier to capture people here.

The U.S. extrajudicial execution program has come under increasing scrutiny this year after some of the administration’s legal justification for the executions — most often carried out by drone strikes on targets overseas — leaked to the press.

Members of both parties on Capitol Hill have raised concerns about the program, which started under President George W. Bush and which Mr. Obama has greatly expanded.

Mr. Holder told the Senate Judiciary Committee that Mr. Obama will deliver a speech in the near future laying out the issues at stake and asking for a public debate on the underlying principles.

Mr. Holder also said, though, that he is not sure Congress could ban the president from using drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil.

He said that would likely run afoul of the Constitution’s grant of powers to the president in Article II.

Mr. Paul described the legal situation as one in which one person — the president — holds the power to be the accuser, the judge and the executioner, since terrorist-designation proceedings are all contained within the executive branch and done generally in secret.

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Good stuff, was watching all day I was hoping he would pull an all nighter!

He earned points with me today.

Rand and Ron are the closest thing to the constitution as you're gonna get in this government. If Rand runs in 2016, we have to rally behind the message and exhaust ourselves spreading it or we're f*c#in dead. Point blank, I'll tell ya like that.

The White House will not comment on Rand Paul's ongoing filibuster on the Senate floor of President Obama's nominee to be the next CIA director. Imagine that....lol

BUT!!! Tonight, President Obama took a group of Republican senators to dinner at the Jefferson Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. Obama, the White House says, picked up the tab.

The guest's at Obama's dinner included:

Senator Lindsey Graham 
Senator Bob Corker 
Senator Kelly Ayotte 
Senator John McCain 
Senator Dan Coats 
Senator Tom Coburn 
Senator Richard Burr 
Senator Mike Johanns 
Senator Pat Toomey 
Senator Ron Johnson 
Senator John Hoeven 
Senator Saxby Chambliss

An anonymous White House aide told the pooler, “The President greatly enjoyed the dinner and had a good exchange of ideas with the Senators.”

I stopped reading at Lindsey Graham.

Rand Paul filibuster blasted by John McCain, Lindsey Graham


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