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In addition to my Wilderness Survival List, I have now created an Urban Survival List. While the Wilderness Survival put the emphasis on keeping a small pack, the Urban
Survival List puts just as much emphasis on blending in to city life. You must
be able to carry your kit in a way that doesn’t stand out. For this reason you
must be able to fit everything into a backpack or briefcase. Often these will
not be allowed into certain buildings, or must be left for other reasons,
making it necessary for you to carry everything on your person. This is easier
for women then for men, as they usually carry purses, which allow for easier
concealment. Each item will be marked as either personal or stored, depending
on its size and importance. It is important to try to keep your full kit with
you at all times, but if you can’t, you still must never part from the personal
items (unless they are an item which is not allowed beyond a certain security
check. Try to think ahead about where you will be going and what you will be
permitted to retain within the areas you plan to visit.



This item is essential to personal security when on the streets. Although martial arts and other weapons such as knives, tasers, and pepper spray may protect you, there is no
better self-defense item than a gun. I would suggest using a midsized, 0.40”
caliber autoloader. The reason for this is that guns utilizing smaller calibers
such as 9mm, 0.35”, and 0.38” may reduce recoil, but lack the power to put down
an assailant. Larger guns, which use calibers such as 0.44”, 0.45”, or 0.50”,
are generally too big to conceal easily and have too much recoil. You will want
a cross between recoil and power, as it will mostly be used for close
encounters, but possibly for mid-ranged shooting. Recoil is a low priority in
close combat, as you should hit within the first shot or two (hopefully you
will be trained well enough to hit your first shot even at a mid or long
range), but at mid ranges, you won’t want too much. This means that you don’t need
to worry about it to a great extent, but larger calibers won’t be as effective.
You don’t want to be standing in front of
a man with a Desert Eagle 0.50” or an M1911A1 0.45” with little more
than a squirt gun, for which reason you will want at least a medium caliber, of
a minimum of 0.38”. This makes a 0.40” caliber the perfect cross between power
and recoil. You will probably want to use a specialty form of ammunition such
as JHP and/or +P. It is your choice on the specifics of both the gun and
ammunition, but try to follow these guidelines as best as possible. You may
want a second smaller gun (9mm, 0.35”, 0.38”, etc.) in an ankle holster in case
you lose your primary gun for whatever reason. You may want to carry other
self-defense items, including tasers, pepper spray, and an assortment of



A knife is always useful for self-defense in addition to everyday purposes. A folding knife with a 3-5” blade is a must have. A tanto blade is useful for fighting, and other
purposes, as it allows for stabbing and other cutting uses. You will definitely
want a partially serrated blade, because it allows for cutting stronger and
rougher materials in a saw-like fashion.
If the blade is too long it will be hard to conceal, and too large for
some purposes, but if it is too short it won’t accomplish some simple tasks,
and will not do any good for self-defense, making a 4” blade ideal. A thumb
stud and forefinger opener (assisted opener) are a necessity. You will also want to try to get a military or
replica military model, including a seatbelt cutter and window breaking pin.
You may also want to carry a boot knife and/or possibly a concealed automatic



A leatherman has thousands of uses. Its pliers are unique, and not found in any other multitool. It also includes a variety of tools such as screwdrivers, scissors,can and
bottle openers, a mini-knife, a
mini-saw, a file, and even a ruler. Whatever the job is, the leatherman can
almost always get it done. Get a full sized leatherman (at least 12 tools),
made by the original Leatherman company, otherwise it might be missing
important tools, or not be as strong as it is required to be. It is also a good
idea to get a full sized genuine Victorinox Swiss Army knife (not one of those
tiny multitools). Between the two of these you should be covered for any simple


Lock picks-personal

When living in the shadows of the city you may come across a door or gate that is locked, which you need to get past. Lock picks ensure that you will never be stuck or trying
to find another way around. It always helps to have a basic pick set. You may
also want to have an old hotel card or two for wedging doors, and a few shims
(professional or homemade) for basic combination pad locks. For when you’re in
a hurry or being chased, you may want a small set of bump keys too.


Space Blanket-personal

Hopefully you will be able to find a warm place to spend the night, whether it’s a friend’s house, an old apartment, or even a vacationer’s home (not highly recommended).
Unfortunately this is not the case, sometimes you will find yourself sleeping
outside a bar or club just for the feeling of security that is present with
other people, even if they are complete strangers. Sometimes you won’t even be
able to do this, and may find yourself sleeping in an abandoned warehouse or
dark backstreet or alley. Some of these places may be cold and unsafe. For
times like this you can thank NASA for inventing the space blanket. It’s small
enough when folded up that it can be easily carried on your person unnoticed,
but will reflect 97% of your radiated body heat, both keeping you warm, and
hiding you from thermal scanners. They are also waterproof which makes them an
affective replacement for ponchos and raincoats.


First Aid Kit-personal/stored

You never know what might happen to you. You might catch a cold, the stomach flu, or even just a simple headache; you might trip, burn yourself, get stabbed or shot, or even
get hit by a car. Unless you are in extreme danger of dying you don’t want to
check into a hospital. You might find yourself in any of the previously
mentioned scenarios and need to treat yourself. A small first aid kit can deal
with any of these problems, but be made to fit in a pocket. To do so include 2
or 3 doses of Pepto Bismo, Benadryl, Advil and/or Tylenol, Aspirin, Mucinex,
diphtheria medication, and any other personal medications; a gauss pad; a role
of gauss tape; a few band aids; alcohol wipes; tiny bottles of hydrogen
peroxide, Bactine and/or Neosporin, and superglue (for closing cuts); about 5
q-tips; tweezers; medical scissors; and about 5 water purification tablets. An
all-purpose wrap/brace may be useful also. In your bag you will want to keep a
larger supply of these items, as this is only a day or two worth of equipment.


RFID Proof Wallet-personal

When trying to stay unnoticed, you don’t want to be discovered simply because you are carrying an ID which contains RFID. Nor do you want to have your credit card scanned by a
third party. RFID proof wallets and sleeves prevent this from happening. In
your wallet you will want to keep a Transit Card for busses and trains, a
public library card (might come in handy), a debit card with a few hundred
dollars (in case of emergency), and one or two credit cards (in case your debit
card runs out for some reason). You will want about $40 in cash (One 20, One
10, One 5, Five 1s), along with some spare coins. Elsewhere on your person you
will want to hide $200-300 in cash, along with a couple of coins made of
precious metals (for whatever reasons might come up). Disperse these throughout
4 or 5 hiding spots (inside pockets, sewn in underpants pocket, under shoe
soles, etc.), and carry a second wallet with only a few dollars. If you are
mugged, you can use your proxy wallet to convince the assailant that you don’t
have much on you. Even if they discover you have one secret hiding place for
your valuables, they won’t suspect more.



You never know when you will find yourself in an old abandoned building without power, a dark alley, or even an underground tunnel of some sort. There are thousands of dark places
within the city. A flashlight ensures that you will always have light. A
headlamp is even better, as it allows you to retain use of both hands, while
still having a source of light. LED lights provide massive amounts of light
using only a small amount of energy, making them the ideal choice for your
light source. For an almost never ending
power supply, you can use a light with a crank and built in generator.



Cities tend to be very large and full of various places that may be important to your survival for some reason or another. It may be difficult to remember all of these places.
Instead of simply trying to memorize them, you may want a map, on which you can
mark these spots, in addition to various building codes and padlock
combinations. With a map you will never find yourself lost. You may also want
to carry a handhold GPS, although you will want to keep it in a foil-lined
pouch when not in use, to prevent reverse tracking.


Water Bottle-personal/stored

Even in the city you may find water hard to come by at some times. You may find that the only source of water you can find for a day or two is a vender selling it for $5 a bottle.
Drinking fountains are becoming rarer and rarer, and are usually not found in
public areas, but rather private buildings. For times like this, in addition to
disasters and emergencies, it is important to keep at least 20 oz. of water
with you at all times. You may want to keep a second one in your bag.



Keep a couple of energy bars on your person in case you find yourself in need of food, but unable to find it. You may also want to keep a few more in your bag along with some other
items such as jerky, a small amount of dried rice, and possibly an MRE. Finding
yourself hungry is never a good situation, and having a couple of days’ worth
of food will ensure that you won’t go hungry in an emergency. There are also
various forms of gels and drinks which use natural substances to boost your
energy and provide you with nutrients. Make sure you are getting something that
will actually suffice – not an “Energy Drink.”


Sewing Kit-stored

If you trip and put a hole in the knee of your pants you will probably want to repair it, as it may look tacky if you are in business attire, and it may cause you to become cold.
It also helps for closing cuts and a variety of other uses. In addition to this
you might want to carry a role of duct tape in your bag, and possibly have a
role of electrical tape on your person. These may be handy in many situations,
as the old saying goes, “Duct tape fixes anything.”


Cell Phone-personal

Keep a cell phone on you at all times. If you do this, than you will always be able to talk to anyone you need to, and most importantly, be able to make emergency calls. Remember to
keep it in a foil lined pouch (if you have a GPS, they can share a pouch), so
that it can’t be tracked. A satellite phone is your best option as it is much
more reliable, and will have a greater chance of working in a disaster.



It will be helpful to have a radio that receives AM, FM, and Shortwave, HAM, and CB. Between these five types of radio you will be able to get the news, communicate over long ranges
without being tracked, and much more. Make sure you include a local police,
fire, and medical scanner, to ensure that you know what is going on where. You
may want a small ear bud to listen without allowing other people to hear. Try
to get all of these forms of radio in a single utility that is a small as
possible. I have only been able to find the AM/FM/CB, or the AM/FM/Shortwave, so the minimum is probably three. The smaller
everything is (even if it includes more than one radio), the better. If you can
fit it on your person, do so; if not, put it in your bag. Make sure it isn’t
too big either. If it is too big, than don’t even bother wasting space in your
bag. You should also carry a walkie-talkie. If you have a partner, you may also
want a two-way radio.


Matches or Lighter-personal

Even in the city, fire can sometimes bring comfort, help you cook, or create an excellent distraction. For random purposes like this, it never hurts to have a source of fire. If you
use matches, make sure they are strike anywhere and water proof, and if you use
a lighter, keep some extra fuel in your bag.


Gas Mask-stored

A gas mask may seem like something that no civilian will ever have use for, but in reality, it is vital to survival in the city. You never know when you will be in a large fire,
a collapsing building, or even a room filled with tear gas. Gas masks will let
you survive in the most extreme conditions ever. Make sure it includes goggles.


Anarchist’s Cookbook-stored

Hopefully you will never need to use any of the information contained in this book, but it’s better to not need it and have it, than to need it but not have it. This book
contains information including plans for various explosives, directions for wiretapping,
and directions for hotwiring a car. Be careful with the legal hassles that
surround this book.


Body Armor-optional

Self-defense usually works, but when martial arts, knives, tasers, pepper spray, and even guns fail; you need a backup plan. Body armor almost guarantees you safety if you are
stabbed or shot. Body armor often can be worn under your normal clothes without
being obvious. Sometimes it is heavy and large, but other forms are smaller and
still provide equal protection. Dragonskin is currently the best form of armor
on the market, as it is lightweight and flexible, while still being ultra-strong.

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Thank you,  will start chewing on this after the holidays.
I hate to contradict you on anything, because this is a really good list, but one of your items could get you killed in a worst case scenario. As a General class HAM I have to take issue with your item about shielding a gps or cell phone. A conductive metal will only absorb a very small fraction of the EM energy impressed upon it. The rest is either reflected or reradiated. That is why aircraft show up on radar, and that is one reason why you can use your cellphone inside of your car. The RFID proof stuff has a layer in it that is engineered to either scramble the data or shift the reradiated energy to a different band. A Faraday cage, which is what you are trying to create with the foil, is just a secondary omnidirectional antenna unless it has a good ground. Your phone may not be able to find the tower, but that does not mean that the tower cannot find the phone.
Nathan dont be shy, how do you really feel? :) I am fairly new to this topic and very interested in all perspectives. I would gather most of our members arent above a proper and decent discussion. Welcome aboard!
Thank you for the info.
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The author(who is this? what qualifications to be dishing out hairbrained
advice?) states an "emphasis on blending in to city life". In what city
on the planet can you expect to carry TWO GUNS and several knives and

Before TSHTF, as long as there is ANY law enforcement presence, you would find yourself behind bars in a New York minute!

After TSHTF the streets will be full of MZBs and there Will be no need to
blend in. In fact there might be a very good reason to stand out as
armed and dangerous. "Pick somebody else to mess with. I'm more than you
can handle!"

While I would agree that all of the listed items are very worthwhile to have available, the idea that you could somehow
get away with toting them around on a daily basis(in daily life as we
now know it) is totally ludicrous! ! !  Roll Eyes

And, a lady would have to be toting one hell of a large purse to carry all
this weaponry, plus purses are NOT immune to searches when entering

All of the above listed armament stowed in a SWAT type vest stored in your vehicle, maybe? Or, by a huge stretch of the
imagination, smuggled into your work place and concealed there to be
ready when TSHTF?

But again, to even consider attempting to carry this many weapons on your person, on a daily basis, in a modern city
environment, is just total bat shit crazy!
My personal philosophy on this topic is one weapon and a backup and BE PROFICIENT!!! One pack and enough ammo and food in the car to give me a good chance at hiking home, or to an alternate cache if they are waiting for me at home. ANY communication is subject to intercept, so if they are chasing you, don't use any. Specialty tools require a specialist to use them well. Forget about them unless you are willing to put in the time to become good with them. While I was working in SAR/recovery and disaster relief we would always travel as light as we possibly could. living in a rural area as I do, I have a good thirty miles to go to get from where I work to where I live in a straight line, and I would not be taking that route anyway, so I figure 40-60 and four days minimum. To do that with a fifty pound pack(which is about what I would be starting out with), I would burn 6k-8kCal per day, so you can see that this is a sizable amount of food that I need to carry. Don't count on finding food along the way, it takes time, and you don't know whether it is contaminated or not. Food and water contamination is going to be your biggest enemy starting about the end of the second week. You are going to have anywhere from an hour to three days from the time tshtf until everybody is crazy, depending on what sources you are watching, so plan to use that window to your advantage. It is conceivable that you could even have a couple of weeks warning if you have friends in high places. I would suggest getting out of the city if at all possible, because the cities will become cesspools of filth very rapidly, and you will see widespread dysentery and other water-borne diseases quickly, probably cholera, and quite possibly plague after a while. Not a good thing. You also want to be especially far away from any research hospital. Go figure. You are going to want to have knowledge and skill more than you are going to want stuff. First, because it doesn't weigh anything, and second, you can always make stuff, but it takes ages to rediscover knowledge, and years to develop a high level of skill. More later, supper is being called.

Naturally, you are going to want some "stuff" to begin with, but as a training exercise, I would recommend this.

  First, take a look at one of the civilization building strategy games, and particularly at the technology tree. That will give you an idea of how to trace the development of a given item.

  Second, pick one simple item, for example, a knife. Something that you pretty well can't get along without in the wild (at least, not comfortably, and by wild, I mean wild and crazy, not wilderness). to make the knife you need steel. Not just any steel, stuff that can be hardened to C 60+ and still be tough. That means a relatively high carbon content and some alloying elements. So your materials on the next level down for a simple easy setup are Iron, Carbon. Carbon is easy to get. Burn wood without oxygen to get charcoal, which is pretty much pure carbon. Requires a working knowledge of ceramics and furnace design. Iron you need to know how to find and smelt the ore, also requiring charcoal. Lead, tungsten, and nickel will help, but are not absolutely necessary, as long as you make the blade thick enough. So now you have your charcoal furnace and your iron cupola, your fireclay and kiln, and you end up with cast iron. No good. It's got way too much carbon in it to make a knife with. Now you have to build a converter, or puddle it, to get steel, test the steel by trial and error until it tempers properly, and then you finally get to make your knife. This is why I say that you need human resources. no one is going to be able to be a sustainable system unto themselves unless you want to go back to the early iron age. To maintain any sort of technological edge over the competition will take teamwork, endurance, and knowledge. You can stock up on stuff to last you the rest of your life, but what good does that do the human race, most notably your children, grandchildren, and so on, unless you can also pass down the knowledge of how to get the sort of comfortable lifestyle that we are all used to? I doubt if any one group is going to be long term stustainable to start with at a significantly high technological level, and, unfortunately, our government induced order is a significant factor in our level of technology. If everything goes to pot, I would suggest getting ~1930 and back down pretty solid, complete with cached reference works, and then start working forward in a specialty as a hobby. To summarize my philosophy, train, tshtf, let the jerks kill each other while staying as much out of the way as possible, once they finish, rebuild. Btw, if you start out with ten jerks, you are likely to end up with only one or two to worry about if you can manage to stay out of their way for a few years. I haven't addressed the staying out of the way part because that has already been beat to death many times by many people.


I'm sorry I didn't reply to your comments earlier, but unfortunately Ning disabled my account for "spam". I don't know what they would be referring to, but their service has been running slow over the holidays. I'm glad to be back to reply to your comments.

I would like to start by addressing the weapons issue. I personally believe in carrying one gun, and either one or two knifes. I listed a second gun because I know some people feel more comfortable carrying a gun in an ankle holster, in case they drop their normal gun, and become engaged in a hand-to-hand fight. The portion about the knifes was poorly worded, as it does imply that you should carry three or four knives. What I meant by that section, was that you should definitely have a military model folding knife, and possibly one fixed blade or auto opener.

On the topic of the cell phone tracking, I am not an expert in the area. I was basing that part off of a small amount of articles that i have read, in addition to what IDstronghold claims their bags do.

I have had no opportunity to field test it. If you have any idea how to set up a field test, I would love to know (I don't know how to track a phone, and doubt I have the resources). I am currently doing some research on the Faraday cage.

Another issue that seems to have come up, is the size. Of course you can't carry all of this on your person. That is why the items are marked as personal or stored. Try to fit as many of the personal items on yourself as you possible can, but it you can't then store them in your bag. When I mentioned women having an easier time because of their purses, I was not referring to storing weapons; I was referring to the fact that if men try to fit everything on their person, their pockets might be bulging, while women can escape that problem by putting it in a purse. The stored items should be left in a car or office, but carried with you if you are walking around. This is all referring to the time before the breakdown. The items are mostly for after the breakdown, but should be kept with you before the breakdown, because you won't know when it will happen.

When I mentioned "blending into city life," I was referring to looking normal before the breakdown. If your pockets are bulging, or you are openly carrying a gun or a gas mask, you will definitely get some weird stares.


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