By Rev. Ted Pike
2 Aug 11

Editor note:

Last month the Anti-Defamation League held a special conference for students from US law schools. Its purpose: training a new generation of lawyers as enforcers of the many aspects of ADL’s thought and hate-crimes agenda. ADL also continues to massively involve itself in hate crimes training in every US police department. Such is a sobering reminder that although the National Prayer Network has intensely warned against ADL for 25 years (especially through more than 750 radio interviews and 100s of anti-hate law articles), America—and Christians—still remain largely oblivious to ADL’s threat to freedom. The majority of blame for such ignorance may be placed at the feet of Christian conservative leadership. Out of fear of being called “anti-Semitic,” the religious right has never warned tens of millions of constituents of their most deadly enemy.

With this in mind I believe it is time to repost the following 2009 article. The federal hate bill it warns of became U.S. law, but the ever-expanding threat of ADL erosion of freedom continues unabated.


By Rev. Ted Pike
11 May 09

Federal hate crimes bill S. 909 has now passed the House of Representatives and is in the Senate Judiciary Committee. As we anticipate Tuesday morning’s probable Senate Judiciary hearing on this bill, we should ask, “Who is behind this unthinkable, pedophile-protecting bill?”

Leaders of the Christian conservative right quickly respond, “Liberals and the homosexual lobby!”

Yes, these two groups lead a list as long as your arm of hate bill supporters. They inhabit the perverted legislative whore-house called “hate crimes law.” Yet they did not design and build the house. To know who did, visit www.adl.org, the website of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. There, ADL proudly boasts of their “model anti-hate law” and persuading 45 US states to adopt it.

ADL’s orchestration of hate laws in over 55 Western nations, in addition to the US, is a long, dark story. This article presents a brief chronology of their conspiracy to steal freedom of speech. That attempt is now reaching a momentous climax, for good or evil, in the US Senate.

What is ADL?

B’nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant) is an international Jewish religious, fraternal and educational, liberal activist organization. It describes itself as the heart and soul of organized world Jewry. It was founded in New York City in the mid-nineteenth century to further Jewish interests and community in America. In 1913, their Anti-Defamation League was created, ostensibly to combat emerging anti-Semitism.

ADL/B’nai B’rith does not represent the thinking of all Jews. Most American Jews are liberal (AP reported 81% voted for House Democrats in 2009); but a minority vehemently oppose ADL’s secularist agenda and bullying tactics. Rabbi Daniel Lapin warns that ADL (which he calls secular Judaism) is “in relentless attack” on evangelical Christians. His website has even listed a toll-free number for Christians and conservatives to call and report harassment and accusations of “anti-Semitism” from ADL. (1)

Today, there are roughly 200,000 members of B’nai B’rith International (with chapters and lodges in 55 Western nations). Many are Jewish activists who work behind the scenes in governments to pass hate crimes legislation and run hate crimes bureaucracies. ADL efforts have been spectacularly successful. Whether in California, Canada, Iceland, England or Australia—ADL’s terminology, twisted definitions and pretexts for hate crime indictments are identical. ADL phrases such as “bias-motivated hate crime,” “gender identity,” “actual or perceived sexual orientation,” etc., are enshrined in the hate crime laws of most Western industrialized nations today. If a yellow plastic arch rises from an urban horizon in Beijing, you know it comes from McDonald’s in America. So, too, we recognize ADL when pastors in Holland or Australia are indicted for “hate speech,” slapped with severe penalties and physically and financially exhausted in endless attempts to get free from hate crime indictment. ADL of America and Canada, ADL Europe, and ADL Australia are the super-powerful architects and enforcers of hate laws on three continents.

How powerful is ADL? Congressman John Rarrick (in the Congressional Record December 6, 1971) quoted Senator Jack Tenney of California: “The FBI and CIA are tinker toys compared to ADL.”

A History of Hate for Christian Values

Let’s trace ADL/B’nai B’rith creation of hate laws over the past 38 years.

1971. After ten years lobbying, B’nai B’rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress persuaded Ottawa to enact their federal “anti-hate” law, the Canadian Human Rights Act. Its Sec. 319 and subsequent provincial hate laws criminalize any speech even “likely” to cause hatred or contempt against specially federally protected groups—especially homosexuals, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, but never Christians.

1985. ADL began massive programs to end “bias,” “hate,” and Christian “homophobia” in American businesses, local governments and schools. Since its inception, ADL’s World of Difference program has instructed, according to ADL, “more than 375,000 elementary and secondary school teachers, responsible for nearly 12 million students” toward “tolerance” of homosexuality.(2)

1988. ADL sponsored a nationwide competition open to all law students in America, to craft a “model” anti-hate law for the US. Jewish law student Joseph Ribikoff won first prize with his proposal to criminalize all Christian/conservative leaders who criticize homosexuality as well as all loyal members. (3) Through the 1990s, ADL persuaded roughly 45 states to adopt some version of its refined model hate law. Visit www.adl.org for detailed charts about states’ implementation. During this time ADL also established hate law bureaucracies throughout Europe.

1990. ADL was convicted in a California court of violating the civil rights of more than 10,000 conservatives, pro-lifers, members of the political right and Muslims on whom ADL had spied over the years, keeping secret surveillance files. (4) My father and I were listed in these files gathered in cooperation with West coast police departments.

1990. Congress passed ADL’s Hate Crimes Statistics Act. It mixed synagogue with state, making ADL the hate laws teacher to the US Justice Department, FBI and every police precinct in America. Since then, ADL’s twisted definitions, hate law enforcement methods, and criteria for statistics reporting inform the thinking and reflexes of the US law enforcement system. (5)

1998. ADL introduced its Hate Crimes Prevention Act to Congress, confident of easy passage. Republican leaders in the House and Senate instructed everyone to vote for it. Yet independent-thinking Republicans, dominating Conference between the House and Senate, examined the bill closely. Aghast at its sinister intentions, they stripped it out. Since then, ADL’s federal hate bill has been reintroduced and defeated by Republicans in every session of Congress. Today, with a Democrat-dominated government, ADL eagerly anticipates victory: an ADL-dominated hate crimes bureaucracy in America, ending free speech and persecuting Christians from a hate crimes command center in Washington.

2004. Acting on authority of ADL’s Pennsylvania hate law, ADL national executive board member and Philadelphia DA Lynne Abraham arrested and imprisoned for 21 hours 11 Christians for the “hate crime” of peacefully witnessing to homosexuals. Penalty if convicted of the seven charges would be 47 years in prison and $90,000 fines each. After 3 months they were acquitted.

2004. ADL introduced their No Place for Hate program, which boldly encourages American families to embrace homosexuality, same-sex marriage, etc. No Place for Hate literature is promoted in Barnes and Noble bookstores and at local chapters across the nation. One piece encourages families with young children to invite a homosexual couple for an evening of dinner, fun and fellowship. This, ADL says, will help destroy any “homophobic” attitudes developing in their young minds.

2004. ADL Europe and B’nai B’rith International set up a 56-member hate law bureaucracy in Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). They also persuaded the European Union and Council of Europe to promote the ADL hate law agenda. As part of OSCE, ADL created the International Network Against Cyber-Hate (INACH) dedicated to ending online “hate speech” (really, free speech, such as criticism of homosexuality and Israel). (6)

2006. ADL persuaded Congress to create its Global Office of Anti-Semitism in the US State Department. Every year this ADL front reports on an “epidemic” of anti-Semitism gleaned from ADL statistics gathered worldwide. In last year’s report to Congress, it accused Christians who believe the New Testament account that Jewish leaders had Christ crucified of being “classic anti-Semites”—as was Adolf Hitler. (7) In Canada, any public statement that Jewish leaders killed Christ is considered the hate crime of anti-Semitism, punishable by a minimum $5,000 fine and prison if repeated.

2007. The ADL-inspired Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act was introduced into Congress. It would set up a federal commission to study and make legislative recommendations to Congress on how to end Christian, conservative, and far right “hate speech” that streams the internet, possibly inciting violent hate crimes. It was unanimously passed by the House. (8)

2008. ADL, through Jewish lesbian activist and state Rep. Sheila Kuehl helped pass California’s SB777, banning criticism of homosexuality in public schools. If any child now criticizes sodomy, he will be expelled. If a teacher or administrator does, they are fired. (9) At the same time, ADL submitted an extensive amicus brief to the California Supreme Court in favor of same-sex marriage. (10) It undoubtedly influenced the Court’s pro-homosexual decision.

2009. With another Jewish activist group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL directed Missouri state police to consider white Christian conservatives, Ron Paul supporters, tax and immigration protestors, pro-lifers, etc., as possible domestic terrorists. (11) Soon after, Janet Nepolitano, who recently delivered an extensive and flattering speech to an ADL convention, issued a very similar directive from the Department of Homeland security, warning America of this threat from the Christian conservative right. (12)

2009. ADL’s federal hate crimes bill passed the House of Representatives 249-175. (13) The Senate version will probably be considered in the Senate Judiciary Tuesday, May 12 at 10am EDT. (14)

ADL Hate Laws Target Christians

Get the picture? Do you see the trajectory of ADL’s hate law agenda? It means persecution of Christians and other free thinkers.

ADL is a cesspool of anti-Christian, anti-freedom social “civil rights” initiatives. For decades its pipeline of legislative sewage has flowed directly and interminably into Congress. If Americans defeat one ADL-inspired bill, ADL has lined up six more. But unlike most evangelical Christians, ADL will never, never give up—until it has created an “anti-hate” bureaucracy in America, like Canada’s, ending free speech.

What is ADL’s ultimate objective? National director Abraham H. Foxman, author of Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism, is a devout Orthodox Jew. In 1991, he angrily vacated his seat in the Orthodox synagogue of Teaneck, New Jersey, because he felt its members and leadership were not praying for Israel as passionately as they should! (15) Foxman says he earnestly looks forward to Israel’s Biblically prophesied “messiah.” Christians know this is not Jesus Christ but that prophesied “man of sin” (John 5:43) whom Jesus said Jews would someday accept in place of Himself. Contemporary Jewish activists, like Foxman, think “the messiah is the Jewish people”— i.e., when Jewish power finally ascends over Christians and Gentiles, Jewish power by itself will make “messiah” happen.

Why does Foxman promote homosexuality, same-sex marriage, pornography (he gave pornographers Hugh and Christy Hefner special “free speech” awards)? (16) Why do ADL and other Jewish “civil liberties” groups, such as the ACLU (17), Southern Poverty Law Center, People for the American Way, etc., do all they can to tear down our crosses, Ten Commandments, manger scenes, Christian symbols (18) and passionately support the killing of 50 million babies through abortion? For that matter, why did the Jewish forefathers of these Jewish supremacists invent and facilitate Communism and socialism (liberalism)—dedicated to breaking down the capitalist free enterprise system? (19) Why does Jewish-dominated media (20) relentlessly corrupt our morals and those of our children, casting aspersions (as in the Da Vinci Code) on the deity and legitimacy of Christ? (21)


The Jewish supremacists of ADL/B’nai B’rith know that if Christian nations remain strong, virtuous and industrious, they will never realize their messiah in sovereignty over the nations, ruling the world from Jerusalem. (22)

Even if Christian or conservative leaders know of such demonic aspirations, they will never say it. ADL has them convinced they will be ruined if they do—smeared as “anti-Semites” and abandoned by Israel-first followers who have been conditioned to loathe any hint of criticism of “God’s chosen people.”

If America is to survive, this must change. ADL has brought us the very brink of slavery—intending to herd America into a one-world, international police state. A great abyss of darkness lies just before us.

But it’s we who should push ADL back into this abyss of its own making. Everyone, leaders and followers, should speak out against ADL now! When we collectively identify ADL as the greatest threat to freedom in our history, it will be ADL, not us, who will be ruined.


Unless otherwise noted, the following are articles I have written, posted in the archives of www.truthtellers.org.

1. “Rabbi Lapin: Christians Under ‘Relentless Attack’ by ‘Secular Judaism’” August 19, 2005.
2. “How the Bible Became ‘Hate Speech’ in California,” October 30, 2007. “ADL Expands Pro-Gay Education for Teachers” August 12, 2008.
3. Ribikoff’s prize-winning proposal is thoroughly documented in my 82-minute video, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians, viewable on the homepage at www.truthtellers.org.
4. ibid.
5. ibid.
6. “Global Hate Crimes Gestapo Being Created ,” September 20, 2005.
7. “Bible is Hate, says US Government,” April 9, 2008
8. “In Search of ‘Homegrown Terrorists’,” November 5, 2007
9. “How the Bible Became ‘Hate Speech’ in California,” October 30, 2007
10. “Did ADL Influence California’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling?” May 19, 2008
11. “Missouri MIAC Documents Scandal Leads to Advisory on SPLC and ADL,” Americans for Legal Immigration, March 26, 2009, www.alipac.us.
12. “Chorus of Protest Grows Over Report Warning of Right Wing Radicalization,” FoxNews.com, April 15, 2009.
13. “Hate Bill Passed in House!,” April 30, 2009.
14. “Hate Bill Hearing Next Tuesday?,” May 6, 2009.
15. “ADL’s Foxman: Man of Faith?,” February 27, 2006.
16. “Talmud: Wellspring of Jewish Pornography Industry,” October 24, 2006, “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret,” October 11, 2006, “Judaism and Homosexuality: A Marriage Made in Hell,” September 6, 2006.
17. “ACLU Top Heavy with Jews,” October 4, 2006.
18. “ADL’s ‘December Dilemma’,” December 5, 2007
19. “Jewish Activists Created Communism,” June 11, 2007
20. “Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish,” June 28, 2006
21. “The Jews Behind the Da Vinci Code,” May 26, 2006.
22. “Israel: On the Way to Empire in the Middle East,” August 1, 2006— Israel’s Biblically-prophesied ascendance is considered in depth in my 60-minute video The Other Israel, viewable at the NPN Theater at www.truthtellers.org. Even more extensive development of this Biblical eschatology is found in my book, Israel: Our Duty, Our Dilemma, available at www.truthtellers.org.

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Pedophilia and other depravity are an integral part of the global governing structure used to control the politicians and public disservants.


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