I wrote to Fritz and like 3 min later he wrote back here is what he had to say!!


Fritz Springmeier

to me
show details 10:38 PM (20 minutes ago) 

Robert, thank you so much for your encouraging email. At the moment I am confined in a halfway house (6000 NE 80th Ave., Portland, OR 97218).  The computers I have access too do not allow me to see the youtube items that you emailed. I am able to have an email account, but that is the limit of my Internet presence! I won't be here forever, so wait for me to get out of here and then let me see what you want me to view, O.K. Sorry about that bro., but it is what it is. The rules here at the halfway house are very restrictive. They have prevented me from doing much constructive to get my life re-established, but at any rate I have to make of success of it, no matter what others will do. Hopefully, I can eventually get back into helping things as I did before. There is a great deal of support for me to return to the fray.  If the Lord asks, I certainly will give it another round. Feel welcome to stay in touch. Yours in Christ, Fritz.



Views: 49

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I have several from him also..just a scam.  If you read the ones I have, you would know the one that wrote that one isnt the same person.  Just a scam.

Well I know indeed and James sent me a link on that and thanks to him I got to talk to the real Fritz here is the link that James provided



Checked that out, Robert, maybe I'm just a skeptic, but I still dont think that is him.  Something just isnt ringing true about the things he says on that site, and a few other things.
Like what whyat is it that he said to you that is ringing the alarms? I mean his email seems fine that he wrote but what is it that you see that I do not?


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