“Occupy Wall Street” – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

“Occupy Wall Street” – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

We asked our Facebook fans about possible stories this weekend and found a few of our readers curious about the “Occupy Wall Street” protest happening in New York. One reader asked that we help give the story some attention due to an alleged “media black-out,” while another reader suggested we publish evidence showing the protest was not tea party movement driven and had an underlying agenda.

For those who haven’t heard of the event, Occupy Wall Street is a supposedly grassroots organized, “freedom” driven project aimed at coordinated mass protests against big money special interests. These protests are organized in a manner that allows organizers to spread a narrative they they’re looking out for individual liberty and self-governance vs corporate controlled power brokering.

In reality, according to our findings, the Occupy Wall Street effort is an extension of a much larger, much better coordinated radical leftist global agenda. The agenda, as can be seen in the findings further down this story, appears to be entrenched in a desire to fuel global economic disturbance and instability. Furthermore, when we look into the “players” behind “networked” organizations involved, we find a larger effort hell-bent on global unrest and class warfare.

In fact, the Occupy Wall Street event is a front project for a global socialist/progressive network seeking a unified global system of governance. MORE>>>

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Comment by Cryptocurrency on December 21, 2011 at 1:24pm

Comment by Thomas Gambill on November 18, 2011 at 1:14pm
Operation FEMA Exposed.....
Tides foundation received funding from George Soros Open Society Foundation to the tune of $7 million Tides is a passthrough money laundering operation... it is a cover for Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Kelloggs Foundation and Gates Foundation... Tides is important to be aware of because of it's links with JPMorgan Chase one of the boar...d directors of Tides used to work for them also, another CEO of tides Melissa L Bradley is senior strategist for "Green For All" Obama administrations green carbon cap and trade death tax agenda... But most importantly Tides funded Adbusters Media Foundation between 2001 and 2011 Adbusters Media Foundation was first to put out the call to Occupy Wall Street. Jp Morgan Chase has funded NYPD.


They want to fund the cops to incite violence in the protestors and now DHS which FEMA is under the umbrella of is trying to shut down the protests. This is going to make protestors even angrier.. FEMA has 846 +/-  concentration camps fully man...ned and ready to be filled... If DHS does not get their way they will use the violence of the protestors as a means to declare martial law and then you should be asking yourself what there plans for the 846 +/-   empty concentration camps are?!!  Laura quote......
Comment by Andy Anduer on October 19, 2011 at 3:45am
This is the the part where I get confused as to who is who. It's hard for me to follow.
Comment by Smooth on October 18, 2011 at 7:48pm

did you really expect the democrats sticking their head into the sand leting the republicans get a revival by taking the tea party,

or do you get it that the occupy shit is the reaction of the democrats to revive themselves?

Comment by Smooth on October 18, 2011 at 7:35pm

yep soros,m moore even obama supports occupy

its full of lefty anticapitalists socialists

and after 1,5 weeks existance-even before the event-in germany it gets full spectrum media attention in germany!they invited the official spokesman mr. siener to talkshows! this week he stepped down from his post after alleged death threats against him and his family,again fishy this idiot had never something dangerous to say about the banksters at all.

smells fishy compared to the hard work the Partei der Vernunft does with almost no mainstreammedia attention.

so be aware,and try to occupy occupy yourself,try to educate people

but you will find it very hard.

its a shame those people get to hear "watch zeitgeist"

and we have to correct that,otherwise people who woke up go right down the toilethole again!

Comment by Ella on October 16, 2011 at 9:56pm
This is such an interesting thread. I want to read ALL the comments! I have a pretty good understanding of what is going on, or "The Plan".  It's an old plan, this Revolution.  The people behind it are Masons, Rosicrucians, and the ones who want a New World, with no borders, one currency, and the end of religion. They work with Demons, like Black Magic. They don't have any morals, they don't forgive, they take revenge and ruin people's lives for fun, and a lot of them are either Bavarian Illuminati, Hollywood Satanists, or Middle Eastern Muslim Brotherhood. They certainly don't represent the average American, and I can't imagine they want what is best for us. They have access to satellites, they use directed energy on people, and they have hoards of people in the Occult who support them. I think most of the protesters are in this network. Nobody has told me to go out and protest, so who is doing it? Who makes their videos?
Comment by marla adams on October 16, 2011 at 5:37pm

Yes, we know that this group is not spontaneous and was organized and financed by Unions.  Sorry SEIG, mainstream americans, are not buy your pea sized acorn head propaganda.  IT DIDNT WORK AND IT WONT WORK, because what you guys believe in, for the most part is WRONG!  YOu all want a freebie handout, without making the effort to work because you dysfuncional Ivy League students, dont KNOW how to do anything by yourselves without your parents holding your hand!!!  Look at the people obama has in his cabinet and what a mess the country is in now because people working for him have no experience, wisdom, or intelligence that is useful.

Comment by Nota Khan on October 7, 2011 at 1:08am

Just cross-posting to keep related material together:

Big Soros Money Linked to 'Occupy Wall Street'


Comment by Nota Khan on October 7, 2011 at 12:18am

Live by the sword die by the sword what was acheived once your dead? Only time violence should be advocated is in self defense. That is what our founding fathers did they did not start the Revolutionary war. They declared their independance from England not declare war. Neither should we.

The British did sending over troops and our founding Fathers had no choice but to use self defense.

What a crock :) Do you even understand what you are writing? What do you think "revolutionary WAR" means? You think in "response" to the British attack (mind you VERY WELL expected and prepared for by ARMING themselves before that), the founding fathers threw flowers back at them? (If I remember it correctly, George Washington was a GENERAL who is famous for his military exploits during those times, not singing "Give peace a chance!"). Yes, "our founding fathers did they did not start the Revolutionary war..."  but they very well demanded it (Oh do you really believe they thought the Declaration of Independence would be accepted by the Crown and it'd say "Oh, I am sorry -- didn't know you felt that way. Here, take America. It is all yours. My apologies for not having realized it myself!!!" Damn! what b.s. people believe).  And oh the tired old cliche ("live by the sword, die by the sword") is not even applicable here. The last sentence quoted above is so bloody hilarious i am going to repeat it:

  The British did sending over troops and our founding Fathers had no choice but to use self defense.

Wow! You ought to work for Obama or the Nobel Peace Prize Committee for that spin! It completely denies the facts that the revolutionaries WERE gathering weapons for a long time before their declaration (they were no fools). It denies the fact that had it not been for the military help of from Spain, the Dutch Republic, and France, there would have been no victory for them (despite all the WEAPONS they had collected in preparation). Funny you call that "defense". Orwell would be proud (and I am sure you believe the U.S. Department of Defense is just that).

With those kind of remarks you are going to get this site shut down big time and everyone connected as a member arrested.

Ah, so there is your worry. You think they gonna get you. Well, like Curtis said:  "@Paul  you are on the list for extermination ANYWAYS!" (Yes, it will be much worse than just getting "arrested"). Don't you realize WHERE you are? A site claiming to be "Resisting/Destroying the New World Order"! You think they will give you a pass? BETTER CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP SOON!!!! By being here you will surely be associated with US. :-P Yes you ARE "on the wrong site". Look for something that is more pink ;-)

As for "who is the wacko", look in the mirror, my friend ;-)


Comment by Andy Anduer on October 6, 2011 at 11:10pm

I have read just about everything on conspiracy theory, but this is one that I missed. It is believable to me because in the 1850's the conspiracy on American and world domination was still going one and the is one of the things that make the one world gov. so unbelievable is that most people cannot believe that anyone would continue to pursue such a goal for so many years .

Anyway, here is another piece of the puzzle.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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