Adam Kokesh update: Could be charged with armed sedition says sheriff's deputy, being kept in cold, ant infested solitary confinement with no bedding and lights kept always on says Dad. [includes pics

Will Adam Face Charges of Armed Sedition?

Adam Kokesh Here are some news updates for Adam Kokesh for July 11, 2013. I will keep this post updated with any further news that comes out today.

  • Adam was forcibly arraigned very early this morning. He is being held without bail pending a probable cause hearing. Early this morning, he was dragged barefoot in shorts out of the cage they put him in and carted to the arraignment in a wheelchair. He did not participate in the arraignment because he has been denied access to a lawyer.
  • Adam was able to make a call to his father. His father thinks that Adam may not be allowed to make another call anytime soon.
  • Adam wants a lawyer. He has requested access to a lawyer constantly since being caged. He refuses to go to court without a lawyer. Adam’s manager, Lucas Jewell, is working on getting him trusted counsel ASAP.
  • Adam is being held in solitary confinement in a 6.5′ x 7.5′ cage without bedding. He was kidnapped while wearing shorts and has not been given proper clothing to protect him from the frigid temperatures that have become standard operating procedure in America’s prisons.
  • Adam reports via his father that the cage he has been locked into is infested with ants. Furthermore, the lights are kept on by the guards 24 hours per day without any break for rest.
  • A public defender is expected to be appointed at 3PM Eastern today. 3:20PM EDT Update: I spoke with the public defender’s office and they still have not received the paperwork from the court that is required before appointing a public defender. One will not be appointed today (11 Jul 2013).
  • Adam’s phone call to his father was monitored by a sheriff’s deputy standing right next to him as he spoke with his father.
  • During the attack on his home Tuesday evening, the flashbang (stun grenade) deployed by militarized US Park Police exploded right in front of Adam. He reports that he has yet to receive any medical care inside the prison.
  • During the attack, Adam reports that the Park Police covered his chest with laser-sight red dots even when he had his hands up.
  • A sheriff’s deputy informed Adam that charges of illegal transportation of a firearm, sedition and armed sedition are being considered against him, presumably by federal prosecutors. (Oxford defines sedition as “conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.”
  • Eyewitnesses to the attack on Adam and his companions Tuesday night report that US Park Police brought large brown paper evidence bags in with them before their search that appeared to be full. There is a concern that they planted evidence.
  • ABC: Adam Kokesh arraigned on drug charges
  • CBS: Adam Kokesh Handcuffed, Silent In Court; Ordered Held Without Bond
  • WTOP: Veteran, activist Adam Kokesh held without bond
  • Houston Free Thinkers (video): Post-Adam-Kokesh House Raid Interview with Lucas Jewell

Here are copies of the Virginia arrest warrants. Case numbers GC13152459 and GC13152461.

Here is some public information about the charges against Adam.

Here are some photos of the aftermath of the attack at Adam’s home.

I will keep this page updated as new information comes along.

On the action front, I have prepared a press release for national distribution that should go out tomorrow morning.

Adam’s business team is working hard to support Adam in every possible way.

We need YOU to continue calling the decisionmakers in Virginia and to stand by for further information and action requests. This stuff is scary but we must have the courage and find the determination to never lose hope and to continue working towards our shared vision of freedom and justice, a vision that Adam Kokesh works for and adeptly represents.

George Donnelly (215) 360-3513

This entry was posted in News on July 11, 2013.

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I see you have no problem picking on the handicapped, hypocrite.  No, it is spine damage, but I still have enough spine to whip most pussies.

Last comment Robert, as I have already given you more of my time than it's worth.

I am sorry for your injuries, truly!

But, just because you blame your sister, hold a grudge against women, or it makes you feel tough,?  Man up!  Want to whip pussies, you might run into a Dick!

Don't hide behind your injury now.

No Sir, not a hypocrite at all. I'm an equal opportunity commenter.

Best regards

I have nothing against women; I have enough respect for them to know how dangerous they can be.  NOBODY should start a fight he or she is not willing to finish, to whatever level it takes.

NOW you accuse me of "hiding behind my injury".  I brought up NOTHING about myself until Tara personally attacked me and I responded in kind.  Then, YOU decided to step in an respond to my attack on her.  I mind my own business, as I have seen every size and gender of person bully another.

The worst beating I ever took came from a five year old girl, who danced on my ribs while I was playing with her and her sister.  She didn't know better and meant no harm, so I did nothing more than kindly let her know to be careful before she hurt someone, including herself.  I walked around with bruised ribs for a month.

You took a cheap shot, when I confided my condition.  I figure that makes you more an equal opportunity character assassin.  Agree with Adam or not, you and Tara have no right to personally attack someone without provocation just because you disagree with their position.

As for Adam, he had a picture released from his jail showing him grinning broadly.  I figure he won this round is a lot more free than any of us.

So u like to whip on the weak " or what u call pussies" HOPE TO MEET U SOMEDAY, big boy
Robert quotes "I hope you, your fellow "Oath Keepers" and other "sunshine soldiers" enjoy your stay at Camp FEMA."

What a shame to hope such a thing of your fellow countrymen that love Liberty and the constitution. Seems like to me you have done been through the reeducation camp " brought to you by ,camp FEMA"

I smell something fishy here. Adam, allegedly (not by the Commonwealth Of Virgina), loaded a full length shotgun in "Freedom Plaza" early on the morning of July 4th, 2013. All 4 of those photos of Official documents clearly state the offense occurred on or about 07/09/2013, 100+/- hours sounds pretty liberal even for "on or about" to me. I don't see how this arrest was directly related to the YouTube video he published on July 4th, 2013. Where was Adam on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013 and who was with him? Robert Freeman? 

Thoughts On Police Raid On Adam Kokesh by Stewart Rhodes of Oath Ke...

The U.S. government is playing with fire. This is yet another example of police using unnecessary military assault tactics on a suspect to merely serve a warrant, that vastly increase the chances of someone being killed or severely injured. There was no hostage. This was not a case of a barricaded suspect who refused to come out. This was just an arrest. One mistake, one perceived false move by anyone who happens to be in the home, and they are shot.


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