Published on Feb 16, 2014
The little known George P. Bush (from the powerful Bush Dynasty) is rising to political power in Texas on his 'Hispanic' credentials. His rising star is a Trojan Horse towards stopping a "Blue State" from emerging in Texas, swinging potentially Democratic voters back to the GOP, while priming the Southwest for the immigration reforms designed by his father Jeb Bush at the Council on Foreign Relations -- in turn part of the larger plan to usher in a North American Union and seize vast land areas for the planned Trans-Texas Corridor which will fast-track NAFTA-on-steroids global trade and transform the once free United States irreparably.
With George P. Bush, grandson of George H.W. Bush, campaigning in Texas to secure political office and his place in the 4th generation Bush Dynasty as a "Hispanic" leader, a Latino activist confronted him on the inconvenient truth of his family's Nazi connections. George P. Bush was named after Sen. Prescott S. Bush, the father of George H.W. Bush, who was a partner at Union Banking Corporation -- a bank that had its assets frozen under the 1942 Trading With the Enemy Act for financing Hitler and the Nazis.
The London Guardian, among other sources, have confirmed the scandal through historical documents. See here: Nevertheless, the powerful Bush Dynasty has played a role in war profiteering, the creation of the CIA, shady covert operations and has now seen two U.S. presidents named George Bush, along with other powerful political figures.
Will George P. Bush be the next? A new drama of mass proportions is unfolding in Texas... Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton of Truthstream speak with Hector Cubillos of, the Texas resident and Mexican national who confronted the blue blood Bush scion on exploiting his Hispanic credentials to gain office.
The son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is now seeking election for Texas Land Commissioner -- a position well under the radar of most political spectators -- but which holds powerful clout over vast land areas, imminent domain, veteran's rights, education ... and in particular over a pet project with many Bush hands already in it -- the formation of the Trans-Texas Corridor and the gradual completion of the North American Union. These mega-projects would combine the economies and territories of Canada, the United States and Mexico, while fast-tracking corporate dominance and paving over existing properties with a gigantic new transport highway that runs vertically from lower Mexico up through Texas all the way to Canada. Compounding with this are the changing demographics of Texas, which many political pundits say could turn "blue" and swing Democratic, while the Republican party in a long-firm "red" state is trying to stay relevant by showcasing Hispanic candidates like George P. Bush -- all while his daddy Jeb Bush is pushing the Immigration Reform Plan he wrote for the elitist and secretive Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The impact of these vast changes in policy and infrastructure are part of a globalist scheme to transform the structure of governance and place the rights of the Constitution under the yoke of Free Trade and treaty law. Hector Cubillos explains how he has seen the impacts of NAFTA first hand growing up in Mexico, and how it contributing to mass migration and an influx of illegal immigration in the United States.
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