On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Released on 2012-08-24 05:00 GMT
Read stories about those documents at the following addresses:
Email-ID | Subject | From | To | Date |
12750 | FW: [Customer Service/Technical Issues] billing history errors | john.gibbons@stratfor.com | oconnor@stratfor.com, cs@stratfor.com | 2009-06 |
13155 | RE: STRATFOR in The New York Times | mfriedman@stratfor.com | allstratfor@stratfor.com, brian.genchur@stratfor.com | 2009-06 |
18233 | FW: Please invoice and charge credit card Gartner Inc. $2,995 | jeff.stevens@stratfor.com | Solomon.Foshko@stratfor.com | 2007-05 |
84934 | Re: The Business of Stratfor | victoria.allen@stratfor.com | analysts@stratfor.com, friedman@att.blackberry.net | 2011-07 |
119490 | [alpha] INSIGHT - Mexico - Thoughts on Casino attack, NYT piece, other notes - MX01 | michael.wilson@stratfor.com | alpha@stratfor.com | 2011-09 |
201031 | reva.bhalla@stratfor.com | friedman@att.blackberry.net | 2011-12 | |
219254 | RE: New York Times | mfriedman@stratfor.com, gibbons@stratfor.com, kuykendall@stratfor.com, bokhari@stratfor.com, mefriedman@att.blackberry.net | 2009-10 | |
254534 | Stratfor Receipt.xlsx | AdamsJ@booksamillion.com | john.gibbons@stratfor.com, rob.bassetti@stratfor.com | 2011-01 |
267008 | gibbons@stratfor.com | adamsj@booksamillion.com | 2011-01 | |
271755 | FW: FW: media target list for Merry PR | grant.perry@stratfor.com | 2009-12 | |
289379 | Invitation to STRATFOR's briefing on China - Nov 3 | meredith.friedman@stratfor.com, landler@Nytimes.com | 2010-10 | |
289583 | RE: George Friedman's weekly geopolitical analysis | helenec@nytimes.com | 2010-11 | |
289986 | RE: New York Times interview request | kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com, helenec@nytimes.com | 2010-11 | |
386775 | Re: [TACTICAL] US Expands clandestine military activities abroad - NYT | burton@stratfor.com | tactical@stratfor.com | 2010-05 |
397697 | Re: new york times inquiry | burton@stratfor.com | kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com, noam@nytimes.com | 2010-04 |
411681 | Re: Client Question - Carlos Slim and Cartel Dynamics? | Anya.Alfano@stratfor.com | gfriedman@stratfor.com | 2011-04 |
468513 | Account Maintenance (#2) - Gartner Inc | henson@stratfor.com | witters@stratfor.com, service@stratfor.com | 2006-05 |
473739 | Re: A letter from George Friedman | thehouse.tm@gmail.com | service@stratfor.com | 2011-04 |
501124 | FW: User Name, Password | pratt@stratfor.com | service@stratfor.com | 2005-10 |
514663 | RE: Account Maintenance - Gartner Inc | henson@stratfor.com | 2006-05 | |
555824 | RE: Stratfor Member Service / Membership Information | Amanda.Hatten@gartner.com | service@stratfor.com | 2008-10 |
577559 | FW: [Customer Service/Technical Issues] Pakistan | brian.genchur@stratfor.com | 2009-06 | |
620711 | [Customer Service/Technical Issues] Access to stratofr | bagray@nytimes.com | service@stratfor.com | 2010-03 |
898587 | Draft of Handbook Chapter on Organization | gfriedman@stratfor.com | analysts@stratfor.com | 2010-08 |
1125785 | C.I.A. and Pakistan Work Together, but Do So Warily | hooper@stratfor.com | analysts@stratfor.com | 2010-02 |
1196088 | Re: A thought on open source practice | friedman@att.blackberry.net | analysts@stratfor.com | 2009-03 |
1208803 | [alpha] DEA on Carlos Slim ** protect sourcing ** | burton@stratfor.com | alpha@stratfor.com | 2011-04 |
1271821 | Re: THE NEXT 100 YEARS - George Friedman | friedman@att.blackberry.net | mfriedman@stratfor.com, gfriedman@stratfor.com, eisenstein@stratfor.com, jh@hornfischerlit.com | 2008-12 |
1304054 | Outline for George | megan.headley@stratfor.com | colibasanu@stratfor.com, darryl.oconnor@stratfor.com, kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com, matthew.solomon@stratfor.com, tim.duke@stratfor.com, eric.brown@stratfor.com | 2011-12 |
1316654 | [Marketing] PR Items 11.7 | luciana.mendes@stratfor.com | mfriedman@stratfor.com, marketing@stratfor.com, kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com, grant.perry@stratfor.com, shea.morenz@stratfor.com, hope.massey@stratfor.com | 2011-11 |
1317065 | [Marketing] PR Items 11.15 | kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com | mfriedman@stratfor.com, marketing@stratfor.com, shea.morenz@stratfor.com, hope.massey@stratfor.com, luciana.mendes@stratfor.com | 2011-11 |
1338652 | cool RTs | kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com | luciana.mendes@stratfor.com, socialmedia@stratfor.com | 2011-10 |
1344762 | monday meeting - slides | tim.duke@stratfor.com | oconnor@stratfor.com, colibasanu@stratfor.com, kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com, matthew.solomon@stratfor.com, megan.headley@stratfor.com, eric.brown@stratfor.com | 2011-12 |
1348631 | George Friedman interview in NY Times article | kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com | allstratfor@stratfor.com | 2010-11 |
1417567 | RE: Paid Invoice | Eytan.Coll@gartner.com | rob.bassetti@stratfor.com | 2010-06 |
1422548 | Fwd: Booksamillion Com Credit Applicaiton | gibbons@stratfor.com | oconnor@stratfor.com, rob.bassetti@stratfor.com | 2011-01 |
1672247 | Re: [Eurasia] EU/ECON - Cracks showing in EU on economic issues | marko.papic@stratfor.com | eurasia@stratfor.com, econ@stratfor.com | 1970-01 |
1691055 | Re: Annual Forecast 2011 | alderman.liz@gmail.com | marko.papic@stratfor.com | 2011-01 |
1694453 | Re: interview request - International Herald Tribune | marko.papic@stratfor.com | kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com | 2011-01 |
1732382 | Re: NYT On Move Towards a Bailout of Greece | marko.papic@stratfor.com | analysts@stratfor.com, hughes@stratfor.com | 2010-02 |
1748912 | Re: confederation update | richmond@stratfor.com | marko.papic@stratfor.com | 2010-01 |
1765641 | Re: Information on China in Europe | marko.papic@stratfor.com | alderman.liz@gmail.com | 2011-05 |
1780740 | Fwd: [OS] EU/CHINA/ECON - EU foreign policy chief thanks China for support in buying bonds | marko.papic@stratfor.com | alderman.liz@gmail.com | 2011-05 |
1796025 | Europe Seeks to Block Polish Gas Contract | marko.papic@stratfor.com | eurasia@stratfor.com | 2010-10 |
1803489 | Fwd: STRATFOR in Sunday's New York Times - Week in Review | marko.papic@stratfor.com | vikrum.sequeira@gmail.com | 1970-01 |
1822533 | Information on China in Europe | marko.papic@stratfor.com | alderman.liz@gmail.com | 2011-05 |
2232067 | Re: Tweet or news idea? | tim.french@stratfor.com | burton@stratfor.com, kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com, jacob.shapiro@stratfor.com | 2011-11 |
2795370 | FLASH REPORT/INVOICE-Chevron Latin America | zucha@stratfor.com | kuykendall@stratfor.com, darryl.oconnor@stratfor.com, rob.bassetti@stratfor.com, holly.sparkman@stratfor.com, fernando.jaimes@stratfor.com | 2011-02 |
2816597 | Invoice from STRATFOR | ar@stratfor.com | zucha@stratfor.com, ceds@chevron.com, lyoh@chevron.com | 2011-02 |
2824903 | Please invoice Gartner $3,250 | wright@stratfor.com | kuykendall@stratfor.com, oconnor@stratfor.com, george.friedman@stratfor.com, cs@stratfor.com, wright@stratfor.com, rob.bassetti@stratfor.com, holly.sparkman@stratfor.com, fernando.jaimes@stratfor.com | 2011-06 |
3447461 | Re: Mexican mogul Slim sees opportunity in NY Times | eisenstein@stratfor.com | burton@stratfor.com, exec@stratfor.com | 2009-01 |
3513561 | Re: NY Times Sunday | friedman@att.blackberry.net | mfriedman@stratfor.com, eisenstein@stratfor.com, exec@stratfor.com | 2008-08 |
3531311 | RE: NY Times Sunday | mfriedman@stratfor.com | eisenstein@stratfor.com, exec@stratfor.com | 2008-08 |
3635756 | RE: GHOST Purchase | mfriedman@stratfor.com | gibbons@stratfor.com, eisenstein@stratfor.com, exec@stratfor.com | 2008-05 |
5101192 | RE: NY Times contact? | Andrew.Cawthorne@reuters.com | mark.schroeder@stratfor.com | 2007-08 |
5355966 | Thought | Anya.Alfano@stratfor.com | burton@stratfor.com | 2010-02 |
5463685 | Re: Chevron | Anya.Alfano@stratfor.com | zucha@stratfor.com | 2009-12 |
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