In recent years, various members of the AE911Truth team have been working on a white paper titled “Areas of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports.” Last month they finally completed the document. Its 25 concise points offer the most convincing proof that the reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the September 11, 2001, destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings were unscientific and fraudulent. The authors of "The 25 Points" designed the document to provide material that would compel the convening of a grand jury. Whether or not a grand jury is ever impaneled in any jurisdiction, though, readers of this white paper have the duty and privilege of acting as a virtual grand jury in all jurisdictions. After weighing the evidence meticulously laid out in "The 25 Points," readers can, by their resulting actions, help determine whether there will one day be a new, fully funded, truly independent, wholly transparent, and unimpeachably honest investigation of 9/11.


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Areas of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports Below is a series of twenty-five provable points which clearly demonstrate that the reports produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) were unscientific and fraudulent. Therefore NIST itself – including its lead authors, Shyam Sunder and John Gross - should be investigated. Table of Contents WTC 7 – THE THIRD SKYSCRAPER ........................................................................................... 2 1. OMISSION OF GIRDER STIFFENERS SHOWN ON FRANKEL DRAWING #9114 ..............................................2 2. OMISSION OF THREE LATERAL SUPPORT BEAMS ON THE 13TH FLOOR G3005 BEAM .................................2 3. WTC 7 COLLAPSE AT FREE-FALL ACCELERATION IS NOT EXPLAINED...........................................................3 4. VIDEOS OF THE COLLAPSE OF WTC 7 BETRAY NIST’S COMPUTER MODEL..................................................3 5. CLAIMS OF INVESTIGATING CONTROLLED DEMOLITION WITHOUT TESTING FOR EXPLOSIVE RESIDUES....4 6. CHANGES OF STATEMENTS ON COMPOSITE BEAMS AND SHEAR STUD USE BETWEEN DRAFTS ................5 7. REFUSING OF FOIA REQUESTS ...................................................................................................................6 ALL THREE BUILDINGS ........................................................................................................... 6 8. NEGLIGENCE IN SALVAGING STEEL ............................................................................................................6 9. IGNORING THE RESULTS OF FEMA 403, APPENDIX C .................................................................................6 10. INVOLVEMENT IN NOT SAVING STEEL FOR INVESTIGATION ......................................................................7 11. FIRE SIMULATIONS AND DURATIONS ARE EXAGGERATED.........................................................................8 12. NO DISCUSSION OF THE MOLTEN METAL FOUND IN THE RUBBLE OF THE THREE COLLAPSED BUILDINGS. 8 13. REFUSAL TO TEST FOR EXPLOSIVE RESIDUE...............................................................................................9 14. FAILURE TO FOLLOW STANDARD FIRE INVESTIGATION PROTOCOL ......................................................... 10 THE TWIN TOWERS.............................................................................................................. 10 15. STRIPPING OF THE FIRE PROOFING IS EXAGGERATED.............................................................................. 10 16. PRE-COLLAPSE STEEL TEMPERATURES ARE EXAGGERATED ..................................................................... 11 17. TESTED FLOOR ASSEMBLIES DID NOT FAIL .............................................................................................. 11 18. INITIATION OF COLLAPSE – “INWARD BOWING” WAS INDUCED ARTIFICIALLY........................................ 12 19. COLUMN STRESS DUE TO LOAD REDISTRIBUTION IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO CAUSE FAILURE ...................... 12 20. NO EXPLANATION GIVEN FOR HORIZONTAL PROPAGATION OF COLLAPSE ............................................. 12 21. WTC 1 TILT OCCURRED AFTER SYMMETRICAL COLLAPSE FOR AT LEAST TWO STORIES............................ 13 22. NO JOLT – CONTINUOUS ACCELERATION OF COLLAPSE WAS IGNORED................................................... 14 23. NO PILE DRIVER IS OBSERVED IN VIDEOS ................................................................................................ 16 24. COLUMN LOADS WERE CALCULATED FOR WORST CASE, NOT ACTUAL IN-SERVICE LOADS...................... 16 25. MOLTEN METAL OBSERVED POURING OUT OF THE CORNER OF WTC 2 REMAINS UNRESOLVED............. 16

Download PDF below for rest of the 25 points

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