Senate OKs indefinite detention of American citizens without charges Provision

Senate OKs Controversial Detainee Provision, Setting Up Fight With White House

By Yochi J. Dreazen
November 29, 2011 | 3:30 p.m.

The Senate soundly defeated a move to strip out controversial language requiring mandatory detention of some terror suspects, voting it down 61 to 37 and escalating a fight with the Obama administration over the future course of the war on terror.

The proposed amendment to the massive National Defense Authorization Act would require the FBI and other civilian law enforcement agencies to transfer al-Qaida suspects arrested overseas on charges of planning or carrying out a terror attack into military custody. It wouldn’t apply to American citizens, but the change has drawn strong opposition from civil rights groups and the White House, which has promised to veto the defense bill if that language was included.

Occupy Lansing Protests at Senator Levin's Office

The Occupy Lansing movement shows no signs of winding-down. Monday they marched to the Lansing office of U.S. Senator Carl Levin to protest the national defense authorization act bill.

The Senate will be voting to allow Congress to give the president the power to order the military to pick up and imprison civilians anywhere in the world without charge or trial.

"This bill has a provision in it that would allow the U.S. government to detain on U.S. soil U.S. citizens for an indefinite amount of time without trial or cause. This is really frightening to us, it directly contradicts our constitutional rights and Occupy Lansing is stepping out to say this is not ok," said Edge Brussel, Occupy Lansing.

The protestors delivered a petition signed by occupiers in opposition to the bill.

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  As long as the Senate refuses to admit and act on who did 9-11, their own finding that the GoM oil well blow out was intentional and B.O. gave BP a free walk on it, and the self destructing Fukushima plant and GE responsibility for the resultant radiation escape, as well as other congressional FAIL because of their 24/7 mewling and prancing, this bill will serve exactly as Dreazen suspects as avenue for undue violation of  law abiding citizens' rights. 9-11 has made sniveling punks of ALL of congress that REFUSES to cowboy up to weaning itself of the CFRtv promo they so desperately crave and REFUSES TO SAY OUT LOUD WHO DID 9-11. Levin can go to hell with the rest of them.

    There ARE NO DOMESTIC  TERRORISTS beyond FBI created ones. And America creates the foreign ones as well. Search 'Operation GLADIO' and see the actual operatives CONFESSING to planning and murdering dozens of people in bus and train stations throughout the 1960s and 1970s for the Italian fascist party and the CIA. Look at it and then tell me that I am "angry".

  As long as they can jail anybody for anything forever now, I will break the silence on where the .38 revolver that they found on Vince Foster in Marcey Park came from, and hope they don't go retroactive on me.

  Hillary Clinton procured that pistol in Seattle from Seattle Hardware in 1983 during the primary runup. A Democratic party volunteer was muscled into doing the purchase by Hillary, the governor's wife and her chaffeur and assistant. Hillary waited outside. I am the guy who made her take it out of her purse so I could write down the serial numbers and tell her off, also by proxy. 5 witnesses can verify this. Get busy. (808-443-3457).

Perhaps the naysayers will join us now. We the People are losing our Nation without a fight. Damn Cheny/Bush, and every single sitting politician in the Congress. The bill they passed in the Senate is another secret deal by John McCain. He was the architect of the financial destruction and now he has crafted a way to deny us our Constitution. No thanks, we are outlaws for adhering to our LAWs prior to the last 40 yrs of stealthy takeover.


The truth on when it is too late for America is when all us monkeys are dead. We do a hell of a job at destroying enemies, including snot mouthed self annointed experts without the capacity to know they too can be removed. There is a big solar event coming in 12/21/2012 that may provide a catalyst to wake up the survivors. The net, cable, satellite coms are most likely going down around that time. With no audio video pablum, added to no electric power nor running water, we wil lbe 300 million angry people. Beware the false ego that posseses you poser, we are truely legion, we truely do not forget nor forgive. When combat is for real, many fail to grasp the severity of the situation.


I think the spelling of the variant should be "You're" , as in , You are unless you meant your as a possesive. Yes, I am funny. Yes, the lead dog in the Senate (R)s is usually John McCain, former POW , terrible Navy Pilot. He did do flight school and only wrecked two jets while in Pensacola.

No, John McCain does not have the mental ability to formulate all the intricate plots to divest the US Treasury of the bulk of the wealth moved offshore during the tenure of B Bernanke at the Federal Reserve Bank. Yeah, You too are Funny Monkey 

They're playing a game of chess, one move @ a time! Marshall law! Concentration camps coming soon!

 Thes neocon/Obummer clowns all dodged any chance of self-sacrifice in their lives. None would ever help anybody with anything without getting paid in full. The only protection they would get in any mutiny or revolt would be mercenary and transient. Can you honestly expect military personnel, all of whom know Hillary and Bill have been spitting on them for 40 years, to go against the American people for Hillary and Obummer, who only salutes the flag when he wants to and puts his feet up on the White House furniture and facilitates the looting of our trade economy through multibillion dollar embezzlements and multitrillion dollar derivative exchanges(another kind of 'embezzlement')?

  Blackwater (Xi) is Bush's attempt at a royal guard like the QofE's red coats.  Bush cabal arrogance naturally seeks Bush cabal cubicle living. Review the many attacks on the U.S. and tell me they all could not be soon stopped and bottled up with one loyal Division of U.S. Army or Marine Corps personnel. You guys just have not assessed the enemy or taken their activities seriously. You better.

  Fukushima's initial blast contamination caused a 30% increase in northwest U.S. still births in the following few months and Los Angeles background radiation was up 300% last week. Bush cabal people commissioned and sited the Fukushima plant using Nixon's presidency and probably nuked the Japan trench, causing the wave. 9.0 earthquake? Check out photos from Kobe's quake. Mass destruction. Try to find one piece of cracked stucco or a broken window ANYWHERE from the Fukushima 'earthquake'  just before the tsunami hit. There aren't any. I have scanned dozens of Fukushima videos and the pretsunami damage is minimal. The quake registered a 5.8 twelve miles from the phony epicenter. Impossible and never observed. This was a money extortion which Japan paid.  More nukes are threatened. The Bush mess at the Maconda Prospect is still leaking all over. The markets are being raided with cash-derivative exchanges ON YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. INFLATION. THEFT. Just one loyal division with the public's not expecting sacrifices or risks that they themselves are not making.

  Scott Olsen, the OWS Marine corps vet who was shot by a messed up riot cop,  is back on his feet. Send him best wishes. We need to win this law enforcement problem we have with the NYPD protecting the 9-11 perps and the stock market looters. The 'Jolly Roger' flag is flying above the capital. A 40 foot tall menorrah will be set up in front of the White House in days. The queen of England and the Rothschild bank are licking their chops. They think they own us and are going to make us pay like in 1929.



Everyone knows Vince Foster was murdered as well as Ron Brown by Clinton. More lies about the Fukishima power plant and now we can be all put in prison for nothing. Is anybody really listening oor has the gov succeded in making the country brain dead? So many of us here know what is going on and can't do a dam thing about it. We have lost the fight even though we keep trying. I , for one will not turn over and let them take me.

I agree. All we can do now is watch and pray to god he gets here soon. 

  I was violently mugged one night long ago. It was bloody. Its a good thing I learned how to play football at a young age and learned about getting up off my ass and administering marshall discipline on the football field and during an off-field attack.You go through three stages. 1) What is happening to me. , 2) Why is this person doing this?, and 3) It does not matter WHY this person is doing this to me and I do not know how far they plan to carry this attack. Termination of their command, with extreme predjudice, if necessary, is the antidote. You aren't hurt yet. Cowboy up and tell some stupid fuch to cut the cord on their CFRtv and report for duty on a daily basis. Send George W. Bush straight to hell in a legal fashion and avoid molesters and punks with the DHS. And be a tiger.

I  was  under  the  impression  that  there  was  a  'compound'  for  al-Qaida  suspects  and  KNOWN  Terrorists.  Is  this  not  true???   Why  start  another  one  when  there  is  one  in  exsistance??

If  you  are  a  U.S.  Citizen  suspected  of  going  wacko  and  joining  al-Qaida  -  then  it  seems  only  right  for  the  safety  of  other  Americans  that  this  person  be  detained.  You  mean  to  tell  me  that  these  people  have  been  running  around  loose  in  "any  place"  and  no  one  had  the  right  to  do  anything  about  them.   Bull  Shit!!!

Try  going  through  security  at  any  air  port  and  that  is  humiliating.  Being  detained  is  not  humiliating,  it's  our  right  to  be  safe  in  our  own  Country...

If  you  know  or  suspect  anyone  of  being  involved  with  al-Qaida  -  by  all  means  turn  them  in;   but  watch  your  back  for  the  rest  of  your  life.   These  people  are  everywhere.


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