Hello all,

If some of you were not aware, 12160 has gone through a bit of a change in management. After years of plugging away on 12160, James decided it was time to put down the admin hat and move on to other pursuits in real life as well as blogging online.

James will always be the creator of 12160, even though his name is not attached to it anymore. His tireless work, time and passion for sharing truth can still be seen throughout 1,000's of pages on 12160. He was in many ways the driving force for keeping the site alive for years. Even though his role as admin leader is no more, his presence will forever linger. Thank you James for all that you have given and done for 12160. You are greatly appreciated and sorely missed!

So now, it's time to meet the new management/admins.

Less Prone




Old Denmark


If you have any questions/concerns, please contact The Admin Team. Or if you'd like to contact a specific admin, please feel free to do so. We are here to help and assist you as best as we can.

Also, please donate to 12160 if you can folks. Any amount would be appreciated. 12160 Welcome to a Revolutionary Concept in Public Communication - ...

Thank you,

The Admin Team

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Thanks. Change is contant and necessary.
God bless you all.

Thanks to all that donated and also to members who keep 12160 plugging along by posting blogs, discussions, vids, photos and comments. We appreciate you all!

This was the 3rd time I quit and looking back when the site went in to a free fall. 5 people couldn't do what I did. Not everyone is talented in all things, this happens to be mine-we all cant be the star quarterback.

I could explain in detail where the failures were exactly, but in the end, most volunteers to site admin staff offered little more then good intentions. I built groups with notes on what I did to make things continue and they were never read. And when I brought this up I was ignored as a nagging ahole. Well 95 pct of the active members left after this transition.

I only returned this time to see the bill get paid before the place would end up deleted. Well I am back kind of.


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