Less than 12 hours after winning re-election, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton signed on to new UN Gun Ban talks at the United Nations March 18-28, 2013.
But I'm afraid Obama and Clinton won't even wait until next March to start trying to ram through new gun control.
You see, when the lame duck session of Congress starts next Tuesday, many anti-gun elected officials just ousted from their seats will have an axe to grind . . .
. . . and nothing to lose.
Not only that, but Members of Congress know most Americans -- exhausted from the recent election -- won't be paying attention.
It's a perfect opportunity for anti-gunners like Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer to cut anti-gun deals and get home for the holidays while very few are watching.
The UN Gun Ban, a new permanent "Assault Weapons Ban," or even ammo and magazine bans will ALL be on the table when Congress reconvenes during the lame duck.
That's why I'm mobilizing NAGR's 1.4-million members and supporters RIGHT NOW in opposition to ALL attempts to foist gun control on the American people during the lame duck session.
But even if you and I fight back and stop gun grabs like the UN Gun Ban during the lame duck, we'll be facing another major showdown battle over our gun rights at the United Nations in just a few short months.
After NAGR's million-member army stalled the "Small Arms Treaty" Conference this summer, the institutional gun lobby prematurely declared victory.
But less than five weeks later, petty tyrants at the UN rammed the UN Gun Ban through the Programme Against Small Arms meeting.
These new "International Small Arms Control Standards" are a nightmare of third-world gun control demands.
And the gun control zombies at the UN are crowing that this is exactly what they need to finally pass the "Small Arms Treaty."
Only this time, they've got the partially-completed treaty AND the UN Programme's new Small Arms Control Standards to use as a baseline -- and a President not worried about re-election.
That's why it's vital you click below to sign the survey to STOP Hillary's UN Gun Ban before it's too late.
Just a quick review of the UN Programme's new Small Arms Control Standards is enough to make my skin crawl.
This is nothing less than full-bore registration, confiscation and destruction:
*** Begin "marking small arms and light weapons and keeping accurate and easily retrievable records of them;"
*** Create "an appropriate weapons collection or registration strategy;"
*** Identify "groups holding small arms and/or light weapons and their age/gender profiles, the types and number of weapons held;"
*** Determine "capacity for destruction, including required improvements to equipment and procedures."
Worse, as we've seen in the past, the Programme Against Small Arms can be directly implemented via Executive Order -- without a single vote in Congress.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Even without a completed "Small Arms Treaty," gun-grabbers are gearing up to DEMAND that Congress pass the new Arms Control standards because the U.S. is a member of the UN Programme of Action Against Small Arms!
That's why it's so critical you fill out your survey to STOP Hillary's UN Gun Ban IMMEDIATELY
"Destroying the New World Order"
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