Before I stopped coming down with any kind of a virus (In October 2006), I always used a niacin flush when I had a cold  or the flu. It forces blood into capillaries (the smallest blood vessels), which improves the reach of the immune system. It also cleans out toxins from tissues where there is usually poor blood flow. A niacin flush seemed to terminate any respiratory illness I had, in short order.

Don't use time-release niacin, it is been shown to be hard on the liver, for what reason I know not. And flush-free niacin of course, does no good in this area. I've never seen plain niacin at Mal Wart, by the way, just the other two.

I take 100 mg per day. That is the usual dose the tablets come in. If you take 100 mg and have a flush, that means you likely have a mild deficiency. The syndrome that arises from being deficient in niacin looks very much like schizophrenia, and has other, non-mental aspects.

In fact, an agrarian community in Mexico tried to live solely off of corn, for a while. The whole population developed schizophrenia, due to a lack of niacin in their diet. This led to mass deaths, of course. It has also been demonstrated that niacin has a very positive effect on schizophrenics.

Do not, however, go nuts and take a multi-gram dose, as Scientologists do with their cleansing protocol. Multi-gram doses of niacin are very hard on the liver. I took four grams once, one of several things I did to prepare for a surprise drug test the next day. I had pain, like a mixture of electric shock and being burned by flames, all over my skin. I mean writhing on the floor pain. I eventually discovered that benadryl made the pain go away, as it does with sun poisoning. I did pass the test, though.

If you're taking it for nutrition, I would take 100 mg per day. Try 200 mg for a flush, 1 day after you've taken 100. If that doesn't produce a flush, try 300 the next day. I wouldn't go above 400 mg, for a flush, not for  every day. "Flush" means your skin will get red and itchy, and you may feel hot as well. It should dissipate totally within about 45 minutes. A niacin flush will also increase intestinal motility.

Some people do niacin flushes to aid their general health. I wouldn't do them more often than once every 3 weeks.

Niacin can also be used to terminate the experience with many, but not all psychedelic drugs, such as LSD.

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I'm vitamin C man. I take about 10 gram per day in 2 gram doses. I don't remember having a major clean-up of my body. ( So called flu ) It usually means my toxin levels are low. Also, it's good to remember "You are what you eat".

I take 12 supplements every day.  Among those is 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine. It's a good liver detoxicant. It aids in the digestion of proteins, is incorporated into collagen, and Russian scientists discovered it has cognitive-enhancing properties. They use it in nebulizers with emphysema patients. Dad (he has COPD) and I tried that, but I can't recommend it. It has a very sulfurous and vinegar odor and taste when atomized, and it causes a burning sensation in the lungs. I guess if the alternative was not being able to breathe. Doesn't bother my stomach though.

Some people use it for a chelator for heavy metals. This is a mistake. Like other over the counter "chelators", it only has one chemical "hook", unlike the prescription ones, that have two. OTC chelators, what happens is, they let go of the heavy metal molecule / atom before it gets all the way out of the body. The result is that the heavy metals accumulate in the brain more. But 600 or even 1200 mg per day should not have a measurable effect.

Thank you, Chris. Vitamin C in large doses gives me nausea, sometimes stomach  pain. I otherwise have a "cast iron" stomach. On the subject of "you are what you eat", it has been demonstrated in the lab that beef eaten by mice, some of the DNA passes into the mouse's body and becomes incorporated into it's DNA (but not in a heritable manner).

Eek! "A fly.. got into the machine with me." - Seth Brundle

I currently take 8 to 10 supplements a day, the most crucial is Ascorbic Acid.  Work your way up to 7 or 9 grams in powder form and you’re immune to any and all degenerative illnesses and common colds or the flu.
The Linus Pauling protocol for Vitamin C. He wrote several books on the health benefits of vitamin C and he lived to the ripe old age of 92. 

The only thing I don't like about C, other than the stomach issues, its that taking it diminishes the absorption of B12. My brain has to come first. I've spent a lot of money, time and effort on improving it. In any case, I do take C, and you reminded me that I'm out of it. Thanks.

Dianne, Chris and Mr. Sizzle - Thank you for the likes!


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