With so much of the population on medication,flouride,aspartame perservatives etc.it is amazing people can still function. We have become smiling depressives who enjoy their servitude.There is no resistence and protest. It is scary to think Americans have been conquered and subdued without a shot being fired. Weve been systematically numbed of reality and RWP (Real World Problems).
We accept things that we shouldn't, We eat things we know for a fact are bad for us, We have let the Government take control of things that we shouldn't have. What are we going to do??
Sit back and wait? And if so, Then what?
We need to stand up for what's left of our Constitutional pride, before we no longer have anything to stand for.. Think about our family and friends, our children, are neighbors children.
It isn't going to much matter if your a prepper or a survivalist etc, if we don't have connections with others that think alike. We need to come together, talk, plan, decide... on what we would or could do if the SHTF.. We need to network. Share our ideas with one another. Even meet with others in our own areas.. It's not going to do much good if we dont. We can band together if it comes to that. Pull resources together, and tallents and skills.
yep...my plan too....there will be shloads of guns & ammo and explosives laying around the bodies of the idiots who thought they were going to be elitists. Should be able to stockpile a nice cache in about 48 hours ;)
And lots of paper US $ which will be useful to start fires with.
(people often overrate the use of US $ as a medium to wipe their asses with, but I don't recommend that.)
It's very abrasive & taints your asshole with a subtle green tint.
makes ur bunghole smell like a Bernanke Bung too ;)
You may not have long to wait. North Korea has threatened to strike the CONUS and they may well be able to do it. http://www.conservativerefocus.com/blog5.php/2013/03/07/north-korea...
Surely you don't believe that. North Korea is owned lock,stock and barrel by China. It is used to keep America and Japan off balance. The North Koreans are mere puppets.
That is precisely WHY I believe that. China has spent billions of worthless US dollars building her infrastructure, including vast underground cities, as has Russia. China and Russia are both hoarding gold and plan to float a BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China South Africa) gold-backed currency to challenge the dollar. Already both are using gold to buy oil from Iran. Further, both China and Russia have made aggressive responses to the United States over the last few months. Chinese aircraft invaded Japan's air space, and we have a mutual defense treaty with Japan. Russia sent bombers carrying nuclear weapons into Guam air space, and Guam is a US territory. Both countries are well equipped to survive a thermonuclear war, better than any other time in their existence. If North Korea launches missiles at the US West Coast, coupled with a full-fledged conventional attack on Seoul, they could kill the 40,000 US troops and nearly 10,000,000 people around Seoul in as little as 24 hours. I take this VERY seriously.
First we need to know the American psyche. Not yesterday, but today. How strong is it? Can it be compared to the Bolshevik psyche which was a small minority, but won out against a vast majority? And then, is there a Stalin lurking in the shadows? I'm assuming that today's American psyche is soft. Unable to withstand subzero weather in a snow-covered cave with explosives and assault rifles against tanks, artillery, bombings, napalm, etc.
Back to planning. Do all of you have all the ammo you need? The last time I bought 9MM it was about $10-$12 for a box of 50, Federal American Eagle. A friend just bought a new 9mm (new caliber for her) and all she could find is two boxes of the same for $25/box. (Yes, if it comes down to it, you can pick it up. But you'll have to leave cover to do it.)
I bought several hundred rounds for every weapon I own about a year ago. They used to call silver the "poor man's gold;" well, I call "lead," the "poor man's silver." I figure this will replace the dollar for a lot of purchases.
Very true!! And what a barter item too right?
I know it has became a little more difficult around here to find ammo, there are still several places that are in decent stock. We buy a few boxs here and there when we find it. Brian has always had a good stock in supply for years. Doing the normal rotation of ammo as it gets older.
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