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Magnitude 5.9

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 17:51:03 UTC
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 01:51:03 PM at epicenter

Location 37.975°N, 77.969°W
Depth 1 km (~0.6 mile) (poorly constrained)



6 km (4 miles) SSE (152°) from Louisa, VA
6 km (4 miles) SW (236°) from Mineral, VA
26 km (16 miles) SE (133°) from Gordonsville, VA
66 km (41 miles) NW (318°) from Richmond, VA
134 km (83 miles) SW (219°) from Washington, DC


Earthquake depth was VERY SHALLOW, ~1km, meaning lots of shaking…
Shook much of Washington, D.C., felt as far north as Rhode Island, New York City

Brings down cell phone / landline service to New York (apparently now restored)
All Flights Grounded at New York Airports
Pentagon Evacuated
Office Workers Scramble onto Streets in Washington DC
Rattles Manhattan
US Capitol Building Evacuated
2 Nuke Reactors Taken Offline
Downtown Baltimore: Office Workers Run to Streets






Details BELOW…

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well, yeah, but could 322 be a signature of skull and bones?
The EVENT predicts a big #quake in Washington DC wiping out the Washington monument - COINCIDENTIALY EPISODES CAME OUT ON DVD TODAY!

Fox News Reporting Washington Monument may be Tilted Following #Quake

Washington National Cathedral Damaged by quake, Jefferson Memorial Just Fine

Pentagon evacuated, due to 5.8 earthquake: A message to all those working, in whatever capacity, against Libya

Posted: 2011/08/23
From: Mathaba
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Destruction at Pentagon direct result of attack on Africa, powerful prayers around the world, for defeat of evil and victory of truth, leader Muammar Qaddafi
by Dennis South

I'm going to say this, and people can believe whatever they wish.  I will speak in certain terms, and you will simply have to read between the lines.  Some of it you will not see, unless you read between the lines.  For those of you who are attacking Libya, you'd better learn to read fast.

There are people--people whom I know personally--who have been praying and performing...spiritual rituals.  One person, about a month ago, directly prayed that the Pentagon would be destroyed. 

The "problem," though, is one that will surprise you: The Mercy of God.  God is slow to punish (That's why I ain't God!  Because I don't have that much mercy in me!) 

Today, the Pentagon was evacuated.  It was first told to me by my wife, who heard it on the radio and called me to tell me about it.  She said it probably wasn't on the Internet yet.  I checked, and found these articles:

A Message to all those working against Libya, whether you push buttons inside the Pentagon, work inside the White House, or are deployed on the ground, in an anti-Libyan aggressive way:

I urge you to find another form of employment.  It is not for me to sit here and appear arrogant, warning you.  I do not say these things based on arrogance.  I say these things because there is always, at any moment, the possibility that the "respite" that God gives to nations that have become corrupt, will come to an end. 

It certainly is not for me to say when God's patience will come to an end; when His Mercy--even His Mercy upon evil people--will come to an end.  I repeat:  All of you who are pushing buttons, firing machine guns, writing lies, dropping bombs from the sea, commanding aircraft carriers, flying airplanes, spying on Libya through sattelites, or who are involved in any form of war and aggression against Libya that is coming from outside Libya, or that is coming from inside Libya, I warn you to cease and desist.

NATO: Stand down.  Withdraw immediately, before the countries that you represent face death and destruction from Mother Nature.

I have done my duty.  I have been told to give you this message.  I have given you this message.  I advise you to take heed.

About Dennis South

I have been serving, for 43 years, the cause of helping to create a new, balanced and peaceful world.

The Washington Monument Is Almost Certainly Not Leaning
Video: Raw Video: Quake Hits During Commercial
(Update -> North Anna plant and other nuclear power plants)

WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- A nuclear power plant in central Virginia has lost offsite power in the wake of a 5.9 earthquake centered northwest of Richmond, Va., U.S. nuclear officials said.

The North Anna Power Station, which has two nuclear reactors, is now using four diesel generators to maintain cooling operations. The plant, owned by Dominion Resources (D), automatically shut down in the wake of the earthquake.

"As far as we know, everything is safe," said Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman David McIntyre.

NRC spokeswoman Elizabeth Hayden said she didn't believe residents around the North Anna plants were being evacuated.

"I think we would know that and we have heard nothing to that effect. There's no reason to. The plant is safely shut down and the diesel generators are operating well," Hayden said.

Hayden said she wasn't sure how long the North Anna plant could operate on generators, which is used in lieu of power the plant normally receives from the grid.

In addition to the North Anna plant, there are nine nuclear plants that have declared unusual events, the lowest of four emergency situations, the NRC said. Those plants are located in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

There is no reported damage at those plants and they could be declaring unusual events just as a precautionary measure, Hayden said.

Read more:
Watch rooftop snipers scramble as #quake hits the White House Raw Video #quake #eastcoastearthquake



They always say that God is telling people something. Katrina, Haiti, etc... Wonder where Franklin Graham is now? Maybe God is telling DC and Wall Street He is watching.

Nuclear Plant Near Earthquake Epicenter, with Hurricane Coming

August 23, 2011The Washington Post is reporting that a 5.9 magnitude earthquake “rattled Washington. Buildings across the capital are evacuated after quake strikes 87 miles southwest of Washington.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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