20 dark predictions for 2013, the year of oppression and insanity

2013 will go down in history as the year of global insanity. The Earth isn’t going crazy, but many of the people who inhabit it certainly are. Madness is about to be unleashed on many fronts: economic, social, political, financial and more. In the near future, you will look back on the Christmas of 2012 and think, “Wow, those were the GOOD times!”

Do not read this article if you wish to continue frolicking in the land of TV delusions, fake news and celebrity gossip. These are the darkest real-world predictions I’ve ever published, and they are not things I ever wish to see come true. But I can’t deny the reality of where things are headed. If we project present-day trends into 2013, 2014 and 2015, the picture becomes a multi-front nightmare.

The madness in America has reached a crescendo. Nearly half the population is now under the mind control of a “cult of personality” political figure named Obama who is deliberately dismantling America one day at a time. Unlike Bush who was simply a tyrant, Obama is a charismatic tyrant, and that’s far more dangerous. As you may recall, Adolf Hitler was also highly charismatic and won over the hearts and minds of his followers, using many of the very same speech patterns as Obama, an expert in neurolinguistic programming and emotional manipulation.

Because the population has been mesmerized into a state of near-total complacency, an actual police state society is being rolled out right before our eyes, complete with the planned destruction of the Bill of Rights and the characterization of anyone who believes in the Constitution as a “terrorist.”

Both Republicans and Democrats are doing nothing to stop it, as they have been taken over by corporate interests or have been promised positions of power in the new society that they plan to install after they crush the Republic.

With Obama at the helm, America is being turned into a gulag nation, complete with the sexual abuse of the citizens by federal agents (TSA), secret execution lists of American citizens (NDAA), secret gulag prisons and the government’s continued staging of mass shootings (Aurora and more) to keep the population psychologically controlled in a never-ending state of fear.

2013 will be 1984 on steroids

  • A D V E R T I S E M E N T

The ultimate plan, as you will see rolled out over the next few years, is installing Communism in America, which requires the complete government takeover of the economy, the total disarmament of the population so that people cannot fight back, the “elimination” of all who believe in freedom and liberty, and the official destruction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I wish I could say 2013 would be the year of “love” and “peace,” but unfortunately these will be used to provide a cover story for hatred, destruction and war. President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, is already one of the most repugnant war criminals in human history, having launched or continued eight regional wars, complete with the dropping of “peace bombs” on innocent women and children.

As long as Obama talks about “love” at home — even while firing drone missiles at innocent children in the Middle East — he is worshipped by his mind-slave minions in the USA. By invoking LOVE, Obama emotionally disarms the People and furthers his agenda of hatred, destruction and enslavement. His supporters have lost discernment and unknowingly are supporting the rise of the next tyrannical dictator.

If we even have a Presidential election in 2016, I will be surprised. 2012 may have witnessed the last shreds of the Republic being deliberately terminated.

The following predictions apply from 2013 to the end of 2015, as I always make predictions in three-year blocks.

#1) The global debt collapse arrives

The so-called “fiscal cliff” is only the beginning of what we’re about to witness. When record-low tax revenues are reported in April because of Obama’s planned destruction of the U.S. economy, ratings organizations will downgrade U.S. debt, setting off a global selloff that could thrust America into a “nightmare” scenario of being unable to sell more debt (or at least not at reasonable interest rates).

This, in turn, would result in the Fed turning solely to printing new money to buy U.S. debt, quickly accelerating into compounding hyperinflation.

#2) Obama administration attempts to gut the Second Amendment

Obama is coming after the guns, and he’s aided by some of the most insidious and psychotic individuals walking the planet today: Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Moore and others.

Their goal is the complete disarmament of the American people so that the government has total control over all firepower, just like in China, North Korea and Hitler’s Germany.

It’s all pure hypocrisy, of course, because all of these people have their own armed bodyguards. Obama’s children are protected by eleven armed guards in a private school. Michael Moore has armed body guards. Dianne Feinstein has a concealed weapons permit in California. They all want themselves to be able to have weapons, but not YOU, the “little people” of America.

#3) Martial Law declared across America

2013 is the year things may break out into mass violence in America. Look for Obama to declare Martial Law and announce a mandatory nationwide gun confiscation measure.

This, of course, will lead to even more violence as armed citizens begin fighting back against an out-of-control federal government that attempts to seize power and nullify the entire U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. More here  - http://www.infowars.com/20-dark-predictions-for-2013-the-year-of-op...

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