Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Feds

PHOTO: Federal agents clash with armed protestors over a ranchers 20-year tax fight.

A Nevada cattle rancher appears to have won his week-long battle with the federal government over a controversial cattle roundup that had led to the arrest of several protesters.

Cliven Bundy went head to head with the Bureau of Land Management over the removal of hundreds of his cattle from federal land, where the government said they were grazing illegally.

Bundy claims his herd of roughly 900 cattle have grazed on the land along the riverbed near Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, since 1870 and threatened a "range war" against the BLM on the Bundy Ranch website after one of his sons was arrested while protesting the removal of the cattle.

"I have no contract with the United States government," Bundy said. "I was paying grazing fees for management and that's what BLM was supposed to be, land managers and they were managing my ranch out of business, so I refused to pay."

The federal government had countered that Bundy "owes the American people in excess of $1 million " in unpaid grazing fees and "refuses to abide by the law of land, despite many opportunities over the last 20 years to do so."

However, today the BLM said it would not enforce a court order to remove the cattle and was pulling out of the area.

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Victory for Bundy and Freedom!

Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie made an announcement moments ago and ordered BLM off the Bundy land. People from around the country that traveled to Nevada in support of states rights and property rights are rejoicing at the end to this federal land grab and overreach. It looks like the one person who has the authority to tell BLM to leave the premises and cease operations has done so.

NOTE: TPNN’s Greg Campbell is at the Bundy Ranch and will be updating this story, including pictures and videos, soon. Stay tuned!

I would not pop the champagne corks just yet. As soon as the crowds leave the Bundy Ranch the BLM might just swoop in as quick as they can to kick him off, so We The People have to be the new Minutemen, ready to move in an instant to the defense of our fellow Americans threatened by the illegitimate and unconstitutional regime in Washington DC.

The good news is that the interview with one of the BLM Rangers, who admitted feeling ashamed over what he was being ordered to do, revealed that the government's stooges have little stomach to enforce the unconstitutional "laws" decreed by DC against an armed populace. And if it works at the Bundy Ranch, it can work at the local military recruiting offices, Obamacare facilities, and tax offices! In that context, this is a victory for We The People.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- Thomas Jefferson
The tyrant's face is revealed. Arm yourselves!

Beware the fargin sneaky bastiches!!!

The REAL reason they want those cows is to study them on how those 900 head have lived for 144

..900 cattle have grazed on the land along the riverbed near Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, since 1870

Did these patriots win the battle, or did they win the war???...Stay tuned kiddies ;)

I commend the Bundy Family AND ALL the patriots, militia's and concerned American's showing up for not rolling over into the Corporate gears of the Tyranny machine, gives others hope and proofs that We, The People can & shall Prevail!!

lol...this clown never ceases to amaze me, look who's taking credit for this already.....makes ya wanna go jig him in the neck couple times...

Feds Back Down From Bundy Siege After Infowars Exposé of Chinese La...

Yeah, that is a tad pathetic.  A dinky little story on that website is going to scare the feds away...umm, no.

I abhor Alex Jones but I must give credit where credit is due. It does appear (to me anyway) that these two events may have been causally connected. Pointing this out to readers is within the pale.

blowhard just taking more undeserved credit, love the way he assumes shit...fak that fat sweaty fear monger bastiche ;)

So uplifting. After hearing depressing, demoralizing & overbearing news day after day, it's nice to be reminded that we CAN beat these evil mother fuckers if we wake-up & stand-up.

A lot of bloodthirsty Oath-Breaking, government snipers are gonna be wanking off their frustration to snuff films tonight.

Liberty burgers for everyone!

Actually I propose that all those cattle that were taken hostage by the criminal Nazi feds, be pardoned & allowed to live out their natural lives, free to graze, as a tribute to their role in this momentous victory for We The People. They earned it.


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