Skagit River Bridge Collapse: Interstate 5 Span In Washington State Falls Into The Water (PHOTOS)

From The Huff&Blow Post:

The Interstate 5 Bridge over the Skagit River in Washington state collapsed around 7 p.m. on Thursday, dumping cars and people into the water, KIRO-TV reported.

According to the Trooper Mark Francis, public information officer for the Washington State Patrol, both north and southbound lanes of the interstate were affected.

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At least three cars were on the span when it fell into the river. Rescue teams are currently searching the water for survivors.

Several people have been spotted sitting on their submerged cars, waiting for help. First responders have already pulled one man off the roof of his vehicle, prompting nearby eyewitnesses to applaud, The Skagit Valley Herald reported.

There was no immediate word on injuries. Cause of the collapse is unknown at this time.

Drivers are being advised to avoid the area. The freeway has also been closed, Northwest Cable News reported.

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The 1,111-ft. Skagit River Bridge is located between Burlington and Mt. Vernon, about 60 miles north of Seattle. Built in 1955, notes that the four-lane structure sees an average daily traffic of about 71,000.

Bart Treece with the Washington State Department of Transportation told KOMO News that he was unsure when the bridge was last inspected.

"All of our bridges in the area are pretty old," he said.

One in nine of the nation's bridges has been rated as structurally deficient, the American Society of Civil Engineers 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure reported. The Seattle chapter of the ASCE awarded the state's bridges a C- grade.

The Federal Highway Administration estimates that it would cost $20.5 billion a year to eliminate the country's bridge deficient backlog by 2028.


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coming to a town near you, collapse

your infrastructure tax dollars @ work!!!!



This is bad!

Here is what is sad about this collapse..... the river its on, is the largest mating, nesting, feeding place in the country for bald and brown eagles.   Its awesome.  I rafted the river during mating season in the Spring and it was unreal to see these magnificient creatures, courting, feeding off the salmon runs coming up the river, fishing,  unbelievable.  Its a must see event just to sit in awe of these creatures in those numbers at the same time.   I loved it.  Seattle or northern washington state is as state that has an abundance of wild life and nature in most of that state.  Moutains, shoreline, islands, etc.  I lived there for 14 years and truly enjoyed it.  I just hated the lack of sun in most of the year.  Best sun time is between august and October.  Go then and its breath taking to see and be in that part of the country.

How much does the drone cost, and how many of them are there?

A Reaper drone costs $28 million; on
e Hellfire missile (Lockheed Martin/Raytheon) costs about $70,000;
one Paveway bomb (Lockheed Martin/Raytheon) about $20,000. The total cost of one weapons load for a
four Hellfire/ two Paveway
is at least $320,000, a third of a million dollars.
US taxpayers will have invested about $11.8 billion in Reapers over the life of its program, which began in
2001 and will extend for at least several more years. The 2012 Department of Defense budget sets aside
$1.069 billion for Reapers. The Air Force
is believed to have about 60 Reapers with plans to build a total
of about 330.
.... It is just a question of priorities

what ya saying here???.... a drone took it out???

Sounds like they are preparing and planning for perpetual war.  Well, I guess they told us that back when they did the bogus 9-11 fiasco when Bush said the war on terror is going to be a long war.   I know how to shorten it big time????  Kick all the terrorists out of key positions in the WhiteHouse, Intel, Congress, and shut down Homeland Security, and kick all the foreign infiltrators out of the rest of our country, send them back to Israel and right after that do the same to their dual neocon/neolib supporters and the war will be over and won. 

Would it work?  Well, it did in Argentina and in Iceland, so I say yes, all we have to do is demand it from our elected officials and if they refuse, recall every last one of them.  Iceland did that and cleaned house both inside and out.  LOL Both are in recovery because of their courage to take on the issue and run with it.


More folk are waking up to who the ACTUAL terrorists are, that sentence "The Incompetent One" made on 9/11 was a trick question...

"You are either with us, or you are with the Terrorists"

I'm confused ya mental neo-con pricks ARE the Terrorists, so I guess we're with you Terrorists then????

Your right about the mental midgets, but do not sell them short.  There are "neocons" for sure, but there are also "NEOLIBS" big time.  They hide behind the parties and use them for distraction and to keep us divided, right against left, and vice versa.  Its an ancient strategy that works for them.  If these neocons/libs are the terrorists, then we are NOT WITH THEM  and will do to them what all their legislation says we can do.  Wasn't it nice of them to set this all up for us in advance???  LOL

1.  We can arrest them and hold them indefinitely without due process.

2.  we can assassinate them as Americans without a trial

3.  We can confiscate all their assets and that is a debt curing option, since Rothschild, the biggest of all the terrorists, is worth trillions.  Think about how nice that would be.  Poof, all debt instantly gone.  Rockefeller the same. 

Well, there is more, but you get the idea.  We can actually do all this legally if we believe them when they say its legal to do.  WE have more than enough proof, but according to all the laws they passed like the patriot act, the security enhancement act, the various EO's that violate our Bill of Rights, applies to them because they are terrorists.  We even have proof of it.  Paulson threatened congress if they did not pass the TARP bill, by saying they (the administration) would declare martial law.  That is classic definition of terrorism. 

I can hardly wait. 

was talkin about the assclown baby Bush...not his puppeteers ;)


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