Comment by TheLasersShadow - Best break down of this thing >> live now!


  Comment by Blowback  - Looks like Ryan Lanza is on Facebook alive and well saying it wasnt him....

Second man wearing camouflage led out of woods in handcuffs, said 'I did not do it' (14 Dec 2012) A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, "I did not do it."

A Timeline of events at Newtown:

"A source told The Post Ryan has told investigators he last saw Adam in 2010 and that Adam is autistic."

abc/cbs Conn local: Mother found shot to death at home, not at the school.

Shooter carrying other person's ID, left 2 more guns in car --'We're drilling all the time, practicing all the time for these events' -Mayor of Danbury, CT --'New school safety measures' had been implemented--and yet, a man dressed in military garb will a bullet-proof vest gained entrance? --Shooting took place at three diffrerent locations inside the school 14 Dec 2012

The initial reports of a second gunman are, of course, disappearing now. It is being replaced with "a lone gunman" who was later found dead. There is no evidence or eyewitness testimony suggesting "suicide", although I'm sure that's what they will say.

However, more than three guns were found on the alleged shooter's body and in the car. Furthermore, it is being reported that the shooting occurred in three different locations of the school, and the death toll certainly was high. These facts tend to support the possibility that the initial reports were correct and that there was a second assailant.

Another crucial question is how the assailant was even able to enter the school. The main doors are locked during classes, and they had recently implemented new safety measures. How did a man wearing military garb and a bulletproof vest manage to enter? Also, wasn't a "suspect with a bulletproof vest" the initial report in the Portland mall shooting?  

The Mayor of Danbury, Connecticut said:

"We're drilling all the time, practicing all the time for these events"

The suspected shooter, Adam Lanza, is autistic, or has aspergers syndrome and a “personality disorder,” his elder brother Adam Lanza told authorities, ABC reports.

WCBS-TV: CBS News learns gunman in Connecticut school shooting died from self-inflicted gunshot wound

Newtown, Conn. School District Had Recently Installed New Safety Protocols

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — In the wake of the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that left more than two dozen people dead, including 18 children, CBS 2 has learned the school district had just installed a new safety policy designed to prevent situations such as what happened on Friday.

CNN’s Piers Morgan Calls for Immediate Handgun Ban as Gun Control Shills Seek to Exploit Mass Shooting Tradegy

Michael Moore Calls For “Strict Gun Control” After School Massacre

Gun control debate erupts on Twitter

Politicians Call Connecticut Shooting ‘Senseless,’ Some Urge Gun Restrictions
Politicians on Twitter and in written statements reacted with horror to the school shooting that left 27 people dead, including 18 children, in Newton, Conn., Friday.

"Deeply shocked and saddened": Queen sends message to President Barack Obama
The monarch sent the messsage after Mr Obama made an emotional address to the nation

petitions the gun grabbers have started

we petition the obama administration to:
Today IS the day: Sponsor strict gun control laws in the wake of the CT school massacre
871 Signatures
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Start the process to enact Federal Gun control reforms.
974 Signatures
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Make Mental Health a National Emergency
632 Signatures
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begin a national conversation on sensible gun control.
1,511 Signatures
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create a national commission to review our gun laws and recommend legislation to address the epidemic of gun violence.
1,115 Signatures
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Set a date and time to have a conversation about gun policy in the United States.
5,471 Signatures
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Immediately address the issue of gun control through the introduction of legislation in Congress.
12,049 Signatures

06:02 PM ET

Children and adults gunned down in Connecticut school massacre

  • 20 children, six adults and the shooter are dead after shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut
  • Gov. Malloy: "A number of our citizens, beautiful children, had their life taken away from them"
  • Below are the latest updates as they come to us or you can read our story of the Connecticut school shooting

[Updated at 6:02 p.m. ET] "Evil visited this community today," Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy just told reporters in Newtown. "And it's too early to speak of recovery, but each parent, each sibling, each member of the family has to understand that Connecticut - we're all in this together.

"We'll do whatever we can to overcome this event. We will get through it. But this is a terrible time for this community and these families."

[Updated at 5:14  p.m. ET] The mother of the suspected shooter was found dead in her son's residence in Newtown, a law enforcement source with detailed knowledge of the investigation told CNN. CNN had previously identified the mother as Nancy Lanza, a teacher at the Sandy Hook Elementary, according to law enforcement sources.

The source also told CNN there was no body found in the house searched by authorities in Hoboken, New Jersey. Two law enforcement sources say a man was taken away from questioning from that house. He is believed to be the brother of the shooter, according to the sources.

The first law enforcement source says the school shooter was dressed in "black battle fatigues and a military vest."

The Bushmaster .223 found at the scene is a semi automatic weapon, the source says. Two other weapons found were handguns, a Sig-Sauer and a Glock.

[Updated at 5:10  p.m. ET] We just learned that Governor Dannel P. Malloy will be speaking at Treadwell Park in Newtown, Connecticut, at 6:00 p.m. ET.

[Updated at 5:04  p.m. ET] We've just received a statement from U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan about the shooting:

"School shootings are always incomprehensible and horrific tragedies. But words fail to describe today's heartbreaking and savage attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School. As the father of two children in elementary school, I can barely imagine the anguish and losses suffered today by the Newtown community.

"Our hearts and prayers go out to every parent, child, teacher, staff member, and administrator at Sandy Hook and the surrounding community. And our thanks go out to every teacher, staff member, and first responder who cared for, comforted, and protected children from harm, often at risk to themselves. We will do everything in our power to assist and support the healing and recovery of Newtown."

[Updated at 5:01  p.m. ET] Law enforcement officials are not prepared to identify the shooter right now, Connecticut State PoliceLt. J. Paul Vance said in a press conference.

Vance said that they are working diligently at the crime scene as well as with the medical examiner to identify the victims.

"We will leave no stone unturned," Vance added about the entire investigation.

[Updated at 4:54 p.m. ET] We are now being told there was no body found in the Hoboken, New Jersey, home as had been previously reported.

[Updated at 4:23 p.m. ET] We have learned that Connecticut police have searched the suspected gunman's home and place of employment in the wake of Friday's mass shooting, Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

They have also interviewed his friends, relatives and "everyone who possibly had any connection with him whatsoever," he said.

[Updated at 4:11 p.m. ET] Police did not discharge their weapons at any time when responding at the school, police spokesman Lt. Paul Vance told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. However, he could not confirm whether the suspected shooter - who died at the scene - killed himself, saying that would have to be determined by the medical examiner.

[Updated at 4:07 p.m. ET] Mark Kelly, who's lived through this kind of horror, has issued a statement. He's the husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords who was shot in the head at a massacre in Tucson, Arizona, in January 2011. Here's what he said:

I just woke up in my hotel room in Beijing, China, to learn that another mass shooting has taken place - this time at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims and the entire community of Newtown, CT. I just spoke to Gabby, and she sends her prayers from Tucson.

As we mourn, we must sound a call for our leaders to stand up and do what is right. This time our response must consist of more than regret, sorrow, and condolence. The children of Sandy Hook Elementary School and all victims of gun violence deserve leaders who have the courage to participate in a meaningful discussion about our gun laws - and how they can be reformed and better enforced to prevent gun violence and death in America. This can no longer wait.

[Updated at 3:56 p.m. ET] The principal killed was Dawn Hochsprung. We received this photo via

[Updated at 3:54 p.m. ET] Three guns were found at the scene, CNN's Susan Candiotti reports. According to a law enforcement source, the third weapon found on the scene was a .223 Bushmaster. The other weapons, previously reported, are a Glock, and a Sig-Sauer. No word on the models of Glock or Sig-Sauer.

[Updated at 3:51 p.m. ET] A federal law enforcement source tells CNN's John King the information from the scene is that the shooter arrived and headed directly toward and to his mother’s classroom. That and the other information now emerging - another family member killed, police interviews - lead them to believe his mother was the primary target. But they note he also came armed with clear intention of mass killing.

[Updated at 3:45 p.m. ET] There were a total of 27 people dead at the school, Lt. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police said.

Six adults, 20 children and the shooter were killed. Eighteen students were pronounced dead at the scene, and two others died at the hospital, said Lt. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police. The six adults died at the scene.

[Updated at 3:43 p.m. ET] Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance has just said that the shooting took place in one section of the school and in two rooms.

[Updated at 3:33 p.m. ET] Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy called the mass shooting "a tragedy of unspeakable terms."

"Earlier today a tragedy of unspeakable terms played itself out in this community," Malloy said, adding that "you can never be prepared for this kind of incident.

"A number of our citizens, beautiful children, had their life taken away from them as well as adults whose responsibility it was to educate and supervise those children," Malloy said.

[Updated at 3:22 p.m. ET] It appears that another member of the alleged shooter's family is dead. A senior law enforcement official familiar with the investigation says a brother of the alleged shooter was found dead in a home searched in Hoboken, New Jersey. We already knew the suspect's mother was found dead in the elementary school.

[Updated at 3:16 p.m. ET] From the president: "I offered Gov. Malloy my condolences on behalf of the nation."

The president appears to be emotional, he's wiping his eye.

Here's more of what he's saying:

"We've endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years. Each time I learn the news I react not as a president but as anybody else would as a parent.

"That was especially true today.

"I know there's not a parent in America that doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief that I do.

"The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old.

"They had their entire lives ahead of them, birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own.

Obama sighed.

"Among the fallen were also teachers - men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams. Our hearts are broken today for the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers of these children and the families of the adults we lost.

"Our hearts are broken for the parents of the survivors as well, for as blessed as they are to have their children home tonight, they know that their children’s innocence has been torn away from them too early, and there are no words that will ease their pain.

"As a country, we have been through this too many times. Whether it’s an elementary school in Newtown, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theater in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago - these neighborhoods are our neighborhoods, and these children are our children. And we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.

"This evening Michelle and I will do whah every parent in America will do - hug our children a little tighter and tell them that we love them.

"There are families in Connecticut that cannot do that tonight and they need all of us tonight.

"May god bless the memory of the victims and in the words of scripture heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds."

[Updated at 3:14 p.m. ET] The president will talk soon. You can watch him on our live stream here.

[Updated at 3:12 p.m. ET] President Obama has ordered flags to be lowered to half-staff as a mark of respect for the victims “of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut,” according to a release from the White House.

[Updated at 3:09 p.m. ET] The suspect's mother was shot and killed at the school, according to source close to the investigation. She was a teacher there.

And we now know that Ryan Lanza, the suspected gunman, was 24.

[Updated at 3:01 p.m. ET] The principal and guidance counselor at Sandy Hook Elementary School were both killed during the shooting, according to a witness that spoke to CNN.

[Updated at 2:52 p.m. ET] We have just learned via a tweet from House Speaker John Boehner that flags at the U.S. Capitol will be lowered.

[Updated at 2:47 p.m. ET] President Obama will make a statement on the tragedy at 3:15 p.m. ET. We'll have that live on CNN TV and right here.

[Updated at 2:45 p.m. ET] Various locations are being used as staging areas around Newtown. This is outside the Newtown Methodist Church near the school where a woman is hugging a child.

[Updated at 2:39 p.m. ET] Federal law enforcement officials have told CNN's John King that the shooting happened quickly and happened in a concentrated area.

[Updated at 2:32 p.m. ET] Connecticut Gov. Malloy will be in Newtown and talk about the tragedy today at 3:30 p.m. ET.

[Updated at 2:20 p.m. ET] We are now hearing from CNN's Mary Snow, who is reporting from outside the suspect's home, that dozens of law enforcement officials are on the scene.

Neighbors are "shaken," Snow said.

[Updated at 2:11 p.m. ET] CNN's Susan Candiotti has just reported that a law enforcement official tells her the suspect is named Ryan Lanza and he is in his 20s.

[Updated at 2:09 p.m. ET] We're hearing even more devastating news out of Newtown, Connecticut. CNN's Susan Candiotti has been told that 18 to 20 of the dead are children.

[Updated at 2:07 p.m. ET] CNN's Jessica Yellin is reporting that we're likely to hear from President Obama today on the school shooting, according to a senior administration official. We don't know when our where we may hear from President Obama.

[Updated at 2:04 p.m. ET] Lisa Procaccini, the parent of an 8-year-old at the school, tells CNN that her daughter said school officials kept her calm during the shooting and told her the loud noise was hammering going on.

Eventually police came in and let her daughter and her teacher leave the school building.

"I'm even kind of numb about what's going on," she told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "I'm in a state of shock. I don't know how Im going to handle having [my daughter] know ... about the whole situation."

[Updated at 1:57 p.m. ET]  The death toll is closer to 30 than 20, a federal law enforcement source in Washington told CNN's John King.  Most of those killed are children, the source said.

The source also said the suspected gunman, who is dead, had a connection to the school. He would not elaborate on that connection. The source is in touch with authorities on the scene.

[Updated at 1:53 p.m. ET] Congresswoman-elect Elizabeth Esty, who was recently won a seat representing a district that includes Newtown, Connecticut, just released the following statement on the tragedy:

As a mother, I can only begin to imagine what the students, parents, teachers and staff of Sandy Hook Elementary must be experiencing. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone impacted by this horrific tragedy. While details are still emerging, I hope for the safety and well being of the children, teachers and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary and for the Newtown community.

[Updated at 1:51 p.m. ET] We have just learned that the suspected shooter is 20-years-old, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation tells CNN’s Susan Candiotti.

[Updated at 1:47 p.m. ET] A few more details from the White House press briefing earlier. White House spokesman Jay Carney said while today is not the day to debate gun policy, an assault weapons ban "does remain a commitment" of President Obama.

[Updated at 1:45 p.m. ET]  We are now learning that a male is being questioned by investigators, but he is not being called a suspect, CNN's Susan Candiotti reports.

[Updated at 1:42 p.m. ET] Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance said the shooter is dead inside the school.

Vance said there are a number of fatalities that includes both children and adults. He did not add more details about how many people were killed during the school shooting.

[Updated at 1:41 p.m. ET] Police have now begun their briefing on the shooting.

[Updated at 1:32 p.m. ET] We're hearing more from the scene of the massacre through tweets and interviews.

[Updated at 1:23 p.m. ET] President Obama has spoken to FBI Director Robert Mueller and Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy to get the latest information and express his condolences, White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

[Updated at 1:21 p.m. ET] We're now hearing that it may be a while for the briefing from the police.

[Updated at 1:17 p.m. ET] This was the scene from the air earlier, taken by News 12 Connecticut, with emergency vehicles in the school parking lot.

[Updated at 1:09 p.m. ET] The police are set to give a news conference soon where we'll learn more. We'll bring that to you as soon as it starts.

[Updated at 1:07 p.m. ET] Here's the chilling account told to CNN's Meredith Artley of what happened at the school.

[Updated at 12:59 p.m. ET] Many people are talking again about gun control. But White House spokesman Jay Carney isn't joining in for now.

"I think it's important on a day like today to view this as I know the president, as a father does and I as a father and others who are parents certainly do, which is to feel enormous sympathy for families that are affected and to do everything we can to support state and local law enforcement and support those who are enduring what appears to be a very tragic event.  There is, I'm sure, will be, rather, a day for discussion of the usual Washington policy debates but I don't think today is that day.

[Updated at 12:57 p.m. ET] From the News Times reporter at the school:

[Updated at 12:48 p.m. ET] "Close to 20” people have been killed, including at least 10 children, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation says.

[Updated at 12:47 p.m. ET] President Barack Obama has been informed of the school shooting in Connecticut and will receive regular updates throughout the day, the White House said on Friday.

[Updated at 12:27 p.m. ET] The mom who spoke to CNN's Meredith Artley said she heard "at least 100 rounds" being fired.

The shooting began about 9:35 a.m., the parent said. There was a "pop pop pop" in the hall outside the room. Three people went out of the room into the hall where the sounds had come from. "Only one person came back," we were told.

The witness told Artley that she then called 911. She said she never saw the shooter but she later was escorted outside the room past two bodies lying in blood.

[Updated at 12:20 p.m. ET] A third-grader describes the shooting to WTNH:

[Updated at 12:16 p.m. ET] Two adults were killed, according to a parent who was at the school during the incident, and who talked to our colleague Meredith Artley.

[Updated at 12:12 p.m. ET] We just got this from U.S. Senator-elect Chris Murphy:

"I am shocked and saddened by the horrific news from Sandy Hook Elementary School this morning, and I pray that kids, teachers, staff, and families reach safety as quickly as possible. While we don't have much information right now, our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones."

[Updated at 12:05 p.m. ET] The shooter's body is in a classroom, a source with knowledge of the investigation tells CNN’s Susan Candiotti.

[Updated at 12:02 p.m. ET] Multiple local media are reporting there are fatalities. We're checking.

[Updated at noon ET] News Times reporter Libor Jany reports that all Newtown schools are on lockdown.

[Updated at 11:58 a.m. ET] Danbury Hospital confirms it's treating some victims. It says this on its Facebook page:

To date, three patients have been transported to Danbury Hospital from the scene. Out of abundance of caution and not because of any direct threat Danbury Hospital is under lockdown. This allows us simply to focus on the important work at hand.

[Updated at 11:54 a.m. ET] Connecticut House Rep. John Frey has nieces and a nephew at the school and is tweeting updates.

[Updated at 11:47 a.m. ET] The dad of a student at the school told CNN affiliate WTNH there were about 600 pupils in the building at the time of the shooting.

[Updated at 11:45 a.m. ET] At least three people were wounded and are in "very serious" condition at a hospital in Danbury, Connecticut, that town's mayor, Mark Boughton told CNN. He couldn't say whether the victims were children.

[Updated at 11:44 a.m. ET] Andrew Doba, Director of Communications with Connecticut Governor Malloy's office, says they are  coordinating with local authorities and state police. They continue to monitor developments in Newtown. The governor is in Connecticut today.

[Updated at 11:40 a.m. ET] We're getting live pictures from the scene from CNN affiliates.

[Updated at 11:34 a.m. ET] The shooter is dead, a source with knowledge of the investigation, tells CNN’s Susan Candiotti.

Police have recovered two weapons from him, the source added.

It's not known whether police killed the alleged shooter or he took his own life. The source says one weapon recovered is a Glock and the other is a Sig Sauer.

[Updated at 11:27 a.m. ET] The Hartford Courant, citing police, said an unspecified number of people had been shot. The nature of their injuries was unclear, the newspaper said. But it cited police in saying one person had "numerous gunshot wounds."

[Updated at 11:19 a.m. ET] Affiliate WTNH says children are being taken to a nearby firehouse.

[Updated at 11:10 a.m. ET] Details are still really sketchy, but we now have a photo from the Newtown Bee of children being led from the scene.

[Updated at 11:03 a.m. ET] We're still getting details in of how many people may have been hurt.

Newtown is southwest of Hartford:

[Updated at 10:53 a.m. ET] Sandy Hook school is on lockdown and students are not being evacuated, a Newtown police spokesman tells us.

[Posted at 10:30 a.m. ET] Breaking news coming in - Connecticut State Police are responding to reports of a shooting at a Newtown elementary school in southwestern Connecticut, according to police spokesman Lt. Paul Vance.

We'll bring you more details as soon as we get them.

Our affiliates in the area are saying the school is the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

CT Now says injuries are being reported. 

27 dead, including 20 kids, in Newtown, Conn., elementary school ...
7 hours ago - A mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. rocked Sandy Hook Elementary School on .... “It's alarming, especially in Newtown, Connecticut, which we always thought ...
Newtown, Ct. school shooting update: Multiple fatalities with ...
6 hours ago - A shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Ct is reported on Friday morning Dec. 14, 2012, here is a time line of the early reports by the ...
LIVE UPDATES: Newtown, CT School Shooting - ABC News

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"*Brother has told investigators that Adam was 'autistic'"... that is curious. If there is any truth to that, how could he have purchased guns? It just doesn't make any sense. I've been reading numerous articles about children/young adults with autism also having very violent episodes and behavior. I even know of a mother with two autistic boys, one is in prison right now. I also work with a man who has an autistic son who is always getting into trouble, acting out violently against himself and others, ectera...

So, it would make sense that Adam suffered from a 'personality disorder' being that he was autistic. And I'm sure he was on some kind of pyschotropic too which aggravates the situation.

It's all still very troubling and sad however. This tragedy should have never happened.

Principal and school psychologist were killed 'execution style' - CT shooting 14 Dec 2012 According to Rabbi Shaul Praver, Newtown, the school principal and psychologist were killed 'execution style,' before the gunman shot others at Sandy Hook Elementary School. (MSNBC).
Second man wearing camouflage led out of woods in handcuffs, said 'I did not do it' --27 Dead, Including 20 Children, In Elementary School Shooting 14 Dec 2012 The Associated Press quoted an official as saying the suspected gunman drove to the school in his mother's car. Another law enforcement source earlier told CBS News that a Sig Sauer, a Glock 9 and a Bushmaster [high-powered military] rifle were found at the scene. Preliminary information showed that [Adam] Lanza purchased the weapons legally. CBS News reports that a potential second suspect was in custody and that SWAT was investigating the home of the suspect. It was not known if that alleged second suspect fired any of the shots in the massacre. A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, "I did not do it."
Curiouser and curiouser: Shooter carrying other person's ID, left 2 more guns in car --'We're drilling all the time, practicing all the time for these events' -Mayor of Danbury, CT --'New school safety measures' had been implemented--and yet, a man dressed in military garb will a bullet-proof vest gained entrance? --CT State Police: Bomb squad brought in --Shooting took place at three different locations inside the school 14 Dec 2012.
Shooter wore military garb, carried three guns --Shooter found shot to death --Lanza family member found dead in Newtown, CT -- 2nd man was in a van nearby, but police said that the second individual was not connected to shooting --'State Police confirm that one shooter is dead. A second gunman is apparently at large, sources told ABC News.' 14 Dec 2012.
Twenty schoolchildren, eight others dead in Connecticut massacre 14 Dec 2012 Twenty schoolchildren were slaughtered by a heavily armed gunman who opened fire at a suburban elementary school in Connecticut on Friday, ultimately killing at least 27 people including himself in the one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history. The 20-year-old gunman, identified by law enforcement sources as Adam Lanza, fired what witnesses described as dozens of shots at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, which serves children from ages 5 to 10. Authorities found 18 children and seven adults, including the gunman, dead at the school, and two children were pronounced dead later after being taken to a hospital. Another adult was found dead at a related crime scene in Newtown, bringing the toll to 28, state police Lieutenant Paul Vance said.

Connecticut shooting: Gunman forced his way into school, police say

He looks bug-eyed! James Holmes, the Colorado shooter, also had protruding eyeballs.

New Details About The Life Of Sandy Hook Shooting Suspect Adam Lanza

New details are emerging about the troubling circumstances surrounding Adam Lanza, who allegedly shot and killed his mother Nancy at their home in Newtown, Conn. Friday morning before going to Sandy Hook Elementary school and killing 20 children, six adults and himself.

Former high school classmates told The New York Times that Adam had Asperger’s syndrome.

So he did suffer with Asperger's syndrome (Autism). I still don't get how he came into possession of firearms though. Something still doesn't jive with the whole story. I can't bring myself to say... YES, it's another false flag as of yet, but I do believe there are many questions still lingering.  

I am affected by Asperger's syndrome, although it is a minor disability in my case. I am certainly nonviolent. Although you are familiar with violence prone autistic people, what do studies of violence among autistic or Asperger's syndrome cases show? Convicted felons cannot own guns, anyway.

One sign of Asperger's is misunderstanding social cues. Thank God! If Asperger's separates me from the herd animals, I am grateful! I caught on to 9/11 on 9/11!

This will probably be used to attempt to ban gun ownership for anyone with a psychiatric label. I'm sure the psychiatrists could concoct something for everyone who wants to own a gun.

"Mass murderer Adam Lanza, 20, was a ticking time bomb, people who knew him told  the Daily News."

“This was a deeply disturbed kid,” a family insider told  the Daily News. “He certainly had major issues. He was subject to outbursts from  what I recall.”

"Lanza, who friends and officials said suffered from  Asperger’s syndrome or a personality disorder, had a tortured mind."

Nancy Lanza, 54, whom Adam murdered inside the home the two shared, reportedly  had worked at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But more recently, she was taking  care of her son.

“She needed to be home with Adam,” the family insider  said."

"Nancy was known as a pillar of the community, while neighbors  viewed her troubled son as a terror."

Read more:

Sounds like a sociopath to me. I'm not sold that there's a bigger conspiracy than this yet.

This video defines what is really going on with the shooting. Adam Lanza may have just been a patsy who never fired a shot. Police apprehended 2 other gunmen who have disappeared. Adam Lanza's father is scheduled to testify at the LIBOR hearings, just like Colorado framed shooter, James Holmes!!!

Sandy Hook Elem: 3 Shooters (A CLOSE LOOK)


Another youtube "Sandy Hoax Surprise Victims Still Alive"



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