(Disclaimer: The following information on this post is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as offering medical advice. Individuals should seek advice from a qualified health practitioner before pursuing any course of action on their own.)
This post is a compilation of videos and supporting links for alternative cancer therapies as well as various herbs, foods,and substances that have been shown to have immune boosting/cancer fighting properties. It is by no means a complete list as I have only added sections for which videos have been found; however, I will continue to add sections as new video content becomes available. In the meantime, it would be wise to read "Understanding Treating Cancer With Alternative Medicine", ”An Overview of the Best Alternative Cancer Treatments”, as well as the CancerTutor.com Articles section of this post to get an overview of the various alternative therapies and why it is absolutely necessary to have an expert in these therapies guide in the selection of the correct protocol and its adaptation to each individual's unique health condition. The articles also discuss the effectiveness of older treatments versus newer more potent protocols. When viewing testimonials for various treatments, it is important to keep in mind that many of the successes with older treatments occurred before the increased use of chemotherapy and radiation. As a result, they may be too weak or ineffective by themselves for those who have undergone conventional treatments.
Understandably, some readers may have negative attitudes toward alternative medicine. If they watch nothing else on this post, I encourage them to watch The Burzynski Movie and The Beautiful Truth. These two movies have set many on the path of doing their own research and questioning where they get their information from(See article ”How Bogus Scientific Studies Are Created”). Individuals have to take personal responsibility and investigate what they read, even the information presented on this post.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Sections & Main Presenters
(Click "Back" button on browser to return to Table)
Alternative cancer therapies
Electromedicine therapies (Typically combined w/ a nutritional protocol)
Herbs, foods, substances with immune boosting/cancer fighting properties
General nutritional support
Other sections
CancerTutor.com Articles - ***Important reading***
Useful Links
CancerTutor.com Review - “...the least expensive of the highly potent protocols.”
WebTalkRadio.net - Bill Henderson is the host of How To Live Cancer Free on WebTalkRadio.net. Click on “Archived Shows” tab to listen to previous shows.
Alternative Cancer Treatments - Overview of Bill Henderson’s book, "Cancer-Free", which is “based on the work by Nobel scientist, Dr. Otto Warburg, who discovered a cancer cure in 1931. Today, Bill Henderson, the author of "Cancer-Free, Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing", is using those same cancer killing therapies.”
Overview of Bill Henderson book, “Cancer Free” - Video scrolls through Bill Henderson’s website and highlights various parts of his book and health program.
Bill Henderson - Short introduction
Curing cancer at home naturally - Short introduction
How to Cure Almost any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day - (31 min audio)
Beating Cancer Gently - “Our Health Co-op interviews Bill Henderson, author of Cancer Free. Bill has helped over 2,000 cancer patients.”
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Cancer causes
Part 3 - Anti-Cancer Diet
(Bill Henderson Protocol testimonials on Daily Paul: holbrook)
Note: Michael Vrentas uses the same aspect (Flax Oil/Cottage Cheese -- FOOC) part of the Budwig Diet that Bill Henderson does in his protocol. Bill Henderson said he would include the Cellect product in his protocol if it was less expensive.
CancerTutor.com Review - "...one of the crown jewels of alternative medicine!"
Supported by Michael Vrentas who is a cancer researcher and member of the board of directors for The Independent Cancer Research Foundation.
Bill Henderson’s CANCER-FREE Newsletter (March 2, 2006) - Scroll down to -> (“Get To Know Fred Eichhorn -- You'll Be Glad You Did”) where he talks about Fred, his wife, and their work with cancer patients.
Bill Henderson’s CANCER-FREE Newsletter (September 26, 2009) - Scroll down to -> (MICHAEL VRENTAS' NEW WEBSITE”) where he talks a bit about Michael’s Cellect-Budwig Protocol.
CellectBudwig.com - Michael Vrentas' site
www.ncrf.org - National Cancer Research Foundation was founded by Fred Eichhorn who is the creator of the nutritional supplement known as Cellect.
Cellect.org - Product Source which Michael Vrentas uses in his protocol.
Cellect_Budwig - Michael Vrentas gives an overview of his CDs covering this protocol.
Part 1
Part 2
Testimonials - Most of these testimonials are from people who used Fred Eichhorn's nutritional program exclusively without taking conventional treatments.
Bill Henderson interviews Wendy and Kim Sonsini -“Both ladies used Fred Eichhorn’s product called Cellect – and no other products – to heal their cancers.“ (Audio) (Interview 1 @ 16:33) (Interview 2 @ 14:30)
”Jen K - Brain Cancer”
”Anthony L. - Lung Cancer”
”Cesar A Sr. - Colon Cancer”
”Cowboy Joe - Pancreatic, Liver, Stomach, Throat and Neck Cancer”
”Joe Y. - Double Lung and Left Hip cancer - Advanced 4th Stage”
”Steve H. - Prostate Cancer and Mercury Poisoning”
”Laura H. - Multiple Sclerosis”
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez adaptation of the Kelley Therapy.
CancerTutor.com Review - Review of original Kelly Therapy
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Cancer
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Jobs - “Natural health physician and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez discuss about Steve Jobs' health condition on pancreas tumor.”
Advanced Protocols for Cancer
“In this interview, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, the author of One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley and co-author of The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer, discusses Kelley Therapy: a fascinating nutritional paradigm for healing degenerative diseases. From their New York office, Dr. Gonzalez and his partner Dr. Linda Isaacs develop patient-specific nutritional protocols for diet, supplementation, enzyme therapy, and detoxification to address disease conditions and help the body cope with profound environmental toxicity.”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
The Beautiful Truth
Trailer - “Garrett is a 15-year old boy living in the Alaskan wilderness with a menagerie of orphaned animals. Growing up close with nature has given him
a deep understanding of nutritional needs required by diet sensitive animals on the reserve. Unfortunately, the untimely and tragic death of his mother propelled him into a downward spiral and he risked flunking out of school. This led to his fathers decision to home-school Garrett. His first assignment was to study a controversial book written by Dr. Max Gerson.”
Full Movie - “Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett's father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer. Fascinated, Garrett embarks in this documentary on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures.”
The Gerson Miracle
“The Gerson Miracle examines many of the elements of the Gerson Therapy, explaining why we are so ill and how we have in our grasp the power to recover our health without expensive, toxic or mutilating treatments, using the restorative forces of our own immune systems. Even the most advanced cases of cancer can be successfully reversed using this method. While the results seem miraculous, the real "miracle" lies within our own body and its healing processes.”
Full Movie
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
How to use Dr. Clarke's Syncrometer to cure cancer part 1
How to use Dr. Clarke's Syncrometer to cure cancer part 2
This is the video that comes on DVD with Dr. Hulda Clark's book, The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers found at HuldaClark.com. The video states for anyone to reproduce and distribute video as much as possible. Video is considered Public Domain, since all Dr. Clark wants is to get the word out to people that there are answers to all health questions. Learning to use a Hulda Clark Syncrometer takes a while, but one can research resonant frequencies in substances, living tissue, one's own body and so on. When you find a match for a pollutant in your body, you try to discover where you are getting the pollutant by testing food, water, living space until a match is found, and eliminated. The Syncrometer is an audio oscillator circuit in it's early experimental stages of development. Dr. Clark publishes the schematic and instructions for building one's own Syncrometer in her books. It is Dr. Clark's hope that others will take the science further, automate the device, and make it easier to use to benefit health on earth. If you are interested in health, electronics, or science, the Hulda Clark Syncrometer is fun to build and play with
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