One of the ships, the Kharg, took part in last year's mission

Iranian warships have entered the Mediterranean Sea for only the second time since the 1979 revolution.

The destroyer Shahid Qandi and its supply vessel Kharg have passed through the Suez Canal but their destination remains unclear.

Navy chief Admiral Habibollah Sayari told the Irna agency the mission was a show of might and a "message of peace".

Two Iranian navy vessels entered the Mediterranean in February last year. Israel called it a "provocation".

Admiral Sayari was quoted by Irna as saying: "The strategic navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has passed through the Suez Canal for the second time since the Islamic Revolution."

The mission conveyed "the might" of Iran to regional countries and Tehran's "message of peace and friendship".

The ships were reported to have docked earlier at Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

Reuters quoted a source at the Suez Canal authority as saying the vessels might be en route to Syria.

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I consider myself a true patriot and put America 1st, 2nd and 3rd EXCEPT for the empire it has and is creating. I hope Russia and China will "draw a line" and say no mas.  There needs to be a balance of powers, and America needs to start by drastically reducing the number of foreign military bases (900+) in over 100 nations.

 We've morphed into Israel's  agent puppet, and they control 100's of nuclear weapons of their own and possibly our own.  A show of strength is the only thing that our military/industrial/security complex will respect...anything less exhibits weakness, ergo, a continuance of our path to world domination culminating eventually in our own destruction.

Well that was a mouthful rtaylortitle,the only thing that I disagreed with was the empire word used. Enough said good sentiment though,we know that your heart song is true.

It's all about the Kerching, kerching and the price tag, and not forgetting Pike's WWIII of course!!!

Absolutely agree. We have become the kings of Hyprocracy and it makes me sad.

Nice one Admins, you beat me to it! - And why I wrote this reminder;

Like I said in another space on this: What if those two other ships had been deployed near Saudi Arabia were there as a strong arm of this post and as this post tells about there prsents elsewhere in the waters,who's to say that they arn't gearing up for an all time war at any moments notice. It sounds as if it could be at any given time, that we are plunged into the beginning of the end as we know it; And being thrusted into our new dawning. This world war has started to become more evident, it is hearing perhaps the call of the apocalypse. A prophecy that has been forlorn for this present day in our history. I fear that with the new technology that we have,that we are hearing it in real time. The internet lets us be aware instantly almost. We are on the balcony in observance of world war, that is going to come. We could all become the truly underground people, because that would be the only safe place to be probably. I don't have all the answers, as non of us have,I'm only praying for help from God to help us all!

I don't know that I follow exactly, but are you saying that they shouldn't float their boats around? It seems a bit hypocritical to float ours all over in their seas and even shoot down their civilian planes right off their shore and than get upset when they float their boats in the same waters we are right outside their country.
They have a right to flex their muscle when threatend. We are the bad guys here there is no doubt about it and we can stop this any time.

It's going to get ugly.  Iranians, syrians, russians, afganis, chinese, hindus, vietnamese, cambodians, pakistanis... versus jews, americans, europeans and saudis.  Better run to the store and get anti-radioactivity lead suits.

Its all about global manipulation, that's why.


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