The word 'rapture' is NOT found anywhere in the Bible! There is I Thessalonians 4:17, but way too much emphasis has been put on this one quote of Saul/Paul. And I Thess 4:17 can be fulfilled today simply by people riding in the same airplane as the Christ. (It is 'coincidental' that Jesus was born on 4/17/6 BC [17/4/748 AUC].)
The Bible states 4 or 5 times that "The Christ returns to judge everybody according to their actions". This mission of his saves Earth, people, and animals. The Revelation clearly states that the Christ returns to rule for 1,000 years. The traditional view of the Rapture is quite WRONG!
The purpose of God creating this earth is to create "heaven on Earth", not to wisk some 'believers' away to the heavens and leave a 'hell on Earth'.
I see this has gotten 13 views, bt no replies. How about some comments or questions?
This is an important discusssion to have, yet nobody has replied. Well?
I put this same post on and the fundamentalist evangelicals are having quite a discussion there!
I wouldn't take it too personally Brad ~ I have read and to some small extent studied the bible and love God and believe in Jesus and His finished work of the cross + I don't know why no one has left a comment ~ i prob would not have said anything accept for the fact that i see your almost unbelief that no replied or commented~ so here's my comment so you don't feel like you wasted your time. I really hate this subject because it is a diversion from the more important thing IMO~ which is the absolute love of Jesus and what we KNOW He did for us John3:16 ~ This pre trib post trib ~ is there a rapture stuff among believers only does one thing in my opinion ~ distract us from the NOW ~ even the word Rapture can be disputed ~ taken up to meet Him in the clouds is pretty clear ~ This subject causes arguments among believers and even division~ There is a coming insurrection ~ There is only one message Christians should be concerned about and it hasn't changed since John the Baptist~ REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR~ In my opinion all we need to do is take the log out of our own eyes before we take out the speck in our brother and have the faith of a mustard seed ~ Let God be God and have the faith of a child for if we continue to be as the Pharisee's we will not win anyone to the kingdom and doom many people to ignorance and confusion ~ There is a silly clique i kinda believe in & wish more people would do ~
I don't take it personally, but GOD is bothered by it. Make sure that "you don't have a rod in your eye" - Matthew 7:4 (7/4=July 4th).
The purpose of God creating this earth is to create "heaven on Earth", not to wisk some 'believers' away to the heavens and leave a 'hell on Earth'. Right?
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