Michael Hastings contacted Wikileaks lawyer hours before death claiming FBI were investigating him - Hastings Turns A Mercedes C250 Into A “Bomb”



Michael Hastings researching Jill Kelley case before death - latimes


Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated

Rolling Stone journalist made enemies in FBI, CIA

The revelation that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was working on a story about the CIA before his death and had contacted a Wikileaks lawyer about being under investigation by the FBI hours before his car exploded into flames has bolstered increasingly valid claims that the 33-year-old was assassinated.

No foul play suspected in Michael Hastings' death, LAPD says

The Los Angeles County coroner on Thursday positively identified Hastings as the driver of a Mercedes that crashed

Flashback: Anti-war Senator Paul Wellstone dies in plane crash

2002 - Sen. Paul Wellstone Plane Crash Archive

Was Journalist Michael Hastings Under Investigation Before Death? FBI: 'no comment'

"We can neither confirm nor deny FBI investigative activity," Ari Dekofsky, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Los Angeles field office, told U.S. News. "Sometimes that can change, sometimes it can never change."


Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE

Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOO...


Michael Hastings "CAUGHT ON TAPE" Running Red-Light Seconds Before Crash

Michael Hastings "CAUGHT ON TAPE" Running Red-Light

Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorney Said FBI Was Investigating Him

Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorne...



Damn straight a bomb went off, as you’ll see below.

An engine in an accident flies “50-60 yards” from the event?

MORE @ Zen Gardner








Damn straight a bomb went off, as you’ll see below.

An engine in an accident flies “50-60 yards” from the event?

MORE @ Zen Gardner





Web goes wild after NSA, CIA reporter killed in crash

"It sounded like a bomb went off.. My house shook" -Witness on Michael Hastings Car Crash  Engine flew 50-60 yards?!


 First Andrew Breitbart, Now Journalist Michael Hastings?


Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE

Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE


Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorney Said FBI Was Investigating Him

Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorney Said FBI Was Investigating Him


Hastings' Widow Hits 'NYT' Over Obit

Michael Hastings' widow, Elise Jordan, has released her email today to the NYT, and an editor's reply, re: it's online obit about him which, she feels, tried to diminish his famous "Runaway General" article. She also, in a bonus, refers to what she heard on tapes she transcribed for him for his article.

The NYT response, from its obits ed., indicates they are standing by the obit and would make no change before it appears in print tomorrow. So she's taking her protest to the paper's public editor Margaret Sullivan. It's related to exactly what I posted earlier today--the credibility of the Times claiming that a Pentagon probe "cleared" McChrystal of wrongdoing. Here's what I wrote:

"You may have forgotten, if you ever knew, that an official 2011 Pentagon probe of the late Michael Hastings' takedown piece of Gen. McChrystal called the article into question. Then again, they interviewed only 15 witnesses--and talked to neither the general nor Hastings! See Rolling Stone's full defense of the piece. The highlight on the Pentagon report, for me:

more @ gregmitchellwriter.blogspot.com



Michael Hastings last post on Buzzfeed: Why Democrats Love To Spy On Americans (Jun 7)




Stacy Summary: This tweet just in from Wikileaks:

Apparently, there are already Freedom of Information requests in for further information about this alleged investigation.


Update:Michael Hastings contacted Wikileaks lawyer hours before death claiming FBI were investigating him - Hastings Turns A Mercedes C250 Into A “Bomb”

*** Original post below ***

Stacy Summary: I don’t know what drives men to drive 100 mph down a suburban street. But I’ve seen many do it. Usually, however, they’re young or angry , but you never know what happens when guy gets behind the wheel of a Merc. Anyway, with the death of the much hated Michael Hastings this morning in a fireball of a car crash in a Mercedes, I thought this post from an auto blogger was interesting as I had no idea that it’s such a rare event for a car to catch on fire; especially one as well designed as a Mercedes:

I’m here to state that I’ve seen dozens of cars hit walls and stuff at high speeds and the number of them that I have observed to eject their powertrains and immediately catch massive fire is, um, ah, zero. Modern cars are very good at not catching fire in accidents. The Mercedes-Benz C-Class, which is an evolutionary design from a company known for sweating the safety details over and above the Euro NCAP requirements, should be leading the pack in the not-catching-on-fire category.


Interestingly, found this recent article, in which Mercedes is fighting EU regulations requiring it to use a new coolant which Mercedes says could cause the cars to explode on impact. They are refusing to use the ‘green’ coolant, however, so uncertain whether this particular vehicle driven by Hastings would have had the said coolant.




Famed Non-Automotive Journalist Michael Hastings Turns A C250 Into A “Bomb”

By on June 19, 2013

Picture courtesy the author.

The writing-about-writing crowd is abuzz with discussion about the rather unusual death of Buzzfeed/RollingStone/Gawker writer Michael Hastings. Mr. Hastings, whose name is never mentioned in the press without the immediate mention that he was “the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal”, died in a single-car accident in Los Angeles yesterday morning. This in and of itself is not unusual, but the circumstances of the crash and its aftermath won’t do anything to quiet the conspiracy theorists who are already claiming that the military-industrial complex found a way to cap the guy.


The definitive video of the incident can be found here. It features everything you’d want in a crash story, including:

  • The ejected motor and transmission (seen above)
  • Video of the car burning with the fury of a thousand suns
  • A man holding a goat in his arms and stroking it to keep calm as someone else discusses the incident
  • The mention of Mercedes-Benz

That last bit is the critical part. Mercedes-Benz USA is no doubt sweating bullets over this one. An eyewitness report says that Mr. Hastings was driving at an excessive rate of speed down a suburban street when his car “suddenly jackknifed” and hit a tree “with the force of a bomb”. The Benzo, which by the wheels and quarter-panel appears to be the relatively prosaic but cheerfully stylish C250 four-cylinder turbo coupe, proceeded to throw its powertrain out of the engine bay, immediately catch fire in a manner typically reserved for episodes of “Miami Vice”, and burn its driver until said driver was charred beyond recognition.

This isn’t good. The official ad copy for the C-Coupe states

Like every Mercedes-Benz coupe, it wraps four sport seats and passion for the road in sleek style. And like every C-Class, it’s a paragon of engineering virtue and extraordinary value. Put it together, and it’s like nothing else.

Nowhere in there does it say anything about “then this sucker is going to jackknife out of control and char you like a steak ordered by a high-school dropout at Ponderosa”. No wonder the guy in the video is stroking his goat to keep it calm. If I owned a C250 I’d be outside staring at the thing wondering if it was safe to drive it at 100mph in a suburb.

Mr. Hastings has been eulogized by his editor at Buzzfeed in an article called Missing Michael Hastings, which unfortunately makes me think of Missing Missy. In the piece, Ben Smith tells us that Michael looked in clothes and that he was handsome and that he worked out. He also lauds Mr. Hastings for writing Valerie Jarett Versus The Haters, which opens with

Valerie Jarrett is one of the most influential women in America. Protective, fearless, dedicated: the controversial White House figure and Chicago titan is now yolo’ing on the homestretch to get her “little brother” re-elected.

Reading that article at one AM with a bottle glass of Ketel One in hand makes me think that a) I’ve been too hard on automotive journalists and b) half of the TTAC staff could make big money in political writing. That’s because only half of us say stuff like “yolo” and “swag”.

But I’m not here to speak ill of the dead. I’m here to state that I’ve seen dozens of cars hit walls and stuff at high speeds and the number of them that I have observed to eject their powertrains and immediately catch massive fire is, um, ah, zero. Modern cars are very good at not catching fire in accidents. The Mercedes-Benz C-Class, which is an evolutionary design from a company known for sweating the safety details over and above the Euro NCAP requirements, should be leading the pack in the not-catching-on-fire category.

Nor is the C-Class known for sudden veering out of control into trees and whatnot. My father’s been running a C350 of that generation around Hilton Head for a while and if anybody could make a C-Class veer into a palm tree without warning it would be him. If you happen to see my father on an airplane somewhere, please don’t tell him I said that, and also don’t tell him that I always call the C-Class the “Cheap-Class”. Thanks.

Mr. Hastings’ aggressively Democrat-friendly storytelling has the Internet already considering the idea that his death was engineered somehow. I can’t say it’s totally unlikely. As noted above, the reported (and videotaped) behavior of the C250 was not in line with what we’d expect. On the other hand, surely it’s expected that a respected, mature writer on non-automotive topics won’t be barreling through a suburb so fast that any tree he hits will cause his car to burst into flames, right? We’ll keep an eye on this to see what, if anything, develops.


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Comment by windy windlan on June 30, 2013 at 2:20am

Cars built after 2005 have a black box that allows control of the vehicle by radio so that police can control the car. So the speeding Merc could have been induced from outside to go at high speed with its brakes inoperable, afaik.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 24, 2013 at 10:58pm

Because the government IS the criminal companies.

Comment by Juan de la O on June 24, 2013 at 10:42pm

'Why doesn't the government do something [about criminal companies]?

Well, think about who/what owns the government -- some folks use the term 'state capture'.

Comment by truth on June 23, 2013 at 5:17pm
Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 21, 2013 at 3:49am

Who was referring to you wesley thompson?  Unless you two are one and the same.

Is the moon full tonight?

Comment by wesley thompson on June 21, 2013 at 2:50am

You may block my posts and that is your call but I will post my comment even if I need to repost your post else where to get-er-done cause I think for myself and talk for myself and go to the bathroom by myself and everything- I had a mommy and daddy already and I don't need another- I remember all good things about the man and woman parents I had, and I don't need Electromagnetic Frequencies helping me solve thinking issues while I sleep- Your opinion is good by me and I will retain my own opinion and there is no force on the Earth that will change my thinking to that of all others alike- That's a party for the fag-boys and I won't be there-

Comment by wesley thompson on June 21, 2013 at 2:44am

***06-20-2013*** comment on a comment that I start shit- I call-em like I see-em and those who cannot see the Forest for the Trees might want to grow up and join the real World where the Big Boys play- They murder people everywhere and many while in handcuffs or in the back seats of Police cars or in the jail cells etc and then it was justified and the cop was in 'fear' and this and that and this again- When it's really in the faces of you idiots that can't see past the nose on your faces then it will be too late for you sleepy heads and you who think that you will be alright and that you have friends- LOL Numbers never decline when everyone is protecting or saving everyone- You all are up for your number- They sacrifice their own children and blow up passenger liners to get a single person or kill 1 1/2 Million for land, Gold and the World Market on Drug Trafficking with Afghanistan going from approx. 6 % to over 90 % of the Worlds supplier of Opium and now Heroin as well thanks to the complete control of the US and UN Military, {same thing only different] and the Tax-Payers did it all and of course the Millions who lie robbed, and murdered because they were disarmed, out gunned, and worthless to the Jesuit Bankers- Especially after the US Military sought out and systematically murdered all the Drug Competition and any who wanted the real money instead of the Monopoly money that's been used to buy up all the real precious metals and gems along with all the Worlds stolen art and artifacts, not to forget the numerous entire civilizations murdered, defaced to extinction or minute numbers of a broken and conquered peoples- Nearly One Hundred Million North American Indians, 50 Million White Christian Russians, Africans, and the names would never stop of those that once were  Nations of settled, self-reliant and honest, Christian and peaceful minded Peoples to Countries laid to Waste by a War Mongering bunch of Luciferians that sacrifice little children to their gods as blood and death sacrifices and then return from pagan rituals to control the rest of the World and select the next Nation to live or die and what's in the bounty and who gets a share- They there are those who say "You're posts repeatedly sound like you want to stir up some bad shite and put it on 12160"- In reply I submit! 12160 is neither my enemy nor my ally that I would offer but as to the stirring of bad shite? How many Millions of Americans will be robbed, raped, murdered and forgotten in American before those who can't see the Forest for the trees figure out JUST WHO HAS STARTED THE BAD SHITE- Is everyone so stupid that the truth of who the real Butchers of Man and Earth really are then I will thank the NWO FAGs and Jesuit for all you stupid fucs they can kill, because the Old Testament Style will work for Stupid just as well as for the Luciferians that are going to devour all you chickenshit punks who want to dance around the real issues and throw stones in the glass houses and hide your eyes from certain truths- This Human race is either monsters or chickenshits, with one scared and the other, glad of it- Now for the 'bright boys of perception, who's started the 'shite?

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 21, 2013 at 2:25am


Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 21, 2013 at 1:56am

Trying to stir up a first attack here is not a good idea!

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 21, 2013 at 1:41am

Steve Barnett  All very nice, but I think your crossing a line and might want to tone it down a bit.

Posts such as the previous one will serve no one well, nor this site.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on June 21, 2013 at 1:32am

Steve Barnett  Your posts repeatedly sound like you want to stir up some bad shite and put it on 12160

Good thing for you there are no working Mods here.

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on June 20, 2013 at 8:56pm

Yeah, notice the tree where its unusually marked by cuts of some kind, has no carbon from fire?  I found that odd.

Comment by Parzival on June 20, 2013 at 7:45pm

High speed sideways collisions with trees are relatively rare, not something that is in any way designed for, and all bets are off as to what happens to occupants of the car. The tank probably ruptured, and there were plenty of sparks to light it off. Probably managed to hit the tree at the very worst possible point of the car to maximize damage to the tank, since it is probably right under the back seat.

This might even be one of those occasions where the strength of the car worked against him. A lessor car would have torn in half, which would reduce the deceleration forces and get the front seat occupants away from the crash zone. Once you get up there in speed, it is all up to Lady Luck.

I was witness a couple of years ago to a crash that killed two. Mercedes 500 class into a tree at well over 80 mph. The aftermath looked a lot like this crash. There’s a picture of the burned out wreck at the link below.


Only very silly people who’ve not been around many fatal car crashes would think that this has to be some sort of conspiracy.

Comment by Parzival on June 20, 2013 at 7:39pm

Typically, in a front end collision the motor will go UNDER the passenger cabin, but in a sideways crash like this, right out of the car and down the road is the result.

Hitting a tree sideways at high speed will both eject the engine and cause a raging fire. Modern engines are designed to do that, as the last thing you want is the engine coming into the passenger compartment with you. Trees are very, very, very bad things to hit sideways. Concentrates the impact force very nicely, and they are rather stout objects. I’m actually surprised and impressed that the car was not completely torn in half – THAT is a testimony to how well Mercedes builds the them, as torn in half is the usual result of hitting a tree at speed sideways in my experience. Chances are though, he was dead before the chargrilling.

Comment by truth on June 20, 2013 at 5:01pm

will chk, thanks!

Michael Hastings researching Jill Kelley case before death - latimes

Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated

Rolling Stone journalist made enemies in FBI, CIA

The revelation that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was working on a story about the CIA before his death and had contacted a Wikileaks lawyer about being under investigation by the FBI hours before his car exploded into flames has bolstered increasingly valid claims that the 33-year-old was assassinated.

No foul play suspected in Michael Hastings' death, LAPD says

The Los Angeles County coroner on Thursday positively identified Hastings as the driver of a Mercedes that crashed

Flashback: Anti-war Senator Paul Wellstone dies in plane crash

2002 - Sen. Paul Wellstone Plane Crash Archive

Was Journalist Michael Hastings Under Investigation Before Death? F...

"We can neither confirm nor deny FBI investigative activity," Ari Dekofsky, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Los Angeles field office, told U.S. News. "Sometimes that can change, sometimes it can never change."

Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on June 20, 2013 at 4:25pm

Here is another one.  James go revisit all these.   Keep an open mind, and at least admit there are unanswered questions and until they are answered, it cannot be said there is no foul play. 


Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on June 20, 2013 at 4:15pm

James, now the witnesses are starting to talk, and more is coming out.   Here check this one out.


Comment by Petunia Skrebbles on June 20, 2013 at 4:10pm

Aaah , the LAPD,  that bastion of police integrity and honesty.  Thanks.  I will give it the credibility it deserves.  I just keep thinking of that football player that murdered his wife, and the cop that reported an officer beating on a secured suspect who was a mentally handicapped person and the entire force murdered the cop after lying about him, and they did it by fire in a cabin intentionally.  How dare he break the blue line code.  Oh, yes, that wonderful LAPD.  lol   I gave you a link and you did not bother to really look at it  because if you did, you would  see the cars were different between the official press photos and the ones taken by the people at the scene.  There was no doubt this was done and produced just like Boston was.

Comment by truth on June 20, 2013 at 4:10pm
Comment by truth on June 20, 2013 at 4:02pm

No foul play suspected in Michael Hastings' death, LAPD says

The Los Angeles County coroner on Thursday positively identified Hastings as the driver of a Mercedes that crashed

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