2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Arrest "FALL" Out of Helicopter and Die


May 22, 2013



Remember that scene in Scarface?

Two members of the FBI’s elite counterterrorism unit died Friday while practicing how to quickly drop from a helicopter to a ship using a rope, the FBI announced Monday in a statement.

The statement gave few details regarding the deaths of Special Agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw, other than to say the helicopter encountered unspecified difficulties and the agents fell a “significant distance.”

Last month, the team was involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings. And in February, it rescued a 5-year-old boy held hostage for six days in an underground bunker in Alabama.

“Whenever things go really wrong, the FBI calls in the Hostage Rescue Team. It’s the government’s 911,” Coulson said.

Irvin Wells, a former FBI special agent who retired in 1990 after leading the Norfolk field office for three years, stressed that the Hostage Rescue Team is different from the FBI’s regular SWAT teams. He noted that agents assigned to a field office’s SWAT team also must perform other jobs inside the bureau, while agents assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team have no other duties.






Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended CIA-Sponsored Workshop



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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on March 15, 2017 at 8:55pm

Comment by truth on March 15, 2017 at 8:47pm

Remember that scene in Scarface?

Comment by John Carman on May 31, 2013 at 8:14pm

Sorry, I couldn't resist this. Ever seen these guys before?

Comment by Gary Oldman on May 31, 2013 at 8:11pm

Looks like the "wet work" has begun...

Comment by truth on May 28, 2013 at 1:41am
Suspicious death of two FBI agents creates controversy
Mon May 27, 2013 2:10AM
Related Interviews:
Two well-trained Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents who were involved in the killing of a Boston bombing suspect have suspiciously died.

The FBI said in a statement that 41-year-old Christopher Lorek and 40-year-old Stephen Shaw were killed on May 17 as they fell out of a helicopter into water during a training mission off the coast of Virginia Beach.

US officials have blamed bad weather for the tragedy but some have questioned the credibility of the official account, considering it a cover-up.

They say the agents’ death adds to the suspicious death of a friend of the Boston bombing suspect, Ibragim Todashev, who was killed in his own apartment by an FBI agent.

Lorek and Shaw were part of the bureau's Critical Incident Response Group and were both members of the team investigating the Boston Marathon bombings in mid-April.

“You could always take it as one of an endless group of coincidences. We have so many [of them], when you look at the Boston investigation that these two individuals were involved in, everything had the stamp of CIA and FBI on it, from the first steps,” Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, told Press TV.


Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on May 24, 2013 at 12:31pm

What everyone should take away from this lesson, is that everyone is dispensible if it politically serves the illumed ones.  There is no loyalty to their minions, they are worth nothing when they are done with them.  That is a warning to those who cooperate with them.   If they have paid you millions, they will kill you when they are through using you, just to get the money back.  So if you continue on with them, then you deserve everything you are about to get when they are through with you.  Better change before that happens and help us to bring them down. 

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on May 24, 2013 at 12:11pm

Remember what you have to do with brutal flesh tearing animals.  You give them no quarter at all or any chance to do it to you.

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on May 23, 2013 at 10:18pm

Alan K.  -  Dzhokar Tsarnaev had an operation in the hospital to remove his larnex.  I guess he won't be talking ever again.  Now, no matter how hard I try, I can not see our American people this brutally animalistic, but I can see it with a foreign country where I watched them do brutal inhumane acts against their own citizens and they also happen to be occupying our government.  So that would explain removing the larnex with no thought or caring one bit about what that would do to that man for the rest of his life.  For the first time I am beginning to believe these khazars are lizards with no spirit, consciousness or empathy for their acts against others.  They are not human, they are animals. 

Comment by truth on May 23, 2013 at 1:45pm

The Virginia medical examiner's office says it will likely be weeks before the cause of death is determined for two FBI agents who died during a training exercise off the coast of Virginia Beach.

Glenn McBride, a spokesman for the state medical examiner's office in Norfolk, said Monday the office is waiting for toxicology results to come back before making a determination on the cause of death.

Special Agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw were members of the FBI's elite Hostage Rescue Team, which is federal law enforcement's only full-time counterterrorism unit.

The FBI has declined to specify what kind of training they were participating in before their deaths on Friday. Among other things, the team is trained how to fast-rope out of helicopters, SCUBA dive and engage in close-quarter battle.

Comment by Dora Hermann on May 23, 2013 at 6:48am

And this is what is holding people back from testifying to ANYTHING!! Accidents? I think NOT!! There have been just a little to many of those! Who remembers when Brietbart died? He had some damaging evidence against obama....& than he dies? Gifford? Had damaging against Holder & than she's shot? ETC..... OH NO!! I THINK NOT!! Media needs to start getting even braver & start putting the 2+2's together! At least now the mainstream is start to hurt a but enough to put some real news out!! Join the TEAM MEDIA!!

Comment by truth on May 23, 2013 at 4:51am

News for fbi helicopter died

  1. FBI: Elite agents died fast-roping from helicopter that had "difficulties" during training exercise
    CBS News ‎- 1 day ago
    Elite hostage rescue agents were fast-roping from helicopter onto ship in Va. Beach when aircraft experienced "difficulties"
Comment by shane kenny on May 23, 2013 at 3:08am

accident my ass.. same as eyewitnesses from 9/11...

Comment by Maria De Wind on May 22, 2013 at 11:10pm

How convenient !

"He who lives by the sword will die by the sword"

Comment by Alan K on May 22, 2013 at 10:24pm

All part of the cover up.I read the other day about yet even another "suspect" they had in Florida that was shot and killed just as he was about to sign confession,or is it coercion papers? Guess we will never know about that will we. What about Dzhokar Tsarnaev? Havent heard a thing about him since they took him to the federal hospital.Is he even still in the country? So much has been going on for them to take our minds off these things that no one asks these things.

Comment by jibb alot on May 22, 2013 at 10:01pm

expendable assets

Comment by Ephraiyim ben Yisrael on May 22, 2013 at 8:34pm

Paybacks a bitch. These freeloaders, living off taxpayers by oppressing them, probably were part of the covert op that was the Boston Bombing. It was definitely FBI initiated as the suspects they have revealed so far in no way had the knowledge to make the types of bombs supposedly used. The type of blast was large enough that the sophistication required for a bomb to fit into a backpack would have required a fairly high level of chemical training.

It is also possible these two had a guilty conscience and their superiors were afraid of yet one more public humiliation with the exposure of complicity of the FBI once again in setting "terrorists" up. 

Comment by John Carman on May 22, 2013 at 8:33pm

RED FLAGS !!! How do you fall out of a "controlled" situation where you are supposed to have a special 600 pound test line with a special climbing harness and special "repelling rig" with a figure 8 repelling device. See also: http://www.innergycoaching.com/goclimb511/gc-101.php  or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt7WsuPLTeY

After that, it is up to you and your "break hand" with a Heavy Leather glove that is reinforced. 

You also have another "safety line" which is also attached, unless you are an "experienced" repeller and are on some SRT or extraction team.

I wonder who the Instructor was?

Or, was all this a "set up" and they died because they knew too much? (Conspiracies?)

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