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Attempted police crackdown on Wall Street — in pictures

by Jérôme E. Roos on September 25, 2011

Post image for Attempted police crackdown on Wall Street — in pictures

A week since the occupation started, the protests on Wall Street are only growing stronger. Several thousands marched today. The authorities went apeshit.

#OCCUPYWALLSTREET keeps on growing. Today marked the largest protest since the start of the movement, exactly a week ago. Signs are mounting that the authorities are starting to get increasingly anxious about the potential of the protests to spin “out of control” and go viral.

And so today, just days after Mayor Bloomberg assured protesters they would be “free to express their opinion”, the NYPD went into Mubarak mode, attacking peaceful protesters and making mass arrests of law-abiding citizens for the sole purpose of repressing political dissent. Undoubtedly, as happened in Barcelona before, the police repression will only further reinvigorate the protests.

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Comment by bryan l on September 27, 2011 at 12:37pm
yes, long range acoustic device
Comment by arisuta2 on September 27, 2011 at 10:00am
Sorry, that should be 'weigh in'. Are lrads those sound weapons?
Comment by bryan l on September 27, 2011 at 12:40am
funny, i was thinking the same thing today at work. no riot gear and they didn't use any lrad's.
Comment by arisuta2 on September 27, 2011 at 12:36am
Well, I've kind of rethought my comment as the police weren't in full riot gear which is a bit strange so that suggests that those dumb pigs may have been dangled as bait to see if anyone did turn violent. Then the heavy squad would way in and their really would be a bloodbath. It would also mean that any future demos were policed like Tianamin Square. Much better to all turn up clean shaven, short hair and Brookes Brother's suits, shirts, ties and shiny shoes then watch those dumb fucking cops trying to overcome their programming and arrest ANYONE who looks like their masters. LOL
Comment by bryan l on September 26, 2011 at 1:09am
@arisuta2 i agree. it's time to rethink the whole peaceful thing. when you in a battle field there really aren't any rules.
Comment by arisuta2 on September 25, 2011 at 4:54am
Sorry but these arbitrary arrests and bullying tactics are going to get worse as the pigs see there is no comeback against them for their thuggish behaviour. Every protester should be carrying mace and when someone is arrested illegally,  the cops should be mobbed and sprayed. Only when they realise that their criminal actions will have serious and instant repercussions will they think twice about beating people to the ground or shoving them out the way for no reason.

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