My Dad with one of the wealthiest men, Swiss Billionaire Robert Vincent de Oliverri is the name of a Rothschild convert to the LDS Faith who paid off the Lien (Chase Manhattan Bank/David Rockefeller - Deseret Ranch purchase/debt in Florida) on Temple Square back in 1967 ...(Steve Davis)Startling new claims are coming out about the Rothschild relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. According to one Steve Davis, whose father was the highest ranking Mason in Utah, and an employee of the Rothschilds, the Church was suckered into buying $500 million dollars of worthless "swamp land" by two of its Counselors in the early 1960s. Davis claims that the Church lien that resulted gave the Rockefeller family control over all Church assets, including Temple Square through Chase Manhattan Bank.

Apparently, Swiss Billionaire Robert Vincent de Oliverri, the second richest Rothschild in the world at the time, joined the LDS faith after two missionaries knocked on his door. The Illuminati will often join Churches and other organizations to move them into their globalist agenda. In what appears to be a "hand-off" from the Rockefellers to the Rothschilds, Oliverri flew into Salt Lake City and wrote a $500 million dollar check to pay off the Rockefeller lien.

The above photo purports to show Steve Davis's father, Clyde Davis, picking up Oliverri at the Salt Lake Airport. According to Steve, Clyde was placed in charge of acquiring major contributions for the LDS Church.

The implications of all this are staggering and could answer the questions of how Illuminati Globalists, like Joseph Cannon, Chris Cannon, Mitt Romney, Orrin Hatch, Harry Reid, the Marriotts, and a slew of others have risen to prominence within the Mormon Church.

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Wow, that is a real eye opening statement on how the church started, can you give me a link to that or proof??? I have been saying either it was done in the beginning or its not one of the evil ones since the system they have for the leadership of their church prevents any such infiltration. Its different than any other church including Johovah's witnesses. So what you are saying is it started from the beginning and I would absolutely love to know the evidence of those murders etc..... when when how and who....... proof of course since disinfo is rampid as I am sure you already know. LOL Thanks and I do mean that since its been a real glitch for me. I had not been able to drum up any evidence that they did this in the beginning. Thanks

luggnutz said:
Research the entire Mormon history, it's very foundations are planted in masonic murder ! As far as compartmentalized victims doing great good for the populous..."He continuously transforms himself into an angel of light, to mislead, if possible, even the chosen !"
How anyone could find the rest of the world religions and cultures being used and abused and lied to and manipulated and controled.......then think your group has somehow magically escaped this great net of deceptive death is beyond me. I started with my own religion, "Jehovah's Witnesses", and researched all those lies 1st. I am no different, and this organization is no different. All men have lied and been lied to and mislead ! Ear tickling and heart/gut REASONINGS will not save you or give you the excuses you so desperatly need !
oh you mean lugg

Percy said:
Wow, that is a real eye opening statement on how the church started, can you give me a link to that or proof??? I have been saying either it was done in the beginning or its not one of the evil ones since the system they have for the leadership of their church prevents any such infiltration. Its different than any other church including Johovah's witnesses. So what you are saying is it started from the beginning and I would absolutely love to know the evidence of those murders etc..... when when how and who....... proof of course since disinfo is rampid as I am sure you already know. LOL Thanks and I do mean that since its been a real glitch for me. I had not been able to drum up any evidence that they did this in the beginning. Thanks

luggnutz said:
Research the entire Mormon history, it's very foundations are planted in masonic murder ! As far as compartmentalized victims doing great good for the populous..."He continuously transforms himself into an angel of light, to mislead, if possible, even the chosen !"
How anyone could find the rest of the world religions and cultures being used and abused and lied to and manipulated and controled.......then think your group has somehow magically escaped this great net of deceptive death is beyond me. I started with my own religion, "Jehovah's Witnesses", and researched all those lies 1st. I am no different, and this organization is no different. All men have lied and been lied to and mislead ! Ear tickling and heart/gut REASONINGS will not save you or give you the excuses you so desperatly need !
Sorry, James, I will go back to luggs statement and try to figure out which reply button to hit, obviously I did not guess right the first time. LOL

james said:
oh you mean lugg

Percy said:
Wow, that is a real eye opening statement on how the church started, can you give me a link to that or proof??? I have been saying either it was done in the beginning or its not one of the evil ones since the system they have for the leadership of their church prevents any such infiltration. Its different than any other church including Johovah's witnesses. So what you are saying is it started from the beginning and I would absolutely love to know the evidence of those murders etc..... when when how and who....... proof of course since disinfo is rampid as I am sure you already know. LOL Thanks and I do mean that since its been a real glitch for me. I had not been able to drum up any evidence that they did this in the beginning. Thanks

luggnutz said:
Research the entire Mormon history, it's very foundations are planted in masonic murder ! As far as compartmentalized victims doing great good for the populous..."He continuously transforms himself into an angel of light, to mislead, if possible, even the chosen !"
How anyone could find the rest of the world religions and cultures being used and abused and lied to and manipulated and controled.......then think your group has somehow magically escaped this great net of deceptive death is beyond me. I started with my own religion, "Jehovah's Witnesses", and researched all those lies 1st. I am no different, and this organization is no different. All men have lied and been lied to and mislead ! Ear tickling and heart/gut REASONINGS will not save you or give you the excuses you so desperatly need !
Gee, I assumed you wanted us to believe you. If I was wrong in that assumption then I will definitely apologize. See, internet protocol is when you make an outrageous statement and you expect people to believe you, you give them a link or proof. I do have a life I am sure as do you. I have studied the mormon history and never saw anything as horrific as you suggest. Thus I asked for a link from you as to where you got this from and assumed (me bad, I should never assume) that you would have kept something as condemning and rare as proof of their evilness and wrong doing in the past, especially numerous murders for the satanists. So, you see, I am forced then to assume you have no such proof and simply want me to go on somekind of weeks of researching to keep me busy. I have just elimated your input to the discussion.

Anyone else got proof of such horrors??? I am seriously willing to look at it if you do. Thanks

luggnutz said:
Research the entire Mormon history, it's very foundations are planted in masonic murder ! As far as compartmentalized victims doing great good for the populous..."He continuously transforms himself into an angel of light, to mislead, if possible, even the chosen !"
How anyone could find the rest of the world religions and cultures being used and abused and lied to and manipulated and controled.......then think your group has somehow magically escaped this great net of deceptive death is beyond me. I started with my own religion, "Jehovah's Witnesses", and researched all those lies 1st. I am no different, and this organization is no different. All men have lied and been lied to and mislead ! Ear tickling and heart/gut REASONINGS will not save you or give you the excuses you so desperatly need !
who are you talking to me... james or lugg guy?

Percy said:
Gee, I assumed you wanted us to believe you. If I was wrong in that assumption then I will definitely apologize. See, internet protocol is when you make an outrageous statement and you expect people to believe you, you give them a link or proof. I do have a life I am sure as do you. I have studied the mormon history and never saw anything as horrific as you suggest. Thus I asked for a link from you as to where you got this from and assumed (me bad, I should never assume) that you would have kept something as condemning and rare as proof of their evilness and wrong doing in the past, especially numerous murders for the satanists. So, you see, I am forced then to assume you have no such proof and simply want me to go on somekind of weeks of researching to keep me busy. I have just elimated your input to the discussion.

Anyone else got proof of such horrors??? I am seriously willing to look at it if you do. Thanks

luggnutz said:
Research the entire Mormon history, it's very foundations are planted in masonic murder ! As far as compartmentalized victims doing great good for the populous..."He continuously transforms himself into an angel of light, to mislead, if possible, even the chosen !"
How anyone could find the rest of the world religions and cultures being used and abused and lied to and manipulated and controled.......then think your group has somehow magically escaped this great net of deceptive death is beyond me. I started with my own religion, "Jehovah's Witnesses", and researched all those lies 1st. I am no different, and this organization is no different. All men have lied and been lied to and mislead ! Ear tickling and heart/gut REASONINGS will not save you or give you the excuses you so desperatly need !
I am talking to lugg guy when I made that comment, but I am talking to you, James now. I get very confused over which reply button to hit, so I am sorry if it is one that goes to you. I thought I had done it right this last time but apparently not. Oh, well......
ok and what are you talkng to me about now?

Percy said:
I am talking to lugg guy when I made that comment, but I am talking to you, James now. I get very confused over which reply button to hit, so I am sorry if it is one that goes to you. I thought I had done it right this last time but apparently not. Oh, well......
You asked me if I was talking to you or lugg and I said I am talking to lugg but to you right now.... I sshould have added "answering your question".

james said:
ok and what are you talkng to me about now?

Percy said:
I am talking to lugg guy when I made that comment, but I am talking to you, James now. I get very confused over which reply button to hit, so I am sorry if it is one that goes to you. I thought I had done it right this last time but apparently not. Oh, well......
so is there any questions or comments you want me to respond to or is the morman discussion over?

james said:
ok and what are you talkng to me about now?

Percy said:
I am talking to lugg guy when I made that comment, but I am talking to you, James now. I get very confused over which reply button to hit, so I am sorry if it is one that goes to you. I thought I had done it right this last time but apparently not. Oh, well...... here is one of the many hundreds of links talking about the ownership of a majority of the major religius denominations

james said:
so is there any questions or comments you want me to respond to or is the morman discussion over?

james said:
ok and what are you talkng to me about now?

Percy said:
I am talking to lugg guy when I made that comment, but I am talking to you, James now. I get very confused over which reply button to hit, so I am sorry if it is one that goes to you. I thought I had done it right this last time but apparently not. Oh, well......

WAIT, there is more.  I know Steve, and he is a conniving psychopath.  Literally.  He knows from his background that the Book of Mormon is rooted in Vatican Jesuit Banking/aka Nazi regime as Kuhn Loeb funded the publishing of the Book of Mormon.  Basically that means that the Rothschild's were in from the beginning, that this transaction is a false flag so that Steve can restore the church to add more idiots to pay into it for personal business ends.  The church is a trap for genuinely good people.  I call it The criminal cabal herding people with Masonic false religions like Joseph Smith's Mormonism, and milking the crap out of them!  They are even having problems with inordinate numbers of members reporting Satanic Ritual Abuse, molestations, etc.  My mother worked for a Mormon psychologist office that after years of leaving them as a psychologically exploited subordinate, I learned what I was witnessing was military mind control abuses, covert abuses with black operations by the CIA.  People were having phantom pains, memory loss, all kinds of symptoms that I have come to learn as a life-time victim of their abuse is mind control exploits that have existed in very sophisticated form since the early 1970s.  Skull & Bones uses the Mormon Church to make the Zionazi New World Order happen.  Steve Davis is a manipulator who has pushed while intimidating me and participating in fabrication of false evidence the idea that Mary Magdalene and Jesus literally had children, that I am a descendant because I am a Sinclair descendant of the Builders of Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland built by whom my uncle tells me was a Templar.  (Persecuted Friday October 13, 1307 in France) and oddly, if my birth certificate is correct, my birth date is a numerology anagram of that date.  There is definitely some crazy stuff going on because my intelligence is showing up all over Holllywood made to look random, including the Disney releases, notably the most recent Scotland themed-release "Brave"...  It is just too much guys.  I have a hard time not writing about it.  HELP!  Oh, and his case against the Mormon Church?  I am informed by Kirton & McKonkie employee that "believe me, there is a conflict of interest" after a local bishop referred me to them, knowing that I left the church years ago.  I know that there are serious international issues regarding Rosslyn Chapel Scotland, and Steve Davis' involvement with Ronald Regan and having had what he says was the owner of an environmental lawfirm that I worked for as his missionary companion in Nazi-dominated Brazil when SRA was staged (George Romney's MI) as David Kimball purported to be Prophet Kimball's grandson.  So, hang on to your seats people.  There is more to come.  Wish I knew what was going on.  I am amazed that I have become so strong, because the truth is horrible, much more so than fiction.

where did the information for this post come from ?


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