Did anyone else pick up on the CBS local affiliate in Atlanta, Georgia, story about Stratospheric Geo-engineering picture requests?
Here is a copy of a letter I sent to them (and a 'few others'), dated February 3. I FIRST found this link to CBS's video broadcast on 'Before It's' News', courtesy of 'Blacklisted News' and their links.
PERTINENT links are enclosed at the bottom of this forwarded letter.
I shall not bother you with the enclosed pictures, unless you want to view them. I am somewhat lazy, and looking up the specific pics would take about 2 hours...AND, there are so many pics posted here, that are as high in quality...
TO: CBS Atlanta News Desk
ATTN: Stephany Fisher, Jeff Cherico
To whom it concerns,
I watched a recent report that seems to be circulating on the internet, and you are requesting pictures of what is, in the vernacular, 'chemtrailing'.
These pictures were taken in Boise, Idaho, this past summer, approximately June. Ground temps were in the 75-degree to 90-degree (Fahrenheit) range, and the weather was otherwise clear and sunny..
The first two pictures are somewhat unique, as they show the obvious chemical 'halo' present in the SUMMER SKIES over Boise.
The first picture was taken at about 8:25 A.M. A heavy spray operation had been taking place for the last 15 hours (at that time), and had re-commenced at about 7:30 A.M.
The second picture was taken at about 11:30 A.M.
The third picture was taken at approximately 3 P.M. You will notice that the trail is extremely low, no more than 5,000 ft. AGL (about 7,000 feet above sea level); far too low for normal atmospheric conditions to allow the creation of a 'contrail', or 'convection trail'.
The LAST picture shows a clear example of a NORMAL CONTRAIL, taken from the same location about two days later.
I shall not task you further.
Thank you for your time.
(email redacted)