The post 9-11 generation: the first generation that HASN'T created a new youth cuture/tribe/style of music - just recycled all the crap all the previous generations threw out, into turgid 'new' forms, lacking any taste, sense, style or talent.
never heard of a Flo rida or a Ke$ha????
but then again I listen to radio about as much as tv.....none ;)
Most pop music today is nothing more than an image and popularity contest. It has nothing to do with music. One thing can be said though; these bubblegum, poptart, NWO music puppets do not usually withstand the test of time. Who's going to remember Justin Beiber when he's older and washed up? I mean come on... really???? lol
It feels as though the last remaining flame of true creativity in the music world was extinguished sometime in the early 1990s. No music since that time has had the same magic to it. Everything is stale; it is like being trapped in a locked bank vault where the oxygen is slowly being used up and there is no fresh air to replace it. Any young musician today who has the rare ability to captivate and stimulate the hearts and minds of large numbers of people is deliberately marginalized into obscurity as soon as the elite learn of him. He will be lucky to get 200 views of his work on YouTube unless he sells out and signs a contract, whereupon his work is immediately altered to suit the sponsors' agenda, marketed to specific demographics, mass-produced, and priced for retail sale.
If you had gone to a show/gig/club dressed/styled like Justin Beiber in the 90's, it's doubtful you would have made it home alive...
These times are dire, yes, but that said, the most exciting, revolutionary music has always evolved out of oppression; and I believe we're due for somthing that is going to shake the foundations of the establishment.
The magic of marketing : (
I try not to hate. All of these artists are VERY talented. I think what should be most despised is the corporations that monopolize the industry with cash cows. Down with corporatism!!
What's most sad is not the success of these artists but the general populations readiness to be victims to a Pied Piper strategy that keeps them from the truth of the world. Instead of just enjoying the artist's talents, they idolize them and are brainwashed with the image that conveys the artist. They emulate to the point that they lose their identities and assume the fictional role of the artist's stage persona. Uh, identity crisis anyone?
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