Government runs ads to get more people on food stamps - Jun. 25, 2012

The federal government is running radio ads to boost enrollment in food stamps.

The federal government is running radio ads to boost enrollment in food stamps.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- More than one in seven Americans are on food stamps, but the federal government wants even more people to sign up for the safety net program.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been running radio ads for the past four months encouraging those eligible to enroll. The campaign is targeted at the elderly, working poor, the unemployed and Hispanics.

Obama's economy: A snapshot
Here's a look at where the economy stood when the president took office in 2009, and what's changed since.

The department is spending between $2.5 million and $3 million on paid spots, and free public service announcements are also airing. The campaign can be heard in California, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, and the New York metro area.

"Research has shown that many people -- particularly underserved seniors, working poor, and legal immigrants -- do not understand the requirements of the program," said Kevin Concannon, a USDA under secretary.

The radio ads, which run through June 30, come amid a bitter partisan fight over the safety net program.


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Long ago, I received food stamps.They helped. They also are a trap to subsidize the terminally ignorant and  lazy. The economic stress of inflation with the cessation of personal productive enterprise spells doom. Food stamps help the elderly live earned retirements. Food stamps prepare one for being carted off. Food stamps make people forget their need to be tied to the land. Food stamps are the ghetto blaster and the hi-watt thump-thump-thump for the belly.

   You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone, for these times they are achanging.

agreed- trap for the terminally ignorant and lazy! and greedy :(

I started a tiny garden in a tiny apartment patio. I don't know why everyone doesn't grow their own foods. Potatoes are the easiest thing in the world- plant a small potato, fill dirt around the stems that sprout out around it. Reap lots of potatoes. Had to tear out some of my tomato plants, they got so big. Planted a garlic section I got from the grocery store I pulled off of a head that looked "live". Top of an onion I cut off for hamburgers sprouted green shoots, planted that too. Being lazy or not having a green thumb is no excuse. All plants need is water, sun, soil. I live in one of the most inhospitable weather areas in Arizona, yet I can still grow many things I need to eat, and in the smallest space you can imagine. Anyone and everyone should follow my suit.

The unequivocal implication of this piece is i nothing but rabble rousing racism/ethnicism.

 "The gov.campaign is targeted at the elderly, working poor, the unemployed and Hispanics." (My emphasis)

Surely the ads are not meant that merely  being Hispanic automatically places one in the fat stamp eligibility category of elderly, working poor, an unemployed. Whether purposefully done so or the result unconscious bias (comatose stupidity)

james Φοίνιξ  comes across as Jejune Jimmy Bovine.

it has nothing to do with bias! Don't miss the forest for that (hispanic) tree. Don't you get it, they want EVERYONE on food stamps!

This is VERY interesting. I'd like to say- being someone with intimate knowledge of the whole food stamp program, that invasive questions are asked on the application to receive benefits: who do you live with, their soc sec #s, if they are US citizens, your bank acct numbers, well just about anything there is to know about you and anyone ELSE in contact with you. When you show up for the appointment for your fingerprint scan, you are also asked for your "picture". This is what you are told: picture. It's an IRIS scan. I was not aware of this until AFTER my "picture" was taken (yes, I did, sighs) I looked it up later, and apparently this "picture taking" is completely VOLUNTARY. You are NOT told this before hand. Now, look at things this way: everyone is poor. Everyone realizes how easy it is to get on food stamp/EBT. Everyone has an IRIS scan. Get the idea? I am now wondering if Minority Report was just a pre-warning, so to speak.

Who's on the back of the food stamp EBT card? JP Morgan. Yes, your EBT card is run by JP Morgan. ALL are. Everyone on food stamps

Everyone has IRIS scan

Everyone under JP Morgan's control, all of their identifcation, their parent's names, room mates/family members social security numbers, bank accounts.

Sounds tin foil hatty, but could this be that mark of the beast thing we're hearing about?

There are people who abuse food stamps, or anything else for that matter. The elderly, handicapped, and kids who don't have the ability to grow anything go hungry, and they have no choice. Tax money to ensure people who can't are filled is a hell of a lot better than spending this same amount in a day of blowing people up somewhere. During the Bush administration 62% of the kids in America went to bed hungry, and I'm told that has grown. That is a tragedy in the land of supposedly plenty, or more like a crime. Those of us who share a lot of what we grow in our community gets lower every year, big agri isn't going to do it and neither will people in a community. Hell, most have no clue how to plant more than they need and share, let alone preserve. I don't want to see anybody go hungry and if seeing a few bellies full means a few take advantage, so what. How many on websites actually produce enough to live on, and some to spare? I have neighbors that talk about this, put out maybe 10 Tomato plants, a few cucumbers and call that a garden. I really don't care what color, religion, etc, etc is... nobody need be hungry.  

Thanks- speaking of having all of your information, google mossad and gmail. Eric Schmidt just teamed up with Mossad.

Our State Department uses gmail, and the google cloud

OK, then you have JP Morgan running the entire EBT system. It was brought to my attention how easy it is to get on EBT. In my area (Phoenix AZ) some neighborhoods are 50% EBT card users! wow. It's TOO easy to get on the band wagon. It's only 200. per month at MOST for benefits. I am about to get off of mine- I dont mind telling you all in public I am on them although personally I am embarrassed. Not to get free stuff, but because I am supposed to be some anti NWO/"establishment" person.

Remember the census was used to round up the Japanese for the internment camps. JP Morgan, Google, Gmail- all under the control of Mossad and/or AIPAC. Anything you do or say CAN and WILL be used against us. I make no secret of being a person who is quick to expose the workings of the synagogue of satan, and I am certain it will be used against me in a court of law, if I live so long to experience it as Christ warned us of this in the future.

I was shocked- I mean, really amazed at the information requested of me when applying. They asked questions about persons not related to me, who are in my "realm" so to speak. There IS a way around this: say no. Tell them, that this so and so person is not applying, so you will not share that information. I have other things to say to a person applying, but for legal reasons I wont' share here. I say, don't take the benefit PERIOD. Especially the state health program. Ever heard of "sayanim"? It is real, friends- very real and not a rumor. Look online for "Israeli criminal gangs" just for fun. Much information, that should be on the news and isn't. I am talking about police actions against organized gangs, very sinister organizations that can and probably affect YOU directly. For instance wonder why so many fake listings for "locksmiths" in yellow pages? ok, off on a tangent now! But I assure you, it's all related and apropo to the subject at hand.

I urge all of you to please read, even a chapter a day, Pawns in the Game by WG Carr if you haven't already, and/or "The Synagogue of Satan-(aka satan- Prince of This World" both free, both online for you to read.

whew- enough for me now, will write later God willing. Thanks for sharing and your kind support.

Take nothing from these evil pricks, give the same in return!!! This US Axis of Evil WANTS you dependent on them, easier to control then. Have nothing to do w/ this current clusterfuch and quit supporting this evil!!!

An older article involving Goldman Sachs and how they help create the food crisis.
The gov controls the public with food. Keep them happy with food.

USA = United State of Affairs,  = a sad state of affairs + meddling in everyone else's affairs!


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