American and NATO Disinformation and Lies Fuel Never Ending War In Ukraine

There is perhaps no better-informed military geostrategic authority on the war in Ukraine today than Swiss intelligence analyst, Jacques Baud (Colonel, Swiss Army, ret.). His long and exceptional experiences over the years in evaluating military intelligence and strategy for a variety of national and international agencies, in particular the geopolitics of Eastern Europe after the fall of Communism, have given him an enhanced and realistic insight into current events in that part of the world.

Recently, Amnesty International—of all sources!—came out with a critical report, largely ignored by the American and Western media, which documented the fact that Ukraine is actively engaged in terrorism and war crimes in its present conflict with Russia. One of the few Western media sources, Newsweek, quoted the report “that the Ukrainian military’s tactics ‘violate international humanitarian law and endanger civilians’ by operating weapons out of bases established in residential areas while civilians are present.” That is exactly what some of us have been saying and charging for some time, especially in reference to the accusation of Russian “war crimes” in Mariupol and Bucha, to mention but two prominent examples.

Now, an international agency, not known for its rightwing or pro-Russian bias, has come out and admitted the very same thing: it is the policy of the Ukrainian government to use civilians as human shields, to place potentially rich military target in the midst of unprotected civilians, many of whom become hostages to the Ukrainian military. The objective, of course, is to inflame Western and American media and political types: “See how evil and barbaric those Russians are!” goes the refrain. And that disinformation campaign has been fairly successful, if you watch most of Fox News (e.g., General Jack Keene, Brian Kilmeade, etc.) which is joined at the hip with the entirety of the hysterical (mostly leftwing) anti-Russian media, not to mention the Deep State cabal in Washington, which includes such deranged armchair warriors as Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Schumer.

Of course, Ukraine has attempted to push back against the report, employing it minions in the West and in the American media. But numerous analyses have surfaced, and, although ignored by our media, they confirm Amnesty International’s study.

In his most recent analysis, Colonel Baud examines the issue of terrorism as employed as a military tactic, and largely on the part of the Ukrainian military and its violent militia groups, in the current conflict with Russia. In an interview with the journal, The Postil, he explores in detail that question, as well as other critical issues—issues about which most Americans (and Western Europeans) have little reliable information.

There is a zealously pro-Ukrainian historical blackout framing Western media. It is openly admitted by Joe Biden and his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (since they visited Kiev back in late April, 2022) that the American strategy (and thus that of our NATO satraps) in Ukraine is “to bleed Russia dry, if it takes the death of every Ukrainian to do it.” In other words, Ukraine is a kind of “piege de mort,” a death trap for the Russians to facilitate a radical change in Kremlin leadership, to install by whatever means possible a pliant government which will essentially take orders from the globalist cabal which seeks to implement “the Great Reset.”

Colonel Baud’s interview is detailed, providing accurate and detailed information that most Westerners and Americans don’t see or hear in our controlled media. His wide-ranging interview is fairly long—9,000 words—but well worth reading and pondering. The goal of our elites in Eastern Europe has nothing at all to do with “protecting democracy”—Ukraine is the least democratic nation in all of Europe. It has everything to do with cementing globalist control, a unitary world where agencies like an empowered World Economic Forum (which Volodymyr Zelensky now pays homage to), the European Union, and a reconfigured and aggressive NATO, abroad, and an FBI and CIA, which have become our equivalents of the East German Stasi of Communist KGB secret police, domestically.

I pass on Colonel Baud’s interview below:

American and NATO Disinformation and Lies Fuel Never Ending War In ...

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Believe it or not there are morons/idiots who watch the daily lies spewed by the "mainstream media"(95% juw owned)  and are ignorant of the facts  about ukraine, thankfully most of the idiots have been jabby jabbed(like they were told to do by the very same liars ) and will have different concerns to worry about instead of spreading their PROGRAMMED LIES.


Ukraine is literally sending its soldiers into a deathtrap in the Kherson "Counteroffensive".  It's horrifying that they are happy to sacrifice their own people to hurt Russia.  

MoA - Kherson 'Counteroffensive' - Zelenski Is Going For Broke (moo...

"The political leadership of Ukraine is committed to continue this massacre. The Ukrainian Telegram channel 'Resident' reported:

Our source in the OP said that Zelensky holds a meeting every day on the counteroffensive in the South of Ukraine, at the moment the Armed Forces of Ukraine have the opportunity to create a foothold in the Krivoy Rog direction. Zalusky reported on the heavy fighting and losses suffered by the Ukrainian army in the steppes, but the political center of influence insist on continuing the #Battle_for_Kherson operation.

Reserves from the eastern front and Kharkov will be transferred to the Dnepropetrovsk region, in order to achieve the advantage of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, no information will be officially published in the media until the seizure of territories.

Earlier another war observer noted:

Ukrainian channel Legitimny reports Helensky is prepared to sacrifice up to 20K dead and 40k wounded in the Kherson offensive, which would be 6% of his army. Current losses are around 2% so he's going for 2nd offensive wave.

I believe that 60,000 men are more than 10% of the Ukrainian army but that is not the point."

*According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Ukraine has 196,600 active military personnel.

Itapirkanmaa221 minutes ago

I wrote about this clandestine plan earlier. Citizens in their own countries always come last. "The EU has set up a "hub" for the wounded and sick evacuated from Ukraine. It is located near the Polish city of Rzeszów. "The number of wounded in Ukraine is growing every day," EU Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarčič said at the hub's opening. By "surprising coincidence", the creation of a "logistics hub" to distribute severely wounded AFU soldiers to hospitals in the Eurozone coincided with Zelenski's "counter-offensive" in the Kherson region. It is no longer a secret to anyone that the number of wounded soldiers has exceeded the capacity of Ukrainian hospitals, so now Western countries have urgently launched this kind of programme, in an attempt to somehow remedy the situation."

Ukraine is not the only fools sending their soldiers off to be sacrificed in this bogus war. Our own countries continue to do exactly the same with little compassion or concern for the wellbeing of either those fighting there or the families they leave behind. They don't even make an attempt To Return The Bodies that's how much they care Not. These fighters have been Brainwashed with bullshit. It is a sad and evil state of affairs. May all the lost ones Rest In Peace as they have no idea what they are doing. 


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