The problem you have with Ranchers and Farmers like the Bundys is that when you take government money(like the Bundys did) for your farm or ranch than you become under the control of the Government. It looks like the Bundys got quite a bit of government money. The government never, never gives money without expecting something in return. My advice is for everyone to go home and let the Bundys serve their time in jail and get some real good lawyers and fight this case in court.
The govt $$.666$$ is virtual.
That shit is imagined out of thin-air.
Why not use the govt's delusion against itself?
In true warfare - there are no limits when comes down to the number of battlefields...
only thing this Succubus is having is Indictments shortly (FBI rumor mill) Guess ya should have treated your FBI guys with a little bit more respect during your ill-gained stay @ 1600 back in those zany mid 90's ya miserable slimebag bitch
besides calling them dogs and trained stooges and other assorted vulgar monikers all while your mucus-packed nose pointed to the sky, among other shit treatment, you & step-dad, Slick Willie raised your adolescent child to disrespect & degrade them as well... Ain't Karma a bitch???, rumors are somebody in there STILL wants some payback. We, The People can only hope...
"Destroying the New World Order"
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