The history of the Popes records homosexuality, rape, murder, adultery, incest, drunkenness and selling religious offices and worse. This top ten list really just scratches the surface of the heinous, evil acts that have been committed in the highest office of the Roman Catholic church. To list all of the crimes from all the Popes in brief would be one hundred times bigger then this list.

Ten Most Evil Popes In The History Of The Church

10>> Pope Alexander VI 1492-1503

The problems that we see in modern times with priests and young boys is as old as the papacy itself. Pope Alexander VI had a special place reserved for him in the the Netherworld because of his wicked desires. On Halloween night of 1501, he was said to have organized and participated in the “worst orgy ever in the Vatican”. This included sex with promiscuous women, boys and anyone else at hand, but what is particularly evil about this Pope is that he was known to fornicate regularly with his two sisters and his daughter. For the crime of incest, Alexander VI is surely damned to the core and quite prodigiously ‘evil’.

9>> Pope Damasus I 366-384

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-Pope Damasus I

Under Damasus’s rule, women and children were bought and sold as sex slaves to increase funding for the church at Damasus’s design. Those who opposed the tyrannical rule of Damasus and his brother General Theodosius the Elder would be tortured and burned alive after their lands were seized by the church. Under his rule, women were forced into prostitution, including female priests and nuns.

At the time, forty-four bishops who abhorred the acts of Pope Damasus I, yet he managed to avoid being convicted of the crimes he was accused of. After the charges had passed, all forty-four bishops were murdered at the order of Damasus I. Damasus I was also the first among Popes to instill the concept that the papacy was a supreme office of God, using the Petrine text in the Holy book of Matthew to support his claims.

<>8>> Pope Sergius III 904-911

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-Pope Pius IX

With a reign of only seven years as Pope, Sergius III managed to make the list of the the Evil Ten. He took the Papacy through murder and while in office, lived quite contently unmarried with a concubine by the name of Marozia, with whom he fathered several illegitimate children. Marozia who assassinated Pope Leo VI (928 – 929), and put her own teenage son (John XI) as Pope.

7>> Pope Benedict IX 1032-1048

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-Pope Benedictt IX

In the disapproving words of one chronicler, Benedict was a “demon from Hell in the disguise of a priest.” This pope was apparently on a first-name basis with most of the whores in central Italy, sold church offices for hefty bribes (a sin known as “simony.”), hosted frequent bisexual orgies, sodomized animals, and even went so far as to curse God and toast the Devil at every meal! Dante Alighieri, famed author of "The Inferno", proclaimed Benedict’s reign the low ebb of the history of the papacy.

By the time Benedict’s opponents within the church had succeeded in driving him from Rome a second time in 1045, Benedict had tired of being pope. So he consulted his godfather, a well-respected priest named Johannes Gratianus (“John Gratian”) about whether he could legally resign this most holy of offices. When the “Godfather” assured him that such a thing, although unprecedented, was wholly acceptable according to church doctrine, Benedict offered to sell it to him for a ridiculous sum that would apparently be used to fund the former pope’s “lifestyle change.”

The older man accepted and took the papal name of Gregory VI. The bribe he gave Benedict so completely bankrupted the papal treasury that for months afterward the church was unable to pay its bills. To further complicate matters Benedict’s foes among the clergy had refused to recognize Gregory’s right to the succession, electing one of their number pope as Sylvester III.

6>> Pope Pius IX 1846-1878

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-Pope Pius IX

This pope is said to be directly responsible for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. The Roman Catholic Church and its popes are no strangers to political maneuvering and even assassination to further political goals.

Although Pope Pius IX never did sign an actual statement supporting the Confederacy, he wrote a “letter to Jefferson Davis that was accompanied by an autographed picture of the pope” in which the Pope addressed the Confederate President as “the “Honorable President of the Confederate States of America”. The Pope recognized the Confederate States of America to be a separate and distinct country. Charles Chiniquy vowed that letter caused great distress to Abraham Lincoln. Robert E. Lee, pointing to his own portrait of Pius IX, told a visitor after the war that he was “the only sovereign… in Europe who recognized our poor Confederacy”, which was in large part tied to the expansion plans for the Roman Catholic church in the US under the guidance of the Papal regime in Rome.

There are cases with evidence in support of the theory that Lincoln died as a result of orders from the Roman Catholic Church – not a fanatical maniac who really wanted his slaves.

5>> Pope Urban II 1088-1099

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-Pope Urban II

The beginning of the crusading period is generally attributed by historians to Pope Urban II’s calling of the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont in 1095.Urban II felt that western military aid was necessary to help the Byzantine Empire under assault from the armies of Islam. Between the years 1096-1099, under the guise of what would become known as the First Crusade, Pope Urban II oversaw the slaughter of roughly ten million people to procure Belgrade, the Orthodox Church of Constantinople in Yugoslavia as well as Turkey, Syria, Antioch and Palestine.

4>> Pope Innocent III 1198-1216

List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-Pope Innocent III

Pope Innocent III reportedly aided and abetted in the murder of well over one million people during his papacy between 1198-1216. He rallied military support in favor of the Inquisition after excommunicating Philip II of France and had put both France and England under interdict, which was the Pope’s granted power of punishment.

Innocent called the Fourth Crusade, which was diverted to Constantinople. The pope excommunicated the Crusaders who attacked Christian cities, but he made no move to halt or overturn their actions because he felt that the Latin presence would bring about a reconciliation between the Eastern and Western Churches. Innocent also ordered a crusade against the Albigenses, which successfully subdued the Cathar heresy in France but at a great cost in life and blood.

3>> Pope Boniface VIII 1294-1303

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-pope bonifacio_VIII

Born in 1296 as Benedetto Caetani, Gaetani purchased the papacy from the cardinals for 7,000 gold florins and became Pope Boniface VIII.

King Philip IV of France, supported by civilian lawyers concerned to exalt his authority against that of the pope, opposed the Bull Unam Sanctam of Boniface VIII. He summoned his Parliament in Paris and laid before it an impeachment of the pope for heresy, simony and rapacity. Boniface was specifically accused of “…wizardry, dealing with the Devil, disbelief in Jesus Christ, declaring that sins of the flesh were not sins, and causing the murder of Pope Celestine and others. He had a certain ‘idol’ in which a ‘diabolical spirit’ was enclosed whom he was in the habit of consulting”.

In 1303, Pope Boniface VIII was seized at Anagni, to where he had fled, and was delivered to Paris to be tried. Before five archbishops, 22 bishops, many monks and friars, Boniface VIII jeered habitually at religion and morals, and made this remarkable statement: “There was no Jesus Christ and the Eucharist is just flour and water. Mary was no more a virgin than my own mother, and there is no more harm in adultery than in rubbing your hands together.”

2>> Pope John XXIII 1410-1415

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-Johannes_XXIII_Gegenpapst-antipope john XXIII

On the night of the 3rd May 1410, Pope Alexander V died suddenly of poisoning after having dinner along with Cardinal Baldassare Cossa. The Italian cardinals elected the Pisan Baldassare Cossa to replace him. He called himself Pope John XXIII. Surprisingly, the vices of Cardinal Cossa, which were many, were well known to the cardinals and all of Italy.

Apparently you can’t escape your past. Eventually, a church High Council drew up a long indictment against John XXIII which ran to 54 Articles. He was charged with rape, adultery, incest, sodomy and the murder of Pope Alexander V. After a brief trial he was found guilty, deposed, imprisoned and strangled within two years. The Romans pelted mud and stones at his coffin when it was brought to Rome.

1>> Pope Pius XII 1939-1958

top ten list-List O' Top Ten Most Evil Catholic Popes-pope pius xii

There are so many charges against this pope that it would take a full volume to list them.

One of the most atrocious charges was:

Establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime (1920 – 1945): That Archbishop Pacelli later Pope Pius XII and the Jesuit order under the control of Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski did help form the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers’ Party), abbreviated DAP, into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP), also known as the Nazi Party as instructed to Adolf Hitler. That the initial purpose of the Nazi Party as formed by the Catholic Church was to:

 ==a) establish a pro-Catholic political party capable of defeating its opposition and gaining control of government;

 ==b) establish a Concordant between the Catholic Church and the whole of Germany guaranteeing a massive financial pipeline in compensation for losing the Papal States; and

 == c) the elimination of all opposition including social reform/democratic minded groups, especially protestants, orthodox Christians, communists and ethnic Jews.

That Archbishop Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII) did mentor Hitler to join the DAP, did arrange form him to report to him regularly (at least each month, sometimes weekly) until Pacelli appointment of Vatican Cardinal Secretary of State in 1929 and did provide all the financial support and means for Hitler’s rise to Chairman of the NSDAP in 28 July 1921. Furthermore, that Archbishop Pacelli did use the gold brought in to Germany in 1917 to help fund the rapid expansion of the Nazi Party, including its first reform as a paramilitary organization in 1921. *source*

The International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission (ICJHC), a group comprised of three Jewish and three Catholic scholars, was appointed in 1999 by the Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews. In October of 2000, the group of scholars finished their review of the Vatican’s archives, and submitted their preliminary findings to the Comission’s then-President, Cardinal Edward I Cassidy. Their report, entitled “The Vatican and the Holocaust,” laid to rest several of the conventional defenses of Pope Pius XII.

The often-espoused view that the Pontiff was unaware of the seriousness of the situation of European Jewry during the war was definitively found to be inaccurate. Numerous documents demonstrated that the Pope was well-informed about the full extent of the Nazi’s anti-Semitic practices. A letter from Konrad von Preysing, Bishop of Berlin, that proved that the Pope was aware of the situation as early as January of 1941, particularly caught the attention of the commission. In that letter, Preysing confirms that “Your Holiness is certainly informed about the situation of the Jews in Germany and the neighboring countries. I wish to mention that I have been asked both from the Catholic and Protestant side if the Holy See could not do something on this subject…in favor of these unfortunates.” The letter, which was a direct appeal to the Pope himself, without intermediaries, provoked no response. In 1942, an even more compelling eyewitness account of the mass-murder of Jews in Lwow was sent to the Pope by an archbishop; this, too, garnered no response.


The Evil Guardians Of The Vatican Church 

The 200 years between Pope Nicolas I (858-867) and Pope Gregory VI (1045-1046) is called by historians, the MIDNIGHT OF THE DARK AGESBribery, corruption, immorality and bloodshed, make it just about the blackest chapter in the whole history of the Church.

And, that's not all. The period between 904 and 963 is called in history"The Rule of the Harlots!"

Pope Sergius III (904-911). Said to have had a mistressMarozia. She, her mother Theodora, and her sister, "filled the Papal chair with their paramours and bastard sons, and turned the Papal Palace into a den of robbers!"

Pope John X (914-928), "was brought to Rome, and made Pope by Theodora for the more convenient gratification of her passion." He was smothered to death by Marozia, who, then, in succession, raised to the Papacy, Popes Leo VI (928-929), and Stephen VII (929-931), and John XI (931-936) — her own illegitimate son!

Another of Marozia's sons appointed the four following Popes: Leo VII (936-939), Stephen VIII (939-942), Martin III (942-946), and Agapetus II (946-955).

Pope John XII (955-963), a grandson of Marozia, was "guilty of almost every crime! He violated virgins and widows; lived with his father's mistress; made the Papal Palace a brothel; and was killed while in the act of adultery by the woman's enraged husband!"

Pope Boniface VII (984-985), murdered Pope John XIV, and "maintained himself on the blood-stained Papal Throne by a lavish distribution of stolen money." The Bishop of Orleans, referring to Popes John XII, Leo VIII and Boniface VII, called them "monsters of guilt, reeking in blood and filth; Antichrist sitting in the Temple of God!"

Pope Benedict VIII (1012-1024), bought the office of Pope with open bribery. This was called SIMONY, that is, the purchase or sale of Church Office with money.

Pope John XIX (1024-1033), Bought the Papacy. He passed through all the necessary clerical degrees in one day.

Pope Benedict IX ( was the Pope on three occasions: 1033-1044; 1045 and 1047-1048), Was made Pope as a boy of 12 years oldthrough a money bargain with the powerful families that ruled Rome. "He surpassed Pope John XII in wickedness; and committed murders and adulteries in broad daylight! A hideous criminal — the people drove him out of Rome!" Some call him the worst of all the Popes!

Pope Gregory VI (1045-1046), Bought the Papacy. There were three rival Popes at this time: Benedict IX, Gregory VI, Sylvester III. "Rome swarmed with hired assassins!"

Pope Clement II (1046-1047), was appointed Pope by Emperor Henry III of Germany "because no Roman clergyman could be found who was free of the pollution of Simony and Fornication!"

(1073-1085). The two prevailing Sins of the Clergy were immorality and simony. The Church owned a large share of property, and had rich incomes. Practically all Bishops and Priests had paid for their office, for it gave them a chance to live in luxury. Kings habitually sold Church Offices to the highest bidder, regardless of fitness or character!

Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). (Also included in the "List of Ten Most Evil Popes in the History of the Church") He was the "most powerful of all the Popes." He claimed to be "Vicar of Christ," "Vicar of God," and "Supreme Sovereign over the Church and the World." He claimed the right to depose Kings and Princes; and that "All things on earth and in Heaven and in Hell — are subject to the Vicar of Christ."

He brought the Church into supreme control of the State. The Kings of Germany, France, England, and practically all the Monarchs of Europe, obeyed his will. He even brought the Byzantine Empire under his control. Never in history has any one man exerted more power! 

Furthermore, he:

>> ordered two Crusades, 
>> decreed Transubstantiation, 
>> confirmed Confession to priests, 
>> declared Papal Infallibility,
>> forbade the reading of the Bible in the vernacular,
>> ordered the extermination of heretics,
>> instituted the Inquisition, and
>> ordered the Massacre of the Albigenses!

More blood was shed under his direction, and that of his immediate successors, than in any other period of Church history, except in the Papacy's effort to crush the Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries. One Would think Nero, the Beast — had come to life in Name of the Lamb!

In the period immediately following Pope Innocent III, the Inquisition did its most deadly work against the Albigenses — but also claimed vast multitudes of victims in Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands.

Later on, the Inquisition was the main agency in the Papacy's effort to crush the Reformation. It is stated that in the 30 years between 1540 and 1570 — no fewer than 900,000 Protestants were put to death in the Pope's attempt for the extermination of the Waldenses.

The Inquisition was the most notorious and devilish thing in human history! It was devised by Popes, and used by them for 500 years, to maintain their power. For its evil record — none of the subsequent line of "Holy" and "Infallible" Popes have ever apologized!

Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303), (Also included in the "List of Ten Most Evil Popes in the History of the Church") in his famous papal bull, "Unam Sanctam," said, "We declare, affirm, define, and pronounce that it is altogether necessary for salvation — that every creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff!" However, he himself was so corrupt that Dante, who visited him during his pontificate, called the Vatican, "A sewer of corruption!" and assigned him, along with Popes Nicolas III and Clement V — to lie in the lowest parts of Hell!

(1305-1377), These are the 72 years in which Papal Palace was at Avignon, France. The avarice of the Avignon Popes knew no bounds! Burdensome taxes were imposed. Every Church Office was sold for money, and many new offices were created to be sold — to fill the coffers of Popes and support the luxurious and immoral Court. Petrarch accused the papal household of rapeadultery, and all manner of fornication. In many parishes, men insisted on priests keeping concubines, as a protection for their own families!

(1377-1417)During these 40 years, there were two sets of Popes — one at Rome, and one at Avignon, each claiming to be "Vicar of Christ," hurling anathemas and curses at each other!

Pope John XXIII (1410-1415), was called by some, "the most depraved criminal who ever sat on the Papal Throne!" He was guilty of almost every crime! As cardinal in Bologna, 200 maidens, nuns and married women fell victims to his amours! As Pope, he . . .

>> violated virgins and nuns; 
>> lived in adultery with his brother's wife; 
>> was guilty of sodomy and other nameless vices; 
>> bought the Papal Office; 
>> sold Cardinal offices to children of wealthy families; 
>> and openly denied the future life.

Pope Pius II (1458-1464), was said to have been the father of many illegitimate children, spoke openly of the methods he used to seduce women, encouraged young men to, and even offered to instruct them in methods of immorality!

Pope Paul II (1464-1471), "filled his house with concubines."

Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484). Sanctioned the Spanish Inquisition. Decreed that money would deliver souls from Purgatory. Was implicated in a plot to murder Lorenzo de Medici, and others who opposed his policies. Used the Papacy to enrich himself and his relatives. Made eight of his nephews Cardinals, while as yet some of them were mere boys. In luxurious and lavish entertainment — he rivaled the Caesars. In wealth and pomp — he and his relatives surpassed the old Roman Families.

Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492). Had 16 children by various married women. Multiplied Church Offices, and sold them for vast sums of money. Decreed the extermination of the Waldenses, and sent an army against them. Appointed the brutal Thomas of Torquemada as the Inquisitor General of Spain, and ordered all rulers to deliver up heretics to him. Permitted bull-fights on St. Peter's Square.

Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503), called the most corrupt of the Renaissance Popes. He was licentious, avaricious, and depraved! He bought the Papacy; made many new cardinals, for money; had a number of illegitimate children, whom he openly acknowledged and appointed to high church office while they were yet children — who, with himself, murdered cardinals and others who stood in their way. Had for a mistress, a sister of a Cardinal.

Pope Julius II (1503-1513), the richest of the Cardinals, with vast income from numerous bishoprics and church estates — bought the Papacy. As a Cardinal he had made sport of celibacy. Involved in endless quarrels over the possession of cities and principalities, he maintained and personally led vast armies. Called the Warrior Pope. Issued indulgences for money. Luther visited Rome — and was appalled at what he saw!

Pope Leo X (1513-1521), was made an Archbishop at the age of 8; and a Cardinal at 13. Was appointed to 27 different church offices, which meant vast income, before he was 13. Was taught to regard ecclesiastical office purely as a source of revenue. Bargained for the Papal chair. Sold church honors. All ecclesiastical offices were for sale, and many new ones were created. He appointed Cardinals as young as the age of 7. He was in endless negotiations with kings and princes, jockeying for secular power, utterly indifferent to the welfare of the Church. He maintained the most luxurious and licentious court in Europe! His Cardinals vied with kings and princes in gorgeous Palaces andvoluptuous entertainment, attended by trains of servants. Yet this voluptuary re-affirmed the Unam Sanctam, in which it is declared that "every human being must be subject to the Roman Pontiff for salvation." He issued indulgences for stipulated fees; and declared that the burning of heretics was a divine appointment.

Pope Paul III (1534-1549). Had many illegitimate children. He was a determined enemy of the Protestants; and offered Charles V an army to exterminate them!

Enter the Jesuits! They were an order founded by Ignatius Loyola, a Spaniard, on the principle of absolute and unconditional obedience to the Pope — having for its object, the recovery of territory lost to Protestants and Mohammedans, and the conquest of the entire heathen world for the Roman Catholic Church. Their supreme aim was the destruction of heresy — that isthinking anything different from what the Pope said. For the accomplishment of which — anything was justifiable — deception, immorality, vice, even murder! Their motto, "For the greater glory of God."

They set up schools, seeking especially the children of ruling classes, aiming in all schools to gain absolute mastery over the pupil. They used the Confessional, especially with Kings, Princes and Civil Rulers — indulging them in all kinds of vice and crime, for the sake of gaining their favor!

They used force, persuading rulers to execute Inquisition sentences. In France, they were responsible for:

>> St. Bartholomew's Massacre, 
>> Persecution of the Huguenots (French Christians)
>> Revocation of the Toleration Edict,

In Spain, Netherlands, South Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Poland and other countries — they led in the massacre of untold multitudes! By these methods, they stopped the Reformation in Southern Europe, and virtually saved the Papacy from ruin.

Pope Gregory XIII (1572-85), celebrated, in solemn mass, with thanksgiving and joy — the news of St. Bartholomew's Massacre!

Popes Clement VIII (1592-1605), Leo XI (1605), Paul V (1605-1621), Gregory XV (1621-1623), and Urban VIII (1623-1644), with aid of Jesuits — blotted out Protestants in Bohemia.

Pope Clement XI (1700-1721), declared that Kings reign only with his sanction; and issued a Bull against Bible Reading.

Pope Pius VII (1800-1820), issued a Bull against Bible Societies, restored the Jesuits, and decreed one "infallible" Pope.

Pope Leo XII ( 1821-1829), condemned all religious freedom, tolerance, Bible societies and Bible translations! He declared that "Everyone separated from the Roman Catholic Church, however unblamable in other respects — has no part in eternal life."

Pope Pius VIII (1829-1830), Denounced liberty of conscience and Bible Societies.

Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846), was an ardent advocate of Papal Infallibility, and condemned Bible Societies.

Pope Pius IX (1846), decreed Papal Infallibility; proclaimed the right to suppress heresy by force; condemned separation of Church and State; and commanded Catholics to obey the Pope, rather than Civil Rulers! He denounced liberty of conscience, liberty of worship, freedom of speech and freedom of the press! He decreed the Immaculate Conception and Deity of Mary! He condemned Bible Societies; declared that Protestantism is "No form of the Christian Religion"; and that "Every dogma of the Roman Catholic Church has been dictated by Christ, through His Viceregents the Popes."

Pope Pius IX (1854), proclaimed the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Its reception emboldened him to call the Vatican Council (1870), for the express purpose of having himself declared Infallible, which, under his skillful manipulation, they did. The decree reads that it is "divinely revealed" that the Pope, when he speaks "ex cathedra," is "possessed of Infallibility in defining doctrines of faith and morals," and that "such definitions are irrevocable."

Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903), claimed that he was appointed to be Head of All Rulers, and that he holds the place of Almighty God on this earth! He emphasized Papal Infallibility; pronounced Protestants "enemies of the Christian Name," claimed complete submission to the Roman Pontiff, and denounced Americanism.

Pope Pius X (1903-1914), denounced leaders of the Reformation as "enemies of the Cross of Christ."

Pope Pius Xl (1922-1939), in 1928, he re-affirmed the Roman Catholic church to be the Only Church of Christ; and the re-union of Christendom impossible except by submission to Rome.

The Papacy's Methods: It brought itself to power by shrewd political alliances, and by deception, and by armed force; and by armed force and bloodshed, it has maintained itself in power.

Papal Revenues: Through a large part of its history the Papacy, by the sale of ecclesiastical office, and its shameless traffic in Indulgences — has received vast revenues that enabled it to maintain, for much of the time, the most luxurious Court in Europe.

Personal character of the Popes: Some of the Popes have been good men; some of them have been unspeakably vile; the most of them have been absorbed in the pursuit of secular power.

Papal Claims: Yet, in spite of the character of the general run of Popes, their methods, and the bloody record of the Papacy — these "Holy Fathers" claim that they are the "Vicars of Christ," "Infallible" and that they "hold the place of Almighty God on this earth," and that obedience to them is necessary to salvation.

The Papacy and the Bible: Pope Hildebrand ordered Bohemians not to read the Bible. Pope Innocent III forbade the people reading the Bible to their own language. Pope Gregory IX forbade laymen possessing the Bible, and suppressed translations. Translations among the Albigenses and Waldenses were burned, and people burned for haying them. Pope Paul IV prohibited the possession of translations without permission of the Inquisition. The Jesuits induced Pope Clement XI to condemn the reading of the Bible by the laity. Popes Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVl and Pius IX all condemned Bible Societies. In Catholic countries, the Bible is an unknown book.

SOURCE [Links Embedded]:

 == 1). List Of Ten Most Evil Popes In The History Of The Church

 == 2). The Evil Guardians Of The Vatican Church

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