Turmeric for Triple Action Against Cancers, for Healthy Heart, Lungs, Brain, Skin, Breasts, Pain Relief plus more

The Healing Powers of Turmeric

We are all susceptible to a low immune system, which can be brought on by stress, anxiety, a hectic lifestyle, not eating the right foods or maybe just a change in weather. Turmeric is known for its important healing properties.

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities protect the liver from toxins.

Turmeric lowers cholesterol, and treats aching and swollen joints.

Turmeric improves protein digestion.

Turmeric dissolves gallstones, increases flexibility, and soothes the nervous system. A wise spice to include in your daily meal planning!

One of the most beneficial aspects of Turmeric is to improve complexion. While supporting the healing of acne, wounds, skin cancer and more, Turmeric purifies and nourishes the blood and skin. It has the ability to cleanse, build and move blood like no other herb, making it especially valuable to support the skin, liver and the female reproductive system.

Turmeric protects your liver from toxins, pathogens and excessive cholesterol and helps to detoxify and rejuvenate it.

As an anti-oxidant, Turmeric protects the lungs from pollution and toxins.

It increases the oxygen transfer from the lungs to the blood and is a good choice for bronchitis and other pulmonary infections, especially when taken with fresh garlic. 

It serves in accidents ranging from cuts to concussions. For any trauma this rhizome accelerates healing and minimizes damage.

Turmeric stops bleeding, heals tissue, is a strong anti-inflammatory and is a broad spectrum anti-microbial capable of stopping bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

Turmeric and Cancer

Turmeric has a triple action against cancer: it helps to neutralizes those substances and conditions which can cause cancer; it has over ten powerful anti-oxidants that directly help a cell retain its integrity if threatened by carcinogens; and if a tumor does grow, it can often eradicate it.

Even if one were using allopathic medicine to treat cancer, they can still use Turmeric to increase the effectiveness and decrease some of the side effects of cancer treatments. 

Turmeric is especially recommended to treat and prevent CANCERS OF THE SKIN, BREAST, and UTERINE CANCER.


Turmeric must be cooked or mixed with raw unfiltered honey for its numerous healing properties to be released. Taking it in capsules is not very effective at all.


Turmeric is a real power house for the immune system.

Mix equal parts turmeric powder with raw, unfiltered honey.  Eat by the spoonful as needed to relieve symptoms, or to keep viruses at bay. Take 1 spoonful daily for cold and flu prevention.

Turmeric Paste for Golden Milk

In a saucepan place enough turmeric powder to cover the bottom and add about 1/3 cup water. Bring to a boil and continue to simmer until a relatively dry, thick paste forms (about 10 minutes). This paste keeps in the fridge up to 40 days.Simply add some paste to taste as you warm up a cup of milk in a saucepan, you can also add a pinch of cardamom powder for a sweeter taste. If using cow milk, bring to just to the boiling point, then remove from heat immediately. Sweeten with honey, maple syrup or agave if desired. A tablespoon of raw almond oil will greatly increase the healing benefits of this yogic beverage. This cooked turmeric paste can be added to shakes, or pretty much any dish you can think of.



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Changing diet first:


Heart attacks are the most common cause of death in the U.S and arguably, the most preventable. The male consumer of meat in the U.S. has a 50% risk of a heart attack in his life time as opposed to 15% for the male non-meat eater. Reducing intake of animal products greatly reduces this risk and eliminating animal products reduces this risk by 90%. [14]


(Indian knowledge) Those who eat flesh are far more likely to contract cancer than those following a vegetarian diet. The risk of contracting breast cancer is 3.8 times greater for women who eat meat daily compared to less than once a week; 2.8 times greater for women who eat eggs daily compared to once a week; and 3.25 greater for women who eat processed butter and cheese two to four times a week as compared to once a week.

Not mainstreamer - Thanks for the additional info - I have known for some time that the AMA was created by the Rockefellers.  That should tell us everything we need to know just by that fact alone.  The diet we consume has "everything" to do with how well or how sick we are.  Look at "Orthomolecular Nutrition" - I think you will find it very interesting.  I was very sick until I changed my diet per the advice from my Doctor at Orthomolecular Nutrition.

Thank you 14300

Linus Pauling

However, his promotion of orthomolecular medicine, megavitamin therapy, dietary supplements, and vitamin C have been criticized, with Paul Offit stating that Pauling "was arguably the world's greatest quack" for his assertions about dietary supplements,[9] and the medical establishment concluding that his claims that vitamin C could prevent colds or treat cancer were quackery.[4][10]...

In 1946, he joined the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, chaired by Albert Einstein.[65] Its mission was to warn the public of the dangers associated with the development of nuclear weapons. His political activism prompted the U.S. State Department to deny him a passport in 1952, when he was invited to speak at a scientific conference in London.[66][67]

Almost prophetic. With that type of credentials one cannot stop liking him

Indeed - Linus Pauling was one of my heroes but his colleague Dr. Abram Hoffer was the one who pioneered megadoses of B Vitamins - treating dementia, schizophrenia, psychosis, depression, and so on.  Dr. Abram Hoffer was my doctor who I credit with saving my life because I had "food allergies" and no other doctor knew how to diagnose or treat them.  He did so by changing my diet and ordering megadoses of Zinc, Niacinimide, B6 and of course the great detoxifier Vitamin "C".   I have to watch my diet forever but with the vitamins and correct diet I have stayed healthy.  I have referred numerous people to him and his Orthomolecular Nutrition program with great success for all concerned.

Remember our history books that spoke of a disease called "scurvy" and "rickets" - both of these are caused by a deficiency of Vitamin "C".  Since the Codex Alimentarius was created by the Illuminati to restrict our vitamin intakes - the World Health Org. has declared that the RDA (required daily allowance) of Vit. C has now been lowered to a "hair" above scurvy levels and rickets are now being seen and diagnosed - not since the early 1920s-1930s.  Their bare bones vitamin deficiency program will cut back all RDAs and there will be very little nutrition in almost all vitamins after they get through with them.  Stock up now.  Most vitamins will last 3-4 years.  The other thing I heard was that we would only be able to get vitamins by prescription from our Doctors and that what we would receive from the prescription would be the lowest RDA possible.  The Illuminati are activly trying to make us weak and sick - no surprise eh!

Exactly, vitamines are easy to stock. We can even eat (free) tree ashes for getting minerals (is good for teeth brushing too) - besides (free) kelp. In case of vegetarian diet B12 vitamines is a necessity. Virgin olive oil is a fine energy source. I am going to test out this affordable herbal tea.

With Fukushima poisoning our ocean water where kelp grows - I would not want to eat any kelp - unless you want "glow in the dark eyes".  8-)

What is good against radiation?

Pectin-Rich Foods - Pectin is a structural polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants and fruits. According to "Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs and Vitamins," pectin has the ability to bind radioactive residues and remove them from the body.

Chlorophyll-Rich Foods - Chlorophyll has been called the "green blood of plants" because of its similar structure to hemoglobin. Chlorophyll is used by plants to convert sunlight into energy and contains many healthy nutrients, including antioxidants that can scavenge free-radicals.

Seaweeds - According to a 1964 McGill University study published in the "Canadian Medical Association Journal," sodium alginate from kelp reduced radioactive strontium absorption in the intestines by 50 to 80 percent. The sodium alginate allowed calcium to be absorbed through the intestinal wall while binding most of the strontium, which was excreted out of the body.


Pharm Grade Iodine ;)

Hollyweed - IOSAT tablets are also available from most of the survival stores and gun shows. This is the same kind of Iodine but made in small pill form to be taken against radiation poisoning.  They are not expensive either and an excellent addition to any survival backpack.

Yes - I used to love dried seaweed.  Nori was my favorite, along with Kombu and Dulse.  As I said before I am afraid to eat it now with the high levels of radioactive poisons in our oceans from Fukushima.

Mercury poisoning was long around before Fukushima. If mercury wasn't enough, now we have radiation.

(take fish oil capsules)


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