Don't be fooled by Breast-Cancer Awareness campaigns

I am deeply disturbed by the annual sales campaign – disguised as a public-service – called Breast-Cancer Awareness Month. The purpose of this campaign is to convince women to have an annual medical exam – usually including a mammogram – on the assumption that early detection and treatment increases the probability of survival if cancer is present.

Back in 1970 when I was doing research for my book, World without Cancer, The Story of Vitamin B17, I discovered that early detection does not increase survival rates one iota. The reason some patients live longer after treatment begins is that treatment is started sooner when cancer is just beginning to develop, not because the patient's life is extended. In other words, the treatment is longer but not the patient's life span.

There is no statistical evidence to support the rational for Breast-Cancer Awareness Month. This campaign sends millions of women into the payment funnel of the medical industry for examinations that have no benefit to them. All that happens is that women are frightened into expensive medical procedures months or even years before they otherwise would have them. They begin treatment sooner, but their survival rates are not affected. The engine driving this campaign is money.

And don't get me started on mammograms and chemotherapy. I'll just sum it up by saying they are expensive and they cause cancer. 

by G. Edward Griffin

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Comment by Parrhesia on October 22, 2018 at 1:50pm
  • The Institute of Medicine is finally acknowledging the toxic effects of mammogram radiation as a significant factor in the development of breast cancer; just one mammogram can expose you to the radiation equivalent of 1,000 chest x-rays
  • Mammograms also carry an unacceptably high rate of false positives—up to six percent—which can lead to repeat screenings that expose you to even more radiation, as well as unnecessary medical procedures, including biopsies, surgery, and chemotherapy
  • A new study in the British Medical Journal highlights losses in quality of life related to the high rates of false positives and unnecessary treatment associated with breast cancer screening
  • Mammograms have been scientifically proven not to save women’s lives, and do not improve breast cancer survival rates over annual physical examination alone
  • Your immune system is your greatest weapon against breast cancer; research now shows that 30 percent of breast tumors go away on their own, because a healthy immune system is so adept at eradicating cancer

Just a few facts on mammograms that show you are absolutely correct.

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