 Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon - 1949
 1948 - displaced Palestinians
The Occupation of Palestine: 1948 till present Ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Ethnic cleansing today is designated by international law as a crime against humanity: “The systematic and forced removal of the members of an ethnic group from communities in order to change the ethnic composition of a given region.” The expulsion of more than 750,000 Palestinians in 1948 from what became Israel in 1948. (Ref.: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé - an Israeli historian) Methods used to forcibly evict the native people of Palestine: large-scale intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population centers; setting fire to homes, properties, and goods; expelling residents; demolishing homes; random killings and massacres, and, finally, planting mines in the rubble to prevent the expelled inhabitants from returning. The plan, which covered both the rural and urban areas of Palestine, was the inevitable result of Zionism’s ideological drive for an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine. In 1948, more than half of Palestine’s native population, had been uprooted, 531 villages had been destroyed, and 11 urban neighborhoods had been emptied of their inhabitants. |
Other References & Testimonies ILAN PAPPE, an Israeli historian and professor of political science at Haifa University.
 1948 - a Palestinian village set on fire
Jaffa Massacre - Palestine - January 1948 (Under Construction.) Over 1,300 Palestinians killed as the Jewish Zionist groups moved to control the city. Most of the 70,000 Palestinians who lived in Jaffa were forced to flee their homes. |
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 Deir Yassin after occupation by Jews in 1948 |
Deir Yassin Massacre - Palestine - April 1948 (more...) The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the "Irgun" and "Lehi" Zionist groups attacked Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, a Palestinian village of roughly 1000 people. More than 200 villagers were killed during the attack on the village, including women, children and elderly people. Some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes. Several villagers were taken prisoners and have been killed after being paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem. The massacre was one of the key events of the "Nakba" (Catastrophe), since rumors of the massacre caused Palestinians to flee in panic from many other villages and cities. Abdel Aziz Barakat, one of the survivors, lost 17 members of his family in this massacre. He is now 81. Liali Akel, daughter of the deceased Zaynab Akel, who was a symbol for survivors and their unofficial spokesperson, told Walla! News about life in the shadow of the Deir Yassin trauma. "My mother was 20 years old when the massacre happened," says Akel, "and she told me about that accursed day until her last day. 27 of our family members were killed," she recounts sadly. "Not one of them was armed or carried weapons." Menachem Begin, Israel's sixth prime minister, was Irgun leader at the time of the attack. Yitzak Rabin was Lehi (Stern) leader. David Shaltiel, Haganah commander in Jerusalem, approved the attack. |
 Village before it was ethnically cleansed and destroyed. |
Ayn el-Zaytoun Massacre - Palestine - May 1948 (Under Construction) Around 70 Palestinian residents were massacred and then their houses burnt. Population pre-May 1948: 950 people |
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Abu Shusha Massacre - Palestine - May 1948 (Under Construction) Around 70 Paletinian residents were murdered. In 1995 a mass grave with 52 skeletons was discovered. |
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Al Tantura Massacre - Palestine - May 1948 (Under Construction) 250 residents were murdered and the village was completely ethnically cleansed of its 1,728 inhabitants. Israeli historian Teddy Katz described the attack as follows: "From the numbers, this is definitely one of the biggest massacres." Tantura is now home to about 1,500 Jewish settlers. |
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 Jewish Zionist groups occupying Bayt Daras |
Bayt Daras Massacre - Palestine - May 1948 (Under Construction) Palestinian civilians including women and children were massacred by the Jewish Zionist groups as they fled their village of some 3,000 residents. |
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 Aerial view of Lydda in the 1940s |
Lydda Massacre - Palestine - July 1948 (Under Construction) 426 men, women and children were murdered and the rest of the city’s 19,000 people were terrorized into fleeing. All of its Palestinian Christian and Muslim inhabitants were expelled and the buildings and land taken over by Jews. Population pre-July 1948: 19,350 people |
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Al-Dawayma Massacre - Palestine - October 1948 (Under Construction) The Jewish Zionist groups undertook a grisly massacre of around 455 Palestinian residents of whom some 170 were women and children and terrified some 4,000 Palestinians into fleeing. (UN report, 4 June 1949). This attack was one of the largest Israeli massacres. Palestinian women were raped during the attack, and homes were dynamited with people inside them. |
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 Picture showing Zionist vehicles attacking the village of Safsaf
Safsaf Massacre - Palestine - October 1948 (Under Construction) 70 blindfolded Palestinian villagers (men) were killed by Jewish Zionist groups with their hands tied. They were then buried in a pit. Women and young girls were raped, then killed. Population pre-October 1948: 1,050 people |
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Dalmash Massacre - Palestine - 1948 (Under Construction) Israeli 89th Commando Battalion lead by the future Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan, announced to the villagers that they would be safe only if they assembled at the mosque. However, the 100 Palestinian civilians who sought refuge there were slaughtered. |
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Salha Massacre - Palestine - 1948 (Under Construction) After Palestinian residents of the village were forced into the mosque, the people were fired upon until not a single person remained alive. |
Naser al-Din Massacre - Palestine - 1948 (Under Construction) A group of Jewish Zionists dressed as Arab soldiers opened fire on those townspeople who left their homes to greet them. Only 40 people escaped the carnage, and the village was wiped off the map. |
Qibiya Massacre - Palestine 1953 (Under Construction) Another Zionist attack designed to "encourage" the Palestinians to flee occurred in Qibiya, a village of 2,000 on the Jordanian border. Later investigations at the scene conducted by quite a few observers clearly revealed the nature of this atrocity. The Qibiya massacre, which occurred on October 13, 1953, consisted of demolishing 40 houses and murdering 96 Palestinian civilians, a majority of them women and children. The "101" unit was led by Ariel Sharon, another future prime minister of Israel. Its approximately 600 soldiers first cordoned off the village and severed its contact with all other Palestinian villages. Entering it at 4:00 a.m., the Zionist terrorists began to systematically demolish houses and kill the residents. An unperturbed Sharon, who personally led the attack, made the following announcement after the massacre: "The orders were utterly clear: Qibiya was to be an example to everyone." |
 Kafr Qasim Memorial |
Kafr Qasim - Palestine 1956 (Under Construction) The Kafr Qasim massacre took place in the Palestinian village of Kafr Qasim situated on the Green Line, at that time, the 'de facto' border between Israel and the West Bank on October 29, 1956. It was carried out by the Israel Border Police (Magav) and resulted in 49 Palestinian civilians dead, including 6 women and 23 children. |
Khan Yunis Massacre - Palestine 1956 (Under Construction) The Israeli soldiers who attacked the refugee camp in Khan Yunis murdered 275 people. UN officials who conducted an on-site investigation discovered victims who had been shot in the back of the head after their hands had been tied. |
Fak'hani Massacre - Lebanon 1981 (Under Construction) As a result of Israeli air attacks on this Lebanese region, 150 people died and 600 were wounded. |
Invasion of Lebanon 1978 (Under Construction) |
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2nd Invasion of Lebanon 1982 (Under construction) The 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon killed over 30,000 civilians. The siege of Beirut lasted for 70 days, Beirut was subjected to a relentless barrage of air, naval, and artillery bombardment. The Israeli bombardment was random and indiscriminate. Food, electricity and water supplies were cut off. Over 500,000 people were driven from their homes. The Israeli army calculated that they had used some 960 tons of ammunition in trying to destroy the city. |
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Sabra & Shatila Massacre - Lebanon 1982 (Completed) The forgotten massacre of Sabra and Shatila in 1982. A crime against humanity committed by the Israeli soldiers and right-wing Christian militia "the Phalange" against Palestinian families in Lebanon refugee camps "Sabra and Shatila". Massacre: In September 1982, just a few weeks after the Palestinian men had surrendered their weapons under an internationally brokered peace deal, and were deported from Beirut leaving their families under the protection of an international peace keeping force, the Israeli army invaded Beirut, violating the peace treaty, and some 3500 defenseless Palestinian women and children were rounded up in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila and systematically murdered in cold blood. The slaughter of unarmed children, women, the aged and the infirm was shocking. |
Other References & Testimonies
 Eye-witness: Dr. Ang Swee ChaiEye-witness: Robert Fisk (Journalist)
Pauline McNeill: Day of International Shame
1982 to 2000 - Israel's occupation of South Lebanon (Under construction) |
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Aggression on Lebanon 1993 (Under construction) |
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 Dead Child in an Ambulance |
Aggression on Lebanon 1996 (Under construction) |
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Qana Massacre 1 - Lebanon 1996 (Completed) On Tuesday April 18 1996, Israeli artillery shelled the UN base in the village of Qana, Lebanon. Around 800 civilians had taken refuge at the base. 106 civilian refugees were killed and 351 injured, mostly children, women and old men. Also Four Fijian UN soldiers were also seriously injured. A United Nations investigation later stated it was unlikely that the Israeli shelling was a technical or procedural error. |
Other References & Testimonies UN Report on First Qana Massacre
Human Rights Watch Report partially dealing with Qana shelling Robert Fisk's (Journalist) eyewitness account, 19 April 1996, The Independent: "Massacre in sanctuary" |
Jenin Massacre - Palestine 2002 (Under construction) |
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Lebanon 2006 - 33 days of war with Israel (Under construction) Israel bombed infrastructure that sustains daily life of everybody in Lebanon, power stations that provide electricity, water stations, bridges, roads, red-cross ambulances, |
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Qana Massacre 2 - Lebanon 2006 (Completed) On July30 2006, the Israeli army attacked a building sheltering refugees in Qana, Lebanon, killing more than 60 innocents, more than half of them children, 15 of them were handicapped. Video broadcast by Arab TV showed the bloodied bodies of women and children who appeared to be wearing nightclothes. |
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The Destruction of Gaza - Palestine 2008 (Under construction)
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What's Next ??? This space is waiting to be filled by a new massacre... |
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