When searching for "Robert Morse" (ND) there is no entry. How is that possible, unless Wikipedia is censoring? (here trying to keep people in the dark about this exceptional medical thinker - very critical about conventional medicine)
Robert Morse ND has been active lecturing for 42 year and has authored many books
"God's Herbs" by Dr. Morse
Robert Morse, ND, DSc, ID, MH, is the founder of God's Herbs in Port Charlotte, Florida. He has lectured and taught in the natural health sciences throughout the world for the past 42 years and has authored many books on health and spirituality. He has appeared on numerous television news programs and international documentaries presenting, case studies, and education on detoxification and cellular regeneration.
Dr. Morse holds a Doctorate of Science in Biochemistry and a Doctorate of Naturopathy from Brantridge Forest School in Sussex, England. He is a master herbalist with degrees from many institutes. Dr. Morse is a member of The International Association of Naprapathic Physicians, the American Naturopathic Medical Association, and a Board Certified Naturopath by The Board of Examiners of the American Naturopathic Medical Certification & Accreditation Board, Inc. Dr. Morse is an honorary member of (ASPEMT) Associacao Professional dos Especialistas DA Medicina Tradicional (Portugal). Dr. Morse was given an honorary degree from the Medical Association of Portugal for his professional work in tissue regeneration. He also holds certificates from Iridologists International and was awarded the Certificate of Excellence in iridology, nutrition, and holistic healing, personally presented to him by his friend, pioneering nutritionist, and father of modern iridology, the late Dr. Bernard Jensen. To get in touch with Dr. Morse or for more information about his seminars go to his website www.drmorsesherbalhealthclub.com
You found reference to retinal chips in the Vulgate?
Dude, lay off the pixie dust.
Bill JUST, is it? Why have you not ask for the text where the description can be found instead of implying I am snorting lines of whatever the he11 pixie dust is? And it is the Latin Vulgate, printed over 200 years ago, and contains dozens of books that have been removed since. I will not waste precious time and energy posting the verses in your language, then translating them back into latin unless you (or anther poster) with true interest proves themselves not to be a mere cointel trolls, and most importantly intelligent enough to analytically and critically comprehend the text.
And it's Ma'am, if you will.
Whenever claiming that some assertion is supported by scripture, it is customary to cite the location where the supporting scripture(s) can be found.The reason I didn't ask for the citation(s) from you is because I figured that if you knew where to find them, you'd have told us in the initial posting. That is the path of integrity.
So let me make this easy for you: the Bible nowhere mentions retinal chips. If you can show me to be wrong, here's your chance.
I've enjoyed reading the apocrypha and even a few of the pseudepigrapha, some of which appears in the Vulgate, but it would appear that even the shorter Protestant canon tells the complete story leading to the vindication of God's right to rule.
The Book of Adam and Eve,in particular, enlarges an understanding of Satan (shaitan means, when plainly stated, "adversary") and his motivations at the risk of painting him as simply Yahweh's' bad side. (The eternal conflict within us is enshrined in numerous forms, including the Yin/Yang dichotomy and the tension between Thor and Loki from Norse mythology, so it's not too difficult to see that the author of The Book of Adam and Eve is referencing this tension within all of us but assigning it in the superlative to the Creator [by whatever name you choose to use -- the original form of YahWeh has been lost])
From this text we can see that maybe Satan has a stronger claim to the throne than previously thought. It is not, however, a complete claim, as the urge to create must necessarily precede the urge to destroy not only in the sequence of actions but, having primacy of action, must also precede it in terms of moral imperative.
I trust you'll forgive the delay in my response, the field has been a real bich this week.
You wrote:
"Whenever claiming that some assertion is supported by scripture, it is customary to cite the location where the supporting scripture(s) can be found.The reason I didn't ask for the citation(s) from you is because I figured that if you knew where to find them, you'd have told us in the initial posting. That is the path of integrity."
Indeed. I stand corrected. 1 Maccabees 14
You wrote:
"From this text we can see that maybe Satan has a stronger claim to the throne than previously thought."
I don't know why anyone would have thought any different, as this world IS HIS kingdom. He is the "son of God", as is He who is ofttimes misnamed as "jesus", and he who you call "satan" is more powerful, more majestic, and more like God than you or I will ever be. He is, however, also more insidious than we have the current capacity to comprehend.
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