The Obama administration is set to propose a new
system for authenticating people, organizations and infrastructure on
the Web. The online authentication and identity management system would
be targeted at the transactional level -- for example, when someone
logs into their banking website or completes an online e-commerce

Making such a system effective, however, will require creating an
"identity ecosystem," backed by extensive public/private cooperation,
said White House cybersecurity coordinator Howard Schmidt, delivering
the opening keynote speech at the Symantec Government Symposium 2010 in
Washington on Tuesday.

"This strategy cannot exist in isolation," he said. "It's going to take all of us working together." Furthermore, "we should not have to dramatically change the way we do business -- this
should be a natural path forward," he said.

That path forward will hinge on a new draft of the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, due to be
released Friday for the first time to the public, for a three-week
comment period. Formerly known as the National Strategy for Secure
Online Transactions, the report offers specific strategy and
implementation recommendations, and may also recommend more sweeping
policy and privacy changes.

The report builds on the Obama-commissioned Cyberspace Policy Review, which analyzed the government's information
and communications infrastructure defensive capabilities. One of the
report's recommendations was to "build a cybersecurity-based identity
management vision and strategy that addresses privacy and civil
liberties interests, leveraging privacy-enhancing technologies for the

Simply issuing a Web-friendly biometric identification card to everyone in the country, of course, wouldn't
necessarily make anyone or anything more secure, including online
transactions. As the report also notes, to be effective, security tools
and technology must be complemented by education. "There is always a
necessity to do awareness and education of the end user," said Schmidt.
"But you're not trying to teach the end user how to be a security

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WoW (Blizzard, Viveldi) is the testing grounds for this horsesh*t. But it can come back and bit em in the ass too.
All information posted on this site is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE information found online starting with only knowing a first and last name. Which is actually less than you'll have to go by if you try finding out about someone from World of Warcraft, since in-game you may have met them before any know information such as what state they live in, and the FULL NAMES of ALL of their realID friends. policy on personal information:

Personal and confidential information: It's not ok to publish another person's personal and confidential information. For example, don't post someone else's credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, unlisted phone numbers, and driver's license numbers. Also, please keep in mind that in most cases, information that is already available elsewhere on the Internet or in public records is not considered to be private or confidential under our policies.

See Blizzard's inadequate response to the real-id shitstorm

This site is not affiliated in any way shape or form with Blizzard Entertainment or Activision. World of Warcraft, Blizzard, and Activision are all registered trademarks of Blizzard-Activision.

NONE OF THESE POSTS ARE THREATS. I've seen people at 4chan and other places saying this site is filled with thinly veiled threats. It's not. I do not wish to see any harm or harassment come to ANYONE listed here, even Bobby. This is purely to say: Hey, this guy (who can afford to pay professionals to keep his personal information private) says that we have nothing to worry about with people knowing our real names. Well, here's what is available on him even after a good internet scrubbing. Here's what's available on just a couple of his employees. There are people out there in much worse situations (witness protection, former abusive relationships, BEING FEMALE ON WORLD OF WARCRAFT, people who don't want to risk losing a job because it's public that they play WoW, etc) that would be utterly f**ked if there was a slip-up and their names were revealed. I don't even care if it's the person's fault or if they have an option. Everyone makes mistakes.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Robert "Bobby" Kotick
The big man at Activision. CEO. The source of all Blizzard's community problems of the last few years. Here's his facebook:
He's not very open, but his friends and family are.

Big donations to the GOP ($28,000 in 2007, and raised over $200k for Bush!) but makes $1.5 million a year and just dumped a huge amount of his company's stock at the beginning of this year. You know, I'd be selling my Blizzard stock right now too.

You'll see that Blizzard's corporate phone and fax are:
Phone: 310-255-2000
Fax: 310-255-2100
in case you want to politely let them know how you feel. Again, we are NOT going for harassment. This page should be creepy enough without WoW nerds harassing people.

But hey, he's a busy man. He's got a wife and three young daughters, ages 6, 9, and 11. The oldest is Gracie, she likes skiing.

Here's some information on his wife, Nina Jill Kotick (nee Spiegel), age 46, Fordham University '89 (Law), Tufts University '86, Byram Hills High School '82. She used to be a lawyer in New York, passing her NY bar exam in 1990, but later moved with Bobby to CA and got her license in December 1995. With the exception of the time she forgot to pay her bar fees in '99 (Oops!) and her license was suspended, it's been smooth sailing.

If you want to reach her, try (310) 255-2639, (310) 279-3599, or email her at

The beautiful family's current address is either 1010 or 1011 Cove Way. They own or owned both but surely they don't need two houses, do they?
1011 Cove Way, Beverly Hills, California 90210
They spent $171,708 for renovations a few years ago, nice place!
Google Map it

Offices or possibly former home addresses:
715 N Sierra Dr Blvd #107 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

A few sources:
Posted by Anonymous at 3:23 AM 0 comments
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Micah Whipple
NOTE: This is the information someone else dug up after Micah Whipple, Blizzard Employee, posted his real name in the epic-length RealID announcement thread on the WoW Forums. I've heard this information isn't actually accurate, so if anyone can confirm it's THE Micah Whipple and not some other innocent Micah Whipple, that would be great.,%20Irvine,%20CA&...

So say hi to Micah Whipple

473 Avenue B
Lakeport, CA 95453-6032

Phone Number:
(707) 263-0190


Kimberly K Whipple, age: 54
Jason Stephen Whipple, age 34

It looks like he's staying in the same house as his mother =[

Oh btw, here is his facebook too:

Honeypie, Closed Heart Surgery, The Sound Of Animals Fighting, White Stripes, Tool Band, Radiohead, Disorient Express, The Mars Volta, The Unhandled Exceptions, As Tall As Lions, The Dear Hunter

Movies *Big Trouble in Little China*, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Disney Pixar

The Daily Show, Samurai Champloo, Tim and Eric Awesome Show: Great Job!, Freaks and Geeks, 30 Rock, Human Giant

Posted by Anonymous at 2:23 AM 0 comments
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Jennifer D. Calzada
Unlike some of the others, Jennifer has tried to keep her work life and personal life separate. Unfortunately, a friend-of-a-friend revealed that she does work for Blizzard Entertainment, and a search for her name in the credits to Burning Crusade confirms it.

Check out her facebook photos and videos:

Birthday: March 27
Age: 33 (so that makes her birthday 3/27/1977? not sure if FB calculates age or if you have to update it yourself)
Siblings: Annelise Calzada (kind of cute, here's a video)
Parents: Olivia Rodriguez Calzada
Relationship Status: In a Relationship with Darian Vorlick, another Blizzard employee
Political Views: Green Party
Religious Views: Panentheism
Canyon Country, CA
Sylmar, CA
Canoga Park, CA
Long Beach, CA
Whittier, CA

Also connected to a Richard D Calzada... her father maybe?
Posted by Anonymous at 2:19 AM 0 comments
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Lee Sparks

Lee Sparks, one of the producers in BC, has goblins named after him in-game
University of California, Irvine

Information and Computer Science , Computer Science , 2000 — 2005

He's marrying Blizzard PR Coordinator Kacy Dishon on October 9th. Their rehearsal dinner is on September 30th. Here's a map to their wedding at the Monaco Mansion.
Here's a picture of the engagement ring.

Here's a map to Lee and Kacy's house

After the wedding, they'll be spending their honeymoon at the Ayana Resort in Bali. Nice!

If you'd like to buy them a wedding present, click here.

If you'd just like to congratulate them on their engagement, here's their guestbook
Posted by Anonymous at 2:08 AM 0 comments
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Kacy Dishon, Public Relations Coordinator for Blizzard

Oh Kacy Dishon, now you'll learn why facebook pages should be set to private... but it was your choice, just like Blizzard's official stance, right?

Her MySpace page, twinklefireflies, where you can read her old blog
Pipl Search, with address and phone
Mobile Phone Number: +1 714.675.5553

She's a 28 year old Capricorn. She has a pet dog named Rainey. Here's her fiance Lee playing with the puppy.
Rainey and Lee2

Twinkle like Fireflies | MySpace Video

In 2008 she had an alliance priest named Whimsical on what seems to be on the realm Dark Iron, but it looks like she's changed the name or transferred servers now.

Her shoe size is 11-12 and she has blue eyes.

Employers: Blizzard EntertainmentAugust 2004 - Present
Public Relations Coordinator
Irvine, California

Siblings: Sarah JoJo

Music Los Borrachos Muertos, Beats from the Brode, Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain, Jimmy Eat World, Black Eyed SCVs

Television Top Chef, Futurama, The Office, 30 Rock, Fights You've Had, Weeds, Scrubs, Glee, Modern Family, Arrested Development

Other Pedigree Adoption Drive, Will Ferrell, FML, Alexeyeva Smith, Diablo, I bet EHS can get more fans than FVHS!, "You need to discipline your kid before i punch them in the face",, Sarcasm Society, Rockstar Games, Bejeweled Blitz, Eddie Izzard, Strong.Bad, Pico de Gallo, Iñigo Montoya, Chris Metzen, No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone, Elizabeth 'Tina' Fey, Huntington Beach, PostSecret, H&M, Rock Band, Gordon James Ramsay, Xbox, Calvin and Hobbes, Jay & Silent Bob, LOLCat, Steve Carell, xkcd, Red Wine, YouTube, ASPCA, Felicia Day, xkcd, I Speak Fluent Sarcasm, Youth in Mind, Velvet is: Photography

First page of her facebook friends' full names (just like in WoW!):
Aaron Chan
Aaron Contreras
Aaron Keller
Aaron Kent
Abby Wowchuk
Adrian Luff
Aimee Pierson
Alex Afrasiabi
Alex Mayberry
Alex Tsang
Alexander Brazie
Alexeyeva Smith
Alicia Kim
Alissa Richter
Allison Tan
Amelia Lee Dishon
Andrew Hsu
Andrew Vestal
Andy Eddy
Angela Kim
Angela Sinapi
Angela Walden
Angela Weckler
Anissa Housley
Anita Rice
Ann Ta
Antonio Achucarro
April Copeland
Ash Thukral
Asha Goud
Audrey Seiberling
Ben Brode
Ben Morris
Benjamin Elgueta
Bethany Brady (Bethany Murphy)
Blake Farnham Benedict
Bob Colayco
Bob Richardson
Bonnie Huynh
Brandi Marquez
Brandon Shephard
Bret Stewert
Brett Dixon
Brian Dishon
Brian Fattorini
Brian Fitzgerald
Brian Hook
Brian Hsieh
Brice Petibas
Bryan Chang
Bryan Langford
Calvin WIlliams
Candace Thomas
Carlos Guerrero
Carrie Weiwei Zhang
Casey Yelland
Celeste Nielsen
Cha Lee
Charlie Areson
Chi Liu
Choua Her
Chris Avellone
Chris Hughes
Chris Kaleiki
Chris Liao
Chris Sigaty
Christin Deckert
Christine Brownell
Christine Wurtz
Claudia Arellano Guerrero
Clayton J. Dubin
Clint Walls
Constance Wang
Corey Pelton
Cory Jones
Cory Stockton
Cynthia Luce
Damien Currano
Dan Sparks
San Diego State
Dana Darnell
Daniel Chin
Daniel Pitlik
Daniel Schoonover
Danielle Vanderlip
Darian Vorlick
David Sanchez
Dawn Clift
Denise Dunlap-Alpert
Denise Hicks
Derek Rakos
Dominic Sparks
Don Grey
Dustin Browder
Eddie Bui
Edgar Flores
Elisha Factor Cabrera
Elizabeth Cho
Elizabeth Holm
Ellen Hsu
Ellie Deckert

Engaged To: Lee Sparks

Let's look briefly at her father, James Dishon
College: Pasadena City College '73, Electronics
High Schools: Niceville Senior High '70, Radford High School '70
Employer: Hewlett-Packard, Principal Solution Architect
Posted by Anonymous at 2:02 AM 0 comments
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List of names of Blizzard Employees
Just a simple list of names. Exactly the same information that Blizzard will be making public for all of its users.

Activision Blizzard CEO: Bobby Kotick
Blizzard CEO: Mike Morhaime
See other activision execs

Russell Brower
Sam Lantinga
Shane Dabiri
Stephen Raub
Justin Z. Bartlett
Kyle Radue
Kacy Dishon (
Lee Sparks ( engaged to above Kacy Dishon <3
Kat Hunter
Leo Wakelin
Jennifer D. Calzada (
Darian Vorlick ( engaged to above Jen Calzada <3

I'm pretty sure these are all blizzard employees, they were linked on one of Kacy's images about working at Blizzard.
Tawny Harris
Kerry Stewert
Amelia Lee Dishon
Brian Dishon
Bob Colayco
Rafael Raudry
Brian Hook
Nicole Demedenko
Brian Fattorini
Omar Gonzalez
Jack Chen
Kenny Zigler
Lyndsi Revis

So ya see what the problem is here??.....from 1 name, you can find out everything!!
Glad I don't play this moronic game, and when CoD4 gets to this, I will cease playing it
Big Gov is coming to a monitor near you!!

Yes, I am aware. I partook in Blizzards SC2 Beta few weeks ago, and got to use Battle.Net 2.0's 'Real-ID' feature first hand. It's actually no where near as Orwellian as most would think. Also, I am a now 14 years running Blizzard and EA stock share holder. This allows me to get insider information on the products that company's makes, or is planning on making before even most people at E3 know about it. I have revived coder notes, videos, audio disc, etc. all on and about how they built and created Battle.Net 2.0 and the 'Real-ID' system. Yes, you can track your friends online via their B.Net 2.0 account, or via their facebook accounts, or any other social network they have that can connect with B.Net 2.0's "Real-ID' system. There is also a setting in the 'Real-ID' friends list setting, where, you can actually make it so the friends you have on your list can not track your IP, nor can they search for you via socially networking sites, you can set it so they only way they can tell if you're online, is if you're signed into your B.Net 2.0 Account. And believe me, Blizzard/EA have much much better things to do than to sit around and track everyone who's on B.Net 2.0 IP address and 'sensitive information' and supposedly sending it to the government for new additions to their virtual data base. But, thanks for the info, a lot of the stories that involve people disappearing via the internet (WoW account, etc.) are usually results of those people not being very smart, and giving people they only know just by meeting them over the internet, all their information, location, schedule, and so on. I do see your and other people's concerns about things like this, but it is really nothing to waste your energy and information data searching on. What REALLY needs to be worried about and concentrated on is the new 'US Cyber Command', this new wing at the white house needs to be watched like an eagle, like the one on their logo.
Lets see if i van make this clearer for you...
Blizzard = Activision = VIVELDI = GE = DARPA = Your info is NOT privy anymore!!

NAU Citizen said:
Yes, I am aware. I partook in Blizzards SC2 Beta few weeks ago, and got to use Battle.Net 2.0's 'Real-ID' feature first hand. It's actually no where near as Orwellian as most would think. Also, I am a now 14 years running Blizzard and EA stock share holder. This allows me to get insider information on the products that company's makes, or is planning on making before even most people at E3 know about it. I have revived coder notes, videos, audio disc, etc. all on and about how they built and created Battle.Net 2.0 and the 'Real-ID' system. Yes, you can track your friends online via their B.Net 2.0 account, or via their facebook accounts, or any other social network they have that can connect with B.Net 2.0's "Real-ID' system. There is also a setting in the 'Real-ID' friends list setting, where, you can actually make it so the friends you have on your list can not track your IP, nor can they search for you via socially networking sites, you can set it so they only way they can tell if you're online, is if you're signed into your B.Net 2.0 Account. And believe me, Blizzard/EA have much much better things to do than to sit around and track everyone who's on B.Net 2.0 IP address and 'sensitive information' and supposedly sending it to the government for new additions to their virtual data base. But, thanks for the info, a lot of the stories that involve people disappearing via the internet (WoW account, etc.) are usually results of those people not being very smart, and giving people they only know just by meeting them over the internet, all their information, location, schedule, and so on. I do see your and other people's concerns about things like this, but it is really nothing to waste your energy and information data searching on. What REALLY needs to be worried about and concentrated on is the new 'US Cyber Command', this new wing at the white house needs to be watched like an eagle, like the one on their logo.
From Blizzard/Viveldi/CEO

Hello everyone,

I'd like to take some time to speak with all of you regarding our desire to make the Blizzard forums a better place for players to discuss our games. We've been constantly monitoring the feedback you've given us, as well as internally discussing your concerns about the use of real names on our forums. As a result of those discussions, we've decided at this time that real names will not be required for posting on official Blizzard forums.

It's important to note that we still remain committed to improving our forums. Our efforts are driven 100% by the desire to find ways to make our community areas more welcoming for players and encourage more constructive conversations about our games. We will still move forward with new forum features such as conversation threading, the ability to rate posts up or down, improved search functionality, and more. However, when we launch the new StarCraft II forums that include these new features, you will be posting by your StarCraft II character name + character code, not your real name. The upgraded World of Warcraft forums with these new features will launch close to the release of Cataclysm, and also will not require your real name.

I want to make sure it's clear that our plans for the forums are completely separate from our plans for the optional in-game Real ID system now live with World of Warcraft and launching soon with StarCraft II. We believe that the powerful communications functionality enabled by Real ID, such as cross-game and cross-realm chat, make a great place for players to stay connected to real-life friends and family while playing Blizzard games. And of course, you'll still be able to keep your relationships at the anonymous, character level if you so choose when you communicate with other players in game. Over time, we will continue to evolve Real ID on to add new and exciting functionality within our games for players who decide to use the feature.

In closing, I want to point out that our connection with our community has always been and will always be extremely important to us. We strongly believe that Every Voice Matters, ( ) and we feel fortunate to have a community that cares so passionately about our games. We will always appreciate the feedback and support of our players, which has been a key to Blizzard's success from the beginning.

Mike Morhaime
CEO & Cofounder
Blizzard Entertainment
LOL! if Blizzard = DARPA, I'd be making a hell of a lot more money as a share holder. Oh man, that was a good one, good laugh, thanks. This is pure paranoia, man, plus, the "Letter from Blizzard/Vivendi (and it's actually Vivendi Games Inc., not 'Viveldi). But yes, anyways, this is just paranoia, sorry, but the big bad Blizzard-DARPA monster is not coming to eat you or your interned identification or IP. Go back to worrying about real legitimate things, leave the people at Blizzard alone, they are much too busy to deal with people whom think their new "ID system" is a way of sucking you into the digital identification theft/tracking system/grid. Just calm down, everything is Okay, no need for anymore 5 Article, 35 page long comments, thanks.

H0llyw00d said:
Lets see if i van make this clearer for you...
Blizzard = Activision = VIVELDI = GE = DARPA = Your info is NOT privy anymore!!

NAU Citizen said:
Yes, I am aware. I partook in Blizzards SC2 Beta few weeks ago, and got to use Battle.Net 2.0's 'Real-ID' feature first hand. It's actually no where near as Orwellian as most would think. Also, I am a now 14 years running Blizzard and EA stock share holder. This allows me to get insider information on the products that company's makes, or is planning on making before even most people at E3 know about it. I have revived coder notes, videos, audio disc, etc. all on and about how they built and created Battle.Net 2.0 and the 'Real-ID' system. Yes, you can track your friends online via their B.Net 2.0 account, or via their facebook accounts, or any other social network they have that can connect with B.Net 2.0's "Real-ID' system. There is also a setting in the 'Real-ID' friends list setting, where, you can actually make it so the friends you have on your list can not track your IP, nor can they search for you via socially networking sites, you can set it so they only way they can tell if you're online, is if you're signed into your B.Net 2.0 Account. And believe me, Blizzard/EA have much much better things to do than to sit around and track everyone who's on B.Net 2.0 IP address and 'sensitive information' and supposedly sending it to the government for new additions to their virtual data base. But, thanks for the info, a lot of the stories that involve people disappearing via the internet (WoW account, etc.) are usually results of those people not being very smart, and giving people they only know just by meeting them over the internet, all their information, location, schedule, and so on. I do see your and other people's concerns about things like this, but it is really nothing to waste your energy and information data searching on. What REALLY needs to be worried about and concentrated on is the new 'US Cyber Command', this new wing at the white house needs to be watched like an eagle, like the one on their logo.
Wonder whats in it for them that we don't know about! If it is from the Gov. it can't be good, nothing from them is good! Just check out the last, say 4 decades!
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." --Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776


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