It seems the more digging that I do into the past, the farther the "rabbit hole" seems to go. As I recently started looking into the Denver International Airport, I asked myself a very relevant question. "Is it possible that after WWII, the original financiers of Hitler's Germany, brought that totalitarian, world domination thought process back to the United States?" Im starting to think the answer to that question is undeniably yes. Some of you may already be well versed in this matter, but as I mentioned it just dawned on me after seeing some of the imagery at the Denver airport. Her are some links to check out. I welcome any thoughts on this matter regardless of which side of the fence you are on.

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LOL sink hole is absolutely correct. Granted you both have very good points, I was merely pointing out that it is quite possible that we were hijacked by like minded nazis such as the bush family.
All I was saying was that the nazis that we "wiped out" in wwII, were not wiped out at all, they just became Americans and continued their plan of world domination on a different front under a different name.

The hijacking of America began in 1492, but by 1607 when the Kingdom of England invaded and colonized, it was game over.

Things went from bad to worse in a major way after the civil war. From this time (1865), up until 1914 (beginning of WW1), one of the biggest explosions of arms manufacturing in the history of the world took place in America. The industrialists and bankers responsible for this boom were dubbed the “robber barons” and the dynasties they created continue their rule today.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was a pivotal moment. Written in large by the Jewish, Zionist, German, American, Paul Warburg. Warburg was a partner of Kuh, Loeb & Company, then a director of Wells Fargo, then head of the board of directors of the Fed. Paul also co founded the CFR and during WW1, his brother Max Warburg, was chief financial adviser and strategic intelligence consultant for the German secret service.

The “financiers of Hitler’s Germany” (Americans) didn’t bring the Reich back to the USA, well they did but they had exported it to Germany to begin with.

Hitler got all his ideas from America. Eugenics was US national policy in the early 1900s and it was mostly financed by the fore mentioned dynasties. 60,000 Americans were sterilized before the program came to an end. Hitler stated: "I have studied with great interest, the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."

Ethnic Cleansing in Connecticut - Our state's role in the Nazi euge...

Hitler and the Nazi party would never had existed had they not been created and sustained by American bankers and industrialists, if you haven’t read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler do so, it is rather revealing. The main corporation behind the Nazi war machine was I.G Farben. Paul Warburg was a director of its subsidiary American I.G. Three other directors of American I.G. were convicted at Nuremburg (German war criminals).

I cannot not mention here Prescott Bush who not only did Hitler’s banking as managing director of the Union Banking Corporation, but also he managed companies which owned Silesian Steel, who operated Auschwitz. And then there is his son, GHW who not only once headed the CIA, but according to some sources, is a dual German citizen who also headed the underground German secret service, the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD).

Organisations such as the CIA and NASA were constructed extensively from Nazi personnel, smuggled to US in Operation Paperclip. Professor Wernher Von Braun for example (Americanised to Von Brown), was a leading rocket scientist at NASA. Previously as a Nazi, he made the V2 rockets for Hitler. At the end of WW2 the US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was decommissioned. Between this time and the formation of the CIA in 1947, the US relied heavily on the services of the Gehlen Organization, founded with American backing by Hitler’s “master spy” Reinhard Gehlen.

Also Germany was not the only nation in WW2 to imprison non combatant populations due to their ethnicity. America did this as well; all Japanese US citizens were held in camps, inside the US for the duration of the war.

Wow Fred, amazing summary into the history of the US's progressive hijacking. You should turn this comment into a blog post. Great information within.

How far down the rabbit hole does go!!! Just when you think you've gotten closer to a truth, the hole takes another turn and goes down deeper. Yep, the US has been fooked by the money changers for centuries. There's been a few good guys along the way that tried to break free from the SOB's, but their spiderweb of power, corruption, evil and lies have ensnared almost every facet of our government and it's going to take a modern miracle to undo all that has been done in our name.


My dad who just died fought in WW2. I have read and studied enough to clearly see that the Nazis weren't defeated, despite the sacrifices of many, many men and women, they just transferred them. I never had the heart to tell my dad that they didn't win, the enemy was brought in to us. Somehow though, I think he knew it after watching what was happening.
Sorry for your loss and its sad that so many died for the gain of a select few.
Thank you. While I miss him I would not want him here to see the final version of what this country becomes, exactly what he fought against. Those that fought, fought valiantly against what they feared would take over. Unfortunately they did not see the few that control the many. The same evil the fought financed both sides for their own agenda.

Very interesting, I had no idea about the Denver International Airport. I am thoroughly intrigued. This is the exact reason I joined this group.




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