Can't believe I never posted this puppy... It's road ready & running, but I don't ride it or use it, on thinking it may be worth something some day....probably not though if I own it...lolz

Not bad for 42 years old, has 14k original on it

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Nice bike CS, here's one like the bike I've got sitting at home. The reason it's sitting there idle is I don't have a bike licence but worse than that I don't know how to ride one. Sadly. It was my partners bike but then he had a stroke and was unable to ride it again. He may have done better if we had called an ambulance but he was still slightly coherent and when asked if he wanted one called he said no. Took a whole day and night to talk him into letting us take him to the hospital in car. Harley softail 88

Holy hellzbellz girl.... very depressing story, So sorry about your partner's health, that's gotta blow chunx, on a brighter note, here's my Buh-Buh-Baby.... 1 year older than your Heritage there ;) 1989 XLH 1200 (now 1310)

Hey K No reason you can't learn to ride if you want to .Your story is almost like the ad from the man looking for a woman who likes to fish and has boat then states PLEASE SEND PICTURE OF BOAT. Sorry for your loss, seems time is the only cure for loss of loved one

I just sold a 1987 kawasaki valkyrie 1500 ,road my 1100(chips bike bought from texas dps) from houston to here in 93. Over the years have had kz 1000 ,z1 900 ,650 and first road bike was a big ol honda 350 dream which was a big bike for a 350 twin. I now ride a 1976 honda elsinore mt250(offroad mostly)that I put a new coil and points on yesterday( it took a long time to find 6v coil and replacement points), wish I had video of my dog BUDDY damn near doing backflips in anticipation of our first ride this year. 2 kicks and it was smoking like a freight train and up the hill into the woods we went. Two months ago I found a 1977 yamadog dt250 that has been setting in a garage since 1987 stole it for $200 ,needs  new piston rings but thats what I do ,how lucky am I two vintage bikes a good dog and a great wifey.

What do you want for that ol rusty worn out bike( No really I am interested.)give me a price if you are letting it go, a harley guy like you shoudn't have a "good" /I mean rusty bike like that


Hey thanks your kind words guys, I was at a rally once (ulysses) and had the utter privilege to be offered a ride around the block with a guy on his 97 Honda Valkarie ~ an exhilarating experience to say the least and a realisation that sometimes bikes go outside the realm of actually seeming like one and become some sort of machine instead. The old Harley at home may live to see another day on the tar seal yet as my girl has her beady eyes on it, although I had to burst her bubble and remind her that Learner riders can only choose a 250 cc or Under, so it would not be that one for quite some time. ~ My partner is not totally lost and gone but his quality of life is a little less than it was before. Although he can't ride again or drive a car comfortably he has been able to relegate himself to operating an automatic van with column change gears and a type of retractable seating arrangement that makes it suitable for multi purpose use. He calls it the best cage on the market. ( He's also lucky I've relocated him to the best biker town in the country so he gets to host all the other bikers who come down for the big events every year. Every motorcycle is welcome and every bike is equal in respect, except Indian ones which willingly demand a greater respect than all others. A sort of speed before style appreciation. Yip, if a biker is on the road and encounters an Indian bike coming along, it's a courtesy give-way situation, I think you guys call the action yield. )


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