As we reported 6 weeks ago, final assault was planned before September deadline
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 22, 2011
Precisely as we predicted last month, NATO forces and their Al-Qaeda backed rebels launched a massive assault on Tripoli in order to wrap up the looting and conquest of Libya in time for crucial talks at the UN on Palestinian statehood set to begin in less than two weeks.
On July 8th in an article entitled, U.S. Wants Gaddafi Toppled By September, we reported, “The United States and France have set a deadline of September 2nd to topple Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, with NATO powers ready to inflict a crushing blow if Gaddafi refuses to step down peacefully.”
That crushing blow is now in full effect as reports circulate of well over a thousand dead with thousands more wounded during weekend battles, led by by NATO warships and fighter jets as part of “Operation Merm...which led to the capture of Gaddafi’s sons as Gaddafi himself reportedly went into hiding.
RAF fighter jets were deployed to attack key regime targets while the media pretended the whole assault was an organic uprising by the Libyan people, endlessly replaying footage of celebrating crowds.
In another report published on July 15, we stated that NATO powers and the rebel army would launch a final bombardment of Tripoli within 6-8 weeks if Gaddafi refused to step down, which is exactly what unfolded just shy of 6 weeks later.
Barack Obama and David Cameron are now busy milking the spectacle with tough talk as if they led the assault personally. In reality, the conquest of Libya represents little more than another act of colonial looting on behalf of the NATO war machine, with Syria the next target in its cross hairs.
The war was launched, with the gleeful support of the western corporate media, on the hoax that Gaddafi’s government was slaughtering “protesters” en masse. In reality, these “protesters” had commandeered military tanks and fighter jets. For weeks, the establishment press re-branded what was a civil war as a brutal series of crimes against humanity by Gaddafi’s regime, just long enough for the United Nations to pass a “no fly zone” resolution that instantly turned into a massive NATO bombardment overnight.
Global central banks will now get to carve up Africa’s most oil-rich nation while simultaneously divvying up around 144 tons of gold bullion – which might go some way to repaying Hugo Chavez after his announcement that Venezuela is to nationalize its precious metals industry. Unless of course Chavez becomes the next head on the chopping block for another “humanitarian intervention”.
The attack on Libya, spearheaded by Obama without Congressional approval, against the advice of his own constitutional lawyers, and on a promise that the conflict would last “days not weeks,” was a brazen illustration of how the so-called “war on terror” was a cruel hoax.
From the very beginning, and in violation of their own resolution, NATO powers armed, funded and trained Al-Qaeda militants who had killed U.S. troops, setting them up to command the rebels in the march towards Tripoli. As the Wall Street Journal reported in a piece entitled, Ex-Mujahedeen Help Lead Libyan Rebels, Al-Qaeda terrorists who worked directly for Bin Laden were tasked with recruiting, training and acting as front line field commanders for the rebel army.
The entire scope of the war was about capturing Libya as another launch pad for further empire building in the Middle East and north Africa, which is why PNAC neo-cons ordered “Peace Laureate” Obama to do it in the first place. The conquest was about securing the richest oil resources in the whole of Africa, it was about stealing 6 billion dollars in gold reserves, and it was about putting a halt to China’s efforts to virtually re-colonize Africa.
Although Gaddafi was obviously an autocratic dictator, he did reinvest much of Libya’s oil wealth back into the country, transforming it into one of the most well-developed nations in the whole region, which is why a lot of the middle classes in major cities retained their support for the Libyan leader.
All that is set to change now that NATO forces and the central banks that stand behind them will finally get the opportunity to properly plunder Libya for all it has. Living standards will plummet, corrupt strong men will take control with globalist blessings and run the country into the ground for their own good, so long as they allow NATO and US air force bases to be constructed throughout the land.
Save for any last minute counter-attack by Gaddafi forces, the globalist war machine can now focus on toppling its next domino on the road to world domination. Rest assured, whether its Syria, Iran, Pakistan or anywhere else, a suitable hoax will be invented as a pretext for invasion and the western establishment media will slavishly create the perfect narrative for a bloody assault disguised as a humanitarian outreach.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
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