Notice of 2016 Storage Limit and Pricing Plan Changes Ning

We appreciate your business and the opportunity to bring social media services at competitive rates.  However, like all companies, we face increases in costs each year.  We have a percentage of uniquely successful customers with large numbers of memberships that require the storage and delivery of large amounts of content.  As a result, it has become necessary to increase rates on those networks requiring larger storage space on our servers.  

In order to continue providing the best service to our top tier customers and our network as a whole, we are compelled to adjust our subscription plans in 2016 to address the increasing costs associated with maintaining our Ning infrastructure. As a result, we are taking the following actions:

  • Instituting a 100,000 membership cap and a 500 GB data storage limit on the Ning 2.0 Pro plan
  • Instituting a 1 GB data storage limit on the Ning 3.0 Basic plan
  • Instituting a 10 GB data storage limit on the Ning 3.0 Performance plan
  • Instituting a 500 GB data storage limit on the Ning 3.0 Ultimate plan
  • Implementing a new tier of subscription plans to support our top tier networks

As of January 1, 2016 the new subscription plans will go into effect for both Ning 2.0 and Ning 3.0 networks and our subscription plan structure will be as follows:

Ning 2.0 




Business Plus


Price  (Monthly)






Price (Annually) $19.95 $239.90 $599.90 $5,000 $10,000

Member Limit




100K - 1M

1M ­ 1.5M

Storage Limit

1 GB

10 GB

500 GB

501 GB - 1 TB

1 TB - 3 TB

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Other ning sites sell advertising space at a reasonable cost.

why not delete old post, I'm sure many are no longer needed.

I could probably free-up a gig or so if I go over & delete all the stupid drunken comments that I made. (starting with this one) :)

yeah, can't we all lmao, but seriously shouldn't everything just drop off after 3 or 4 years, just saying.

T. HuMaN's Photos (4,496)

thuman, might as well upload pics again, this storage limit issue now moot, our rent goes up despite all this notice OCT 1st. 


44.76 GB
update--site bills are covered for a very short while...if we go over storage...pls note admins + t-human... your 1000s of pics take up a lot (link in site help group comment section post noted this months ago).

long and short, after looking in to it, I found previous donations have left a surplus. Our cost wasn't raised as previously stated ... Seems as a result of threatened law suits against Ning .

Stuff has to be deleted ASAP or the bill will go up permanently and forever . I'm not doing this...or anything else...the site is in your hands admins *still here*

...this is my last comment on it unless directly asked.




What's new"

Was hoping some one would lead the way here...

Bill money will need raised .. or perhaps a gofund me page needs set up as tara said in her last admin group email 5 months ago...

should the site wait for the bill to double or are we going to delete some content... we are at 47gig over 50 doubles bill... site domain name bill is due too.


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