Just a heads-up 12160 members about this DARPA site, you can't escape it. I joined this site in 2010, not yet knowing the hidden evils and real agenda of it. After doing the research and learning the truth behind this social spy-net, I took myself off of it spring of 2012 (last year)
After following directions on how to disassociate yourself from Fecebook, it was also suggested that you should totally avoid the site, avoid logging in w/ previous account credentials and such for several months. Fine, this works for me & a done deal.
Yesterday, as I routinely hammer the sheep sites w/ educational (lol) comments, I ran across a site that would allow you to leave comments...BUT...only if ya logged into Fecebook. I said to myself, Oh well, guess I'm not leaving this current jewel comment for the morons. A separate window opens up, wanting you to put in your Fecebook log-in info. Now I have been off and away from fecebook site for close to a year now, my browser holds the log-in cookies, so my old credentials were auto-filled in. I thought, "Wonder what happens if I clikked "Log-In".....................................................
"Welcome back to Fecebook,
you've been gone awhile, catch-up now"
Unfriggin believable!!!! SO I thought I would mention this "glitch" to others who have walked away from Fecebook, YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE!!!! I am going to see if I can actually talk to a body and find out how to permanently remove one's self from the grips of DARPA's data snoops
As long as you don't log in you will be safe.
Yup. My ex tried to remove Himself from the Hotel Califacebook (You can check out any time You like but You can never leave) TWENTY FIVE times. Every time He checked, He got the same basic message You got: "Welcome back!"
I am ever so glad I never checked in at the Hotel Califacebook!
Yeah, its true. Deactivating your account won't remove your data. You are supposed to be able to email them and they will delete it - an email address that is HIDDEN. Try to find it.
Even then, they still won't delete my data. Its illegal as fuck.
Zuckerberg intentionally put policies in place, conspiring with the criminal elements within the fascist government, to deceive people and subtly change the terms and conditions to allow this shit.
When people "Opt Out" after a change has occurred, they are not granted their legal contractual rights.
Call the cops and try to get these conspirators and criminals arrested and the cops tell you "Sorry, all cops have limp dicks and we can't prosecute companies that have all the rights of humans but no limitations thereof, such as infringing on others rights or operating under the color of law." Hey dumb asses, I'm not wanting to prosecute the whole company, just the people within it that violate the law - Zuckerberg the ring leader, the support bitch that did not comply with my demand to delete account, the support bitch's supervisor.
Unfortunately, when a PERSON at a company or government commits a crime, they get a free pass 9 out of 10 times just because they 1) work for the system directly 2) work for the system indirectly.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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