The father of free software philosophy spoke to RT on evil developers, spying social networks, the almost-legitimacy of Anonymous hacks and the condition under which he would take a proprietary program and a million dollars.
Stallman is the man behind the concept that every computer program must be free for users to study and modify as they want. This is the only way to ensure that by using the software users do not compromise their human rights, he says.
“Free software literally gives you freedom in the area of computing. It means that you can control your computing. It means that the users individually and collectively have control over their computing. And in particular it means they can protect themselves from the malicious features that are likely to be in proprietary software,” he told RT.
“This doesn’t automatically give you freedom in some other area of life. To get that you have to fight for it. But human rights support each other. In an age when a lot of what we do, we do with computers, if we don’t have freedom in our computing, that makes it harder for us to defend or fight for freedom in other areas. You loose one set of rights – and it’s harder for you to keep the others.”
Deleted Facebook photos don't disappear but can still be accessed by anyone with a link to the images themselves.
The company admits that its systems 'do not always delete images in a reasonable period of time.'
The news is liable to be a shock to users who've relied on the delete function to remove embarrassing photos from office parties or nights out.
Deleted images vanish from 'normal' views of the site - ie if you log in to Facebook and look on somebody's photo page, they won't be visible - but remain visible to anyone with a direct URL link to the picture.
That is exactly why I don't do games or anyother thing that reqires me allowing an application on my account on FACEBOOK! I haveto put up with thisAndroid cell phone that I use for my computer! Which is a google base phone , with g.mail email, with YouTube. It only gives me the option to post back to FB or my emails. I have a yahoo email, but I don't dare download the app for it, Google would try then to combine them! I can't wait till GOD blesses me with a Big Computer ,so I can insall everything as HTTPS: and never hae GOOLE as a BROWSER again! I can download a HTTPS: browser { DOLPIN HD} from. Googles Android market , but they can still read with the creepy crawlers and GPS.......All of it is a government spying corruptible aspect of what the wrld has become ,and the invasion of privacy,and even my 1st Amenendment rights!
Comment by robert alpert on December 3, 2011 at 11:04pm
I have argued exactly this point--look any movement will be penetrated--we used to have a poker game one of the players was an agent but at least they had to pay him a salary train him etc--now they get info for free and worse I was watching live streaming from OCC wall street and the guy is going on about we are gonna occupy x tomorrow or y If people would think who invented this technology? The cubans!! and of course all these computers have coltan in them.
InfoWars reporter Jamie White was “brutally murdered” near his Austin, Texas, home on Sunday night, according to the outlet.Alex Jones, the founder of InfoWa...
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