by Anthony Wile
An audit of the Federal Reserve would be nice but really it wouldn't change anything. In fact, it would likely prove a kind of sideshow from reality, which is that monopoly central banking should simply be abolished.
And that probably won't happen until people get so sick and tired of being driven into bankruptcy and despair that they begin to kick the doors down and arrest the criminals cowering inside.
And they ARE real criminals. The system is responsible for debasing currency the world over and driving billions into poverty and even suicide. In the West it has blighted the hopes and dreams of millions who scratched and saved and then found their portfolios devalued by half or whole on a single day.
But it is worse in Third World countries. The money never even trickles down in these countries. Billions of people live on literally a couple of dollars a day.
This despite the United Nations and other international institutions that are supposedly dedicated to eradicating poverty. In fact, these institutions create the poverty they supposedly wish to remove. They do so via institutionalized violence costing trillions. War is the health of the state but it sickens everyone else.
It's not as if people don't already know the depths of the depravity that is the modern money system.
There's really no justification for the Fed, a monopoly central bank that issues fiat money as it chooses.
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Ok, I don't normally finish that many articles when they're super long, but I'm going to unleash the inner frog in me and step out of my toady skin, lol.
I love it..."Who Audits the Auditors?" That's a very good question. With the system as it is set up today, I'm not that confident that the auditors would be any more credible than our representatives (because look where those fookers have got us so far, deeper into an abyss ;). Most are deeply in bed with more of the same especially when there is a payoff for them at the end of the day.
"The money trail, follow it wide, stooge is on the loose, raping you blind, NWO... create disorder, chaos reigns the night of dark orders, the money changers created the scheme, cradle the assets down to their grave, New Babylon, in the New City, a debtor Nation, home of the slave."... a verse from Institutionalized... one of my bands songs :) I thought I should add it here for some reason ;)
"Destroying the New World Order"
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