GOP Food Stamp Cuts Would Kick 170,000 Vets Out of the Program

Republicans will salute America's veterans Monday, while simultaneously trying to deny them benefits. In addition to reducing housing aid, and denying health care to vets, the GOP is also trying to remove thousands of vets from the food stamp program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.

At least 900,000 veterans rely on SNAP. The House Republican version of the farm bill, the five-year piece of legislation that funds nutrition and agriculture provisions, would slash funding for the food stamps program by nearly $40 billion and boot 2.8 million people off the program next year. That includes 170,000 veterans, who would be removed through a provision in the bill that would eliminate food stamps eligibility for non-elderly jobless adults who can't find work or an opening in a job training program.

Veterans returning home from service have more trouble finding work than other folks, and rely more heavily on the food stamp program. The unemployment rate for recent veterans—those who have served in the past decade—is about 10 percent, almost 3 points above the national unemployment rate. War-related disabilities are one reason why. About a quarter of recent veterans reported service-related disabilities in 2011. Households that have a disabled veteran who is unable to work are twice as likely to lack access to sufficient food than households without a disabled service member, according to the nonprofit Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

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No pun intended. None of that made sense to me.

If some Syrians are raped and eaten afterwords - it has no practical consequences. But food prices or the Grid is different. No Grid for one day, just use some blankets. One week and still no Grid - Hell is loose.

In the darkness all will have to figure out who to blame. I don't expect people to talk about petrodollar/derivatives. The answer must be comprehensible for anyone.  Then the same jerks also have "attacked" Dimona we are told?


Bug in, bug out, at least we'll be ready. ;)

Vincent is that....Zatarain's on the shelf???? Lmao, sry the devil made me do it....or maybe it was those chemicals!!


My goodies look a bit different. I have both non-gmo and some cheap stuff. I guess we have to do the best we can with the money we have to invest. I like to store my goods in thick 5 mil Mylar bags and plastic 5 gallon buckets w/lids.


Make sure you pick up one of these too. :)

Thank you

Purifying away radioactivity is difficult. The easy clean water is bottled water. I will not manage without coffee/milk, high quality salt, butter/coconut oil, iodine, cal-mag, minerals&vitamins (the complete ones that cost most), and calories (tinned meat and quality rice is my preference). Zero vegetables here, but fruit tea/green tea is easy to add. Should not take much space.

Product Description

DECENT FEATURES of the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter Highest quality construction Used by U.S. and other militaries around the world. Best selling emergency preparedness water filter. The SPECS of the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter Micro Filtration Method: Field cleanable 0.2 micron ceramic depth filter Output: Up to 1 quart (1 liter)/minute Cartridge Capacity: Up to 13,000 gallons (50,000 liters), depending on water quality Weight: 20 oz Height: 10" Includes: Hydration Accessory, Prefilter, Bottle Clip, Carry Bag, Measuring Gauge and Cleaning Pad.

Hey, Vincent, speaking of 5 gallon buckets. let us share how we take the air out of the bucket, please. I will go first then you please, so we may learn from each other.

I freeze my things first for at least 48 hrs, then thaw out in one layer so as not to have any condensation on anything. Then I transfer to buckets.

When my bucket is full I dig a hole in the top of the contents. I then take a piece of heavy duty tin foil and shape it as if it was on the bottom of a glass. Place this in the divot you have made in the contents in your bucket.

After doing this, take a tea candle and place it inside the tin foil bowl. Then light the candle. Put the lid on the bucket, when the flame goes out all of the air is gone out of the bucket.

This can be done each time the bucket is opened.

That's a handy way of doing it, Mystery. Most of my goods are already freeze dried commodities (organic non-gmo is available as well). I place my food in thick Mylar bags (the bag is already placed inside a plastic 5 gal bucket). Then I insert air/moisture absorbents just before I seal bags with a hot iron. I check it the next day to make sure all air is removed (a tight seal) and then I place the plastic lid on. Works like a charm and you considerably extend the shelf life. Especially, if it's stored in a cool place such as underground. 


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