Summerfest, Milwaukee~ THROWING STONES July 9th, 12-3 pm on the M&I Classic Rock Stage


My band Throwing Stones won a battle of the bands yesterday and as one of the prizes of winning the event, we are going to be playing Summerfest down in Milwaukee, WI. This is the biggest music festival in the world and we are but one band among 100's that will be performing over a 11 day time period. This is huge peeps!!!!! Not only do we get to play at one of the coolest music festivals ever, but also we've been given the opportunity to play on a early Saturday afternoon, WOOT! It'll be bopping with 1000's of people. We'll be rocking out the truth to a massive audience or at least I hope. How cool is that? I have to admit I'm anxious as hell though. This will be the biggest music event that I've ever been a part of.


Speaking of dates, we are set to play on Sat. July 9th, 12-3 pm on the M&I Classic Rock Stage. If you live anywhere near the event, please do come and support us and our message of truth. Also, there's a plethora of cool ass bands that are set to play over the 11 day event so please do check it out if you can. It should be a rocking good time!




Rock on:)))))))

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@ James or Greg


Have you or Tara given any though to the possibilty of making a quick speach, RE: the NWO-Elite and what they are up to.

I would write one for her but I think you could do a better job.  It's a great opertunity for any of us at 12160 that may not happen again.

Maybe it could be used to explain some of the lerics in Tara's songs and "WHY and WHAT" they mean to America, and the world.


Looking forward to seeing a live video of some of the music on her profile or YT or Vimeo..



lol duh, i said saturday night. it should still be pretty packed early in the day.

Yep, we're the first band on the M&I stage on Sat. If it weren't for it being Sat, we might not have many people there at all but Sat is usually the busiest day when any festival is going on, even the early daytime.


My biggest worry is that my band wont' have enough tunes to fill up the 2-3 hours that we need to fill. We are an all original band that has only been together as a band little over a year. I think we have about 13 originals now. I guess we'd be jamming a couple of our songs out and then some, lol. It's a festival..... why not? Either that or start learning some covers asap. Yikes...... the stress already!!!! It's all good:)

Wow....wonderful news, Tara! You guys deserve to be there, you rock! AZ is too far away for me to attend, but I look forward to seeing the videos.


Yes it sounds cool, I have not been to a Concert for about 30 years, I think, but I do remember being deaf for 48 hours...


@ Sky, we were without stones on that particular day but we did drink a couple of brew-ha ha's and decided to utilize them for a scene of mass instruction. We were just showing the many uses of these long neck bottles, like how we recycle them for other purposes, lol. We're just a bunch of goof off's really! But there's a message in there somewhere.


Thanks everybody for your support:) Throwing Stones appreciates it and I most certainly appreciate it. We have a couple of demos uploaded to myspace right now if anybody is interested. Our originals are  in the final stages of mixing down and the CD will be out before we head down to Summerfest. I'll share the songs here when the time comes. 


Here's the link to our myspace page which is still being worked on btw.

Nice one Tara.Good luck on your big day.Looking gorgeous in pic btw.have a good one :)
i want an autograph. never had an autograph from a ROCK STAR before!
lol, rock star..... I'm too much of a dork to be a rock star. Actually, all of us in the band have the geek sheek thing going on, ha ha. We all were laughing about it the other day when we were getting pics done. We definetely are as uncool as they come. Thanks though, if you really want a 30 somethings (getting closer to 40, shhhh) autograph, by all means I'll oblige Krypke. @illum, thanks for the compliment! You made my day. I'm feeling like a spring chicken now, woot!
Thanks everybody for all your kind comments and support. It is much appreciated. Two weeks to go and I'm anxious as all hell. It's all good. The anxiety will keep me on my toes:) It's time to rock on with the roll into the very next show, WOOT!


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