This is the full press conference. It has a FALSE Copyright Claim of "General Hospital", audiovisual content administered by: Scripps Local News Subscribe to...
The Fraudulent Document was created by non other than Alex Jones, sportsfans, and that is why he needs to receive massive rations of all manner of caca, from everyone, all over the planet! He and his Zog String pullers concocted it late one dark and stormy night while fornicatin' at the zoo wIth chimpanzees, so, Sheriff Joe- do us all a favor, eh? Start smokin' some BC Bud, dude, it will help you to keep on, keepin' on, eh? As for the MSM goons, thars nothin' wrong with thats smarmy pack of scoundrels that a well placed baseball bat wouldn't cure! Did ya'll realize that the dog azzed CIA employs a buncha them whores melts to fabricate all manner of news that gets sent through the dog azzed wire services straight to the front pages of newspapers world wide and we buy into that shit? Holy Toledo! No WONDER the world is goin' ta hell in a handbasket! Their MO = Problem Plus Reaction = Solution... aka The Hegelian Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis.... Read the interview my man Ed Griffin did with Norman Dodd....... he got an intersesting admission out of the President of the Ford Foundation as to the true misssion of the major Foundations.... that their mission was to use their grant making power to "comfortably merge" the USA with the (then, this was 1952) Soviet Union..... So THIS is why ZOG created the phony birth certificate for that low life nebbish named Barry Soetoro or whatever the hell that piece of shits name is since none of us really knows.... All I know is this: FIRST, ya gottaa get MAD!! Ya gotta go to yer window, and open it! And stick yer head out! Then ya gotta yell as loud as ya can "I'm as MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!" (see Yeah! Then, ya gotta drive to Austin, and Find Jones house, ya gotta collect all the dog shit in the town and put it in a bag, put it on his porch, pour gas on it, set it on fire, and ring the doorbell!
Those MSM 'reporter' morons wouldn't know what constitutes real research and investigative journalism, if their lives depended on it.
No it IS a conspiracy...
con·spir·a·cy (kn-spîr
...backed up by factual evidence from an official investigation.
i.e Conspiracy Fact
...not theory
Who made the fraudulent document?
"Destroying the New World Order"
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